Matt and Friends Drink the Universe

Aliens, UFOs, Little Green Men

Matt and Friends Drink The Universe Episode 26

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Ever wondered if the tales of little green men have a shred of truth to them? Matt is joined by Christa, Mike "Big Z", and Rob as well as special guest B. Harrison Smith. Harrison, the creative mind behind the upcoming film "Little Green Men," joins us for an interstellar discussion that's as intoxicating as the themed drinks we're sipping on. 

To further the conversation and for some added fun, Matt has gathered several UFO/UAP stories, some true and some false. Christa, Big Z, and Rob will have to  collaborate with Harrison to see if they can figure out which stories are true and which are false. From the enigmatic lights of German folklore to the Washington D.C. UFO frenzy of '52, we're exploring the uncharted territories of the unknown—with a shot spinner to help chart our course. 

Aliens, time travelers, or interdimensional interlopers—whatever your theory on UFOs, we're contemplating them all. Dive into the Dark Forest theory and the probabilities of sentient life beyond Earth, and while we're at it, let's not forget to share our own close encounters and the perplexing connections between ancient structures and potential otherworldly visits.

As we wrap up our cosmic cruise, we take a detour through the controversial Ancient Aliens theory and its impact on scientific inquiry. We recount tales of our visits to history's great marvels, from Chichen Itza to Machu Picchu, pondering the mysteries that mainstream history might have missed. Whether it's discussing advanced ancient civilizations or recollecting that eerie Jersey Turnpike sighting, we're here to navigate the intricate tapestry of our universe's secrets. So grab your favorite craft beer or mix up a 'Little Green Men' cocktail, and join the conversation that's as limitless as space itself.

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We have liftoff. Welcome to Matt and Friends. Drink the Universe. Drink the Universe.


Drink the universe. Alright, everybody, welcome back to Matt and Friends. Drinks the Universe. The theme for today is aliens, ufos, little green men, things from outer space Woo.


Yay, that was lackluster at best.


No, that wasn't like a woo, it was like a woo, like a spooky, spooky woo it no? No, that wasn't like a woo, it was like a whoo. Oh, it was a spooky, like a spooky.


Spooky woo. All right, it's fine it wasn't that spooky, but okay. The general idea of what we're going to do today. Matt has pulled together some stories and Matt is going to read them to everybody that's here and they're introduce themselves. Hey guys, it's Rob, Hi it's Krista, hey, it's Mike or Big Z, whatever you want, and joining us today as a special guest, as I've introduced him before. Writer, director, producer and arguably one of the coolest members of my family, harrison Smith Welcome.

B. Harrison Smith:

Arguably Fair. No, it's great to be here again, thank you. Thank you for having me.


Thank you for coming back after last time. We appreciate that very much.

B. Harrison Smith:

Yeah, absolutely my pleasure.


So in a timely fashion. I understand that you are working on a movie having to do with Little Green Men.

B. Harrison Smith:

Yes, yeah, the movie. It's going by two titles at the moment. One is Little Green Men, which is the original title and which the one I prefer. The producers are nervous because they're afraid that the title implies comedy, that it could be one of those like wacky alien kind of movies. You know Little Green Men.

B. Harrison Smith:

However, the title comes from the sheriff's report from the Hopkinsville Hobgoblins, from an incident in 1954 where a farm homestead, a farmer, claimed that their place came under attack over a 24-hour period and by these small creatures with large eyes, big bat wing ears. They glowed and they floated and you can read the whole write-up on it. But the sheriff that came out to investigate wrote it up in his report that these people claimed to have seen, and in quotes, little green men. And so that hit the press, that hit the media and we've had that term ever since. So it's running by Little Green Men, but it is also running by Hopkinsville, of course, obviously for the name of the town where it took place, and it's a really cool story.

B. Harrison Smith:

I mean, I took some liberties with it just for narrative because, according to what the real report I read, what exists of the real report, you're not going to get a full 90 minute movie out of that. So it's one of those things, because everything's very sketchy without filling in that DNA. That's what we did and that's what I did, and I think it's a great story. It's a lot of fun, 90 minutes in and out and most of all you know shows a lot of perspective from that time I made it take place in 1954. And so it's a blast. It's a good time.

Mike "Big Z":

It's a really cool story if you guys aren't familiar with it.


Oh yeah, it's a classic. It's a very popular alien story. Yeah.


Well, you have to let us know when it's available for us to watch.


Absolutely In production now.

B. Harrison Smith:

Yeah, I mean you have to let us know when it's available for us to watch, absolutely In production. Now, yeah, yeah, from I mean, you know, look again. As, as everything goes with all of this, you know they say, oh yeah, we're going to do it then. And then then comes, and now we're going to do it. Then they've optioned it, they have it in production, it is listed on my IMDB, is in production. And until they get back to me on certain things, that's why I always hate about you know, like we'll do an interview and you'd be, oh yeah.

B. Harrison Smith:

Didn't you say, like months ago that's, that's bullshit, you know, and it's like it's just the way the business works.

B. Harrison Smith:

And then all of a sudden, one day it's like, okay, we're going. You know, I had a, a previous film that I wrote, called originally called monkey Island, that they changed to the eyes in the trees, and for years I've been shopping that around and the producers have been taking it here and there, and then you have a strike, you have COVID, then you have a strike and all of this stuff, and then out of the blue, three weeks ago I get a phone call that hey, we got Anthony Hopkins, he signed on and it's done. There, I am in deadline. And it's like, oh, okay, I guess that's happening now.


Very cool, Anthony. And it's like, oh okay, I guess that's happening now. Very cool.

B. Harrison Smith:



Anthony Hopkins. Good Lord, yeah, got Anthony Hopkins. That's awesome.


I know Rob had seen your post about that that you put out on social media. He was kind of hoping that Anthony Hopkins would be joining you somewhere in the back. Damn, damn.

B. Harrison Smith:

No, no, I won't have any contact with him until it actually starts shooting.


Very cool. Do you have to call him Sir Anthony the whole time? What was that I said?

B. Harrison Smith:

do you have to call him Sir Anthony the?


whole time, or just Mr Hopkins? I guess I'm going to find out. Pull up and be like yo, tony what's going on, my man?


Hey, Ant, I really want you to do this instead of that Like yeah, okay, so I guess, on with the game, on with the game, all right, so the general idea of what we're going to do. As I mentioned earlier, I have compiled some UFO abduction that kind of thing stories and we have a shot spinner in the middle of the table. So the way this is going to work is Rob has concocted a cocktail and just spun the shot spinner for no apparent reason.


I just wanted to see if it made a fun noise. It does not, it is silent.


It was a test, I'm wearing enormous headphones.


How are you going to hear that subtle sound?


Well, these mics are very sensitive.




We could put in a fun sound in post for the shot splinter.


Maybe I will.


Like a Wheel of Fortune, fun, sound in post.


Yeah, for the shot splinter. Maybe I will fortune ask. Sound like, or or?

B. Harrison Smith:

or it can. It can be like a ufo sound like a, a spooky wound.


I'm giving you work to do in post. You are it's fine, it's fine.


There's always when, anytime I record with you, there's work to do in post so enough, you're difficult to work with rob yes, and yet I'm on almost every episode.


I wonder how that works?

Mike "Big Z":

I mean, isn't the good talent always hard to work with, though?


well thank you? I don't know harrison is being a diva look it up harrison is the good talent always this hard to work with or uh, I, I have stories so so does Matt Fair yes.


Okay. So with the shot spinner, as I read through these stories, if the individual that is reviewing the story guesses correctly whether or not the story is true or false something Matt has made up they will get to spin the shot spinner and make somebody else take a drink. If they get it wrong, they are going to take a drink, they are going to take a drink and harrison is going to act as our living lifeline here. If you will and help those who are hopefully not victimized by my stories figure out whether or not these are true or false, right, I hope, I, uh, I hope I don't screw that up oh no, it's okay.


Yeah, don't worry, I wouldn't worry about that, I'm curious to know if, like a fake story is going to be like I don't know how?


line of I don't know how bad this is gonna be or how easy this is gonna be.


Yeah right, but we'll see well, some, some alien stories are are absolutely freaking wild and you're like there's no way, which, by the way, I would I would love to do a follow-up episode to this with paranormal stories, not just aliens because I feel, feel like so.


Harrison, mike and I actually did amateur ghost hunting for many years together, it's true, and we'll have to tell you those stories at some point. I think some of them would be very interesting to you.

B. Harrison Smith:

Oh, absolutely, yeah, anytime. I know that you guys know that. Well, I'm from Stroudsburg originally and we are famous for the national went on Unsolved Mysteries. We were on Unsolved Mysteries for the Rain Boy.


Oh, that's cool. That's cool. I didn't know that was Stroudsburg.

B. Harrison Smith:



Oh, interesting. Yeah, I also have a lot of ghost stories, just because everybody in my family has been haunted at one point or another in one form or another. So myself included have had some interesting things happen.


But I don't know. Now, I was throwing some holy water at you or something before you walked in. Bring any of that in here. All right, so the shot spinner is pointing at mike, sure is you're going first. Hey, so the first synopsis here Germany 1678. True.




That was a year I wasn't expecting to pull up 1678?.


Who wrote this on?


Reddit. Who wrote this on Reddit?


Your AI is showing I mean my.


AI is showing Germany wasn't even real then.


I did a lot of research for this. Thank you very okay, no, no, okay, I'm sorry, go ahead, carry on, go on.


in a village now, uh, near where is now frankfurt, germany there were a group of townsfolk that saw some lights flickering through the trees. A bunch of farmers went out to investigate what was going on. As they approached, there was a bright, blinding light. One of the farmers walked towards the light, felt a very calming presence, felt like he was being communicated with, told his friends it was okay and then disappeared completely. They lost track of him, didn't know what happened. They walked back to the village very concerned, wondering what happened to their buddy, went to bed the next morning. His body was discovered outside the village. Very concerned, wondering what happened to their buddy, went to bed the next morning. His body was discovered outside the village, not dismembered but cut open in a way that modern times we would understand as like medical cuts. Taking a look at the chest, the arms, the legs, that sort of thing, lots of open wounds. He was dead and it became a cautionary tale to the children of that area around Frankfurt to not go into the woods, not go near the blinding lights.

Mike "Big Z":

Okay, so I have questions. Question one yes. How was this?


recorded Pass down tale. I don't have anything from that time period. Get recorded. People, tell people, tell people, tell people.


Or those who are literate, write it down. It was painted on a wall it was a beautiful fresco I'm pretty sure people were literate in the 1600s, but hey, what do I know? Fairly certain okay, what do I know?

Mike "Big Z":

I wasn't there I was gonna say false, but that's where I was leaning what? What are your thoughts, harrison?

B. Harrison Smith:

What are my thoughts? Yeah, I'm saying false because, although there was an incident in Germany where the I guess the printing press printed these large ships, glowing balls that came out of the sky flew all over the place, and you can find that photo or that engraving uh, online I have never heard a story of any type of paranormal contact or anything with any other being other than that this took place over this city, over this town. Hundreds of people saw it, the picture, if you look it up, it's like a long black pointed ship with balls, like orbs, all over the place coming out of the clouds, and they said some of them came down and crashed like it was almost like they were witnessing a battle above them.

Mike "Big Z":

I I'm going to say false because I have never heard of any story I feel like he took the movie mothman and then stole the part where the guy goes, gets lost in the woods and was like, yeah, that's great, I'm also going false. Lock it in False.


Yep, that one is false.


Oh, okay, so now we spin the shot spinner Load up the shot glass there.


And whomever it lands on other than Mike will take the shot and they are the next victim Did you steal the woods part from the Mothman. No.


It's me.

Mike "Big Z":

Here's you Drink the little green man, there you go, cheers. It tastes like Ecto Cooler.


It's so good I thought it kind of tasted like little green men, but I mean, that's just me. Only you and Matt would know that I'm going to be honest.


I've never tasted a little green man. Maybe you and Matt would know that I'm going to be honest I've never tasted a little green man, Maybe you should.


You can find anything these days.


Okay, I'm ready.


You're ready? Yes, 1952, washington More plausible already. Okay, around midnight, around the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport, the Potomac River, that general area, Seven objects appeared on radar. They were located about 15 miles south of the city. Two air traffic controllers spotted them. They were also spotted by aircraft on the ground. They bounced all over the general area, including across the White House and the Capitol Building, stayed about 10 miles from the airport before zooming all around Washington DC Again confirmation from those on the ground and the air traffic controllers. And the objects stayed so long that they were wondering if they were actually going to disappear at some point. But they lasted until 5.30 am in the morning. When they disappeared it was in a blink of a second and both the pilots on the ground in the air and aircraft controllers all saw them depart in a flash.


Harrison, this one sounds plausible to me. I know that in my you know watching of UFO-type shows and stuff like that. I definitely know that there's been reports in that Washington DC area.

Mike "Big Z":

There certainly have. But yeah, I think area there certainly have.


But yeah, I think I'm leaning towards true. What do you think, Harrison?

B. Harrison Smith:

I am saying true.


Yeah, we're going to say true, locking it in.

Mike "Big Z":

My only question was didn't this you already locked in true?


Yeah, I've locked in true.

Mike "Big Z":

Isn't there a story very similar to this, where they scrambled F-16s from the same area at a much later?

B. Harrison Smith:

date that is correct? Probably yeah.

Mike "Big Z":

Fair enough.


UFOs can appear in two places. They could do it twice, two times.

Mike "Big Z":

Two times really, yeah. Third dimensional beings, if.


I'm wrong on a technicality like, it wasn't in 1952, it was in 1987. Dude, that's literally what I thought was going to happen.


I'm not hanging anybody up on technicalities for this one.

B. Harrison Smith:

Okay, go on.


As fun as that would be, especially for you. No, you are correct.


That is a true story. All right, harrison's two for two.

B. Harrison Smith:

Yeah, the story is actually considered not to sound like oh you know, I know all this shit.

Mike "Big Z":

But that's why you're here. You're here because you do know all this shit, but that's why you're here.

B. Harrison Smith:

You're here because you do know all this shit. The story is considered a litmus test for skeptics also as well, and for researchers. That it's kind of like it's held its integrity all these years.


So I just spun the shot spinner and it pointed to me. But I'm exempt, so it's whoever it's closest to.

Mike "Big Z":

And it was closer to her than it was to Matt Krista hasn. I have not. So yeah, pour me a little bit of that ecto. Cooler bro.


The rules are not completely explained to me. Krista, september 19th 1961. Okay, a couple was driving around niagara falls on the canadian side. They were just kind of driving along and saw something in the sky. They stopped. The husband was worried about bears. They stopped at a rest area so he took a pistol with him, actually took a look at whatever was chasing them, kind of said all right, I'm a little nervous here. I think it's just a commercial airliner. It started moving erratically. The husband went that's just a commercial airliner. It started moving erratically. The husband went, that's not a commercial airliner.


They got back in the car. The craft rapidly descended towards their vehicle, directly in the middle of the highway. It was about 80 to 100 feet above them. All of a sudden they're looking up. They're seeing humanoid fingers through the windows 8 or 11, looking at them, waving. What's going on? And the next thing they know they have some lost time and they end up back on the ground. And for years afterwards they were remembering details of what happened through hypnosis and other means and the story became very detailed and they were very convinced that they had been and spent some time in an alien spaceship. I believe they were out of contact for at least 30 to 40 minutes.


Okay, I have a couple points of contention with this story. For one, some pieces sound very stereotypical for UFO stories, which you know. It is not to discredit that, but you know, lost time and stuff like that is definitely a frequent piece in a lot of these stories. But it's the 60s and they went out of contact. For who the hell were they in contact with in the 60s? In their car by themselves, where someone would notice how much time is gone? Except for them? It feels like a couple of different X-Files episodes. But, Harrison, what do you think? I feel like I've heard similar things before, not this particular one before, but I'm not super convinced.


I'm gonna weigh in saying that the story is pretty frankenstein from the betty and barney hill story so I'm gonna say that I was gonna say, yeah, there's a lot of pieces that I recognize from other stuff, but not particularly in this order, this pattern. So, yeah, I'm gonna, I'm to lock in false.

Mike "Big Z":

So it actually was the Betty and Barney Hill story, that's, that was the one that I was going to say.


I thought that was the same story. Yeah, so that was a true story. I was trying to give a loose synopsis of it there and I believe I got most of the details correct. Harrison, if you want to hammer me on getting something wrong there that critical.

B. Harrison Smith:

Please let me know it's just I've I've heard the story and read the story differently that you know they were driving isolated on the back. Not all those other elements did I hear? I heard a lot of other things patch. I mean, maybe that is the case.

Mike "Big Z":

I'm just saying I never heard some of those, uh, extraneous elements that were so I just heard this story not too long ago in one of the shows I watched, and it actually, I would say, verbatim from what they said. Okay, happened.


Yeah, and it was funny cause I read it, and as I read it, my thought was also exactly what Harrison said, which was this seems like a Frankenstein amalgamation of every UFO story ever. But this is also a really early UFO story.


I did not realize that it happened up near Niagara. I thought that story was like somewhere in the middle of the US. I thought it was like New York Like. New.


York State, not New York City.


Well, I mean technically, Niagara is like New York State, yeah. I thought it was like US side and Canadia.


But hey, what do I know?


You still got to spin it to see who goes?


next a short break here, though, because before we spend not a I'm sorry, not a break break.


Take five everybody. Well, this has been fun.


Thanks, we kind of went through the first round there. But my question is you know UFOs in general, what do we think they are? Where do they come from? Ooh, Discuss.

Mike "Big Z":

So I think it's pretty crazy for us as human beings to think that we're the only people beings out there. It's almost arrogant, to say the least. I feel like COVID kind of proved that well too, like we were sort of kind of living our lives and like, oh my God, this virus came out of nowhere. Well, that's kind of what life's been about for you know a long time. So it's I, they can.


there's all kinds of theories of where they come from, but I I believe that there's something out there beyond us there has to be. Have you heard of the dark forest theory about aliens and extraterrestrials?

B. Harrison Smith:

no, so the darkness okay, yeah, so, yeah.


So the dark forest theory is essentially um, there probably is other life elsewhere, other intelligent life, but the issue is that us, as human beings, we tend to broadcast our hey guys, it's us, please come talk to us, please see us, please know what we're doing, and every other form of life out there is like shh, don't say anything Because you're thinking. If you're in a dark forest at night, it's scary, you don't know what's out there. And if you hear a stick break in the forest at night, every predator in that forest turns their head and is like what's that? And we are the ones breaking the stick, where everyone else is like do not say anything, you should be quiet, you don't know what's out there.

Mike "Big Z":

We're just really confident.


I may or may not be opening up a can of worms with this I totally agree with you, mike, that there's got to be something out there. There has to be. But a lot of these UFOs and these sightings and stuff like that. One theory that I've read which I find very interesting is the theory that they could be either time travelers or parallel universe type of visitors, if they're not necessarily from a different planet but from a different earth or a different time on earth. And they show up and then we see them.


I find it incredibly interesting that Tom DeLonge from from blink 182 was instrumental in getting the legislation passed, to kind of get some of this stuff out to the public. I don't know if you knew that but he started a foundation called To the Stars yeah, and essentially quit Blink-182 a while back in order to pursue getting the government to admit that they had all this information.

Mike "Big Z":

So fun fact. Fun fact for the.


How about you, Harrison? What do you think about all this?

B. Harrison Smith:

Oh well, I think you said a lot of what I feel. I think you know just also not even. It would be arrogant of us to think we're the only things. But mathematically I mean it's just it's.

B. Harrison Smith:

it's pretty much impossible that we're the only sentient living thing out there. I mean, you know some argue well, yeah, there could be microscopic. I think there are other things Plus, even if you take into account all of this stuff, you know, say 30, I'll even give you 50% of the of the reports are fake. You still have a large amount that are unaccounted for. In the way of it they're not all liars.

B. Harrison Smith:

They're not all crazy and it's all not swamp gas weather balloons at all. I do believe there is a large amount of disinformation out there that is put deliberately out there. Look, occam's razor always says the simplest answer is usually the one. So, it's really really simple If there is nothing, then let the government come forward and show us there's nothing. But they're not doing that. Why put up all the disinformation and the denial and try to discredit people?


Because they don't want people to panic.


Can I tell you guys my UFO story? I had a UFO story happen to me a couple years ago. Yeah, so a couple years ago I think. I was in college and me and my cousin Anna were going to go to the Bloomsburg Fair, shout out to the NEPA Bloomsburg Fair and she was like not a sponsor but I love the Bloomsburg.


Fair I go every year. Super cool. So she went out to college in like the Altoona area so she drove by Bloomsburg a lot. So we were driving from Wilkes-Barre to Bloomsburg and we were there for a while, whatever we were going to go home and it was dark out but it wasn't super late. It was like 1030 maybe, so not hella late, but it takes us like an hour to drive back to Wilkes-Barre. So we're driving back and Anna has driven this road like a thousand times so we're driving and it's kind of warm out so we have the windows open and we're driving 80 to come back and we had anyone who's driven interstate 80 knows it's very curvy, um, but we were on one of the few awesome road.

Mike "Big Z":

It is interstate 80.


I mean. But uh, we were on a stretch that was straight. Our radio frequently goes out during driving 80, which is not out of the ordinary, but we were at a weird stretch where the radio was out.


So we were just in silence and I was looking at my phone and I had just put my phone down because I remember like I was staring at like my text messages or whatever. And then I put my phone down so the car was dark and we had like like I looked up and we were both staring ahead of us at this like flat road in front of us and we saw this really bright, one singular light, and we were like it's not a headlight, like a car with like one headlight out, because we would have seen it like way further down the road, because we were on a really like you know how there's like the grassy area between yeah it was like right there and it was so weird because it looked like it just turned on like a flashlight, because it was suddenly right next to us and we were like whoa and I like was like turning my head to like see where it was behind us and it was gone and it was just a very quick, like one and done thing how high was it off the ground?


it was like I don't know, maybe like 10 or 12 feet off. It wasn't super high off the ground, but it was like taller than us in the car, like if I don't think it was a car because it was too high up, but I don't think it was like a floodlight or anything either, because why?


I was more.


I was more thinking that it could have been more of a paranormal experience if it was like on the ground, like that it wouldn't be like a ufo, but but maybe like an orb or perhaps something it was yeah, it was kind of high off the ground, but not high enough to be like whoa. Um, but yeah, we, we just were like we looked at each other and she was like, did you just see that? And I was like, yeah, what was that? And then we like got home and my mom was like, are you sure it wasn't a truck coming the opposite direction?


I was like no, because we were on that weird stretch where you can see like three miles in front of you, like we would have if it was a truck or like a car with a headlight out, we would have seen it and it was really really, really bright. Like it wasn't like, uh, like a car headlight, like led car headlight bright, although those are really bright. But it was just super weird and we were like huh, that's just a really weird, strange thing that happened to us.


So there are. There are a lot of stretches on that area of 80, driving back and forth between here and where I went to college in western Pennsylvania, I know that stretch of road very well. I've driven there a ton of times and there are spots, especially around State College. You can see for miles and miles and miles and miles. Very interesting.


It was a very weird, weird thing we talked it up to. Perhaps it was something not of this world, but what do I know?


they were on their way to pick bert up I didn't even know rob at that time no, that's okay but I will I will give my two cents on the the topic. I suppose this is my podcast after all. Yes, are you going to?


talk in the third person again I might, but I hear that's super annoying. Matt thinks no.


Matt drinks. Actually Matt's enjoying some Angry. Orchard here very much Love some apple cider every once in a while Somebody be whacking them weeds.


I agree with everything that's been said so far. I think it's incredibly arrogant of us and also a mathematic improbability that we're the only people in the entire universe, that we're the only people in the entire universe. Along with that, I think that when you think about physics and the multiverse and multidimensions that we don't even understand at this point we might be able to comprehend three dimensions. We know there's a relationship right between space, time and gravity, but we don't 100% understand what that relationship really is. In the end, we don't understand what's going on in black holes. We don't understand that kind of thing. Can you hit the button?

Mike "Big Z":

Yeah, what the hell are you talking about? That's the science-iest thing you've ever said. Where did that come from?


Where is the button? Science, that was excellent.




I didn't know that you knew some of those words.


I absolutely I love it.

Mike "Big Z":

Honestly, I have a theory.


Enjoy a drink for being a jackass to the host.

Mike "Big Z":

No, no, no. I mean, he was going over the stories and it was like, oh, this will sound really good if I just rehearse this, it'll be impressive, I was impressed. I was impressed.


I was.


I enjoy this topic quite a bit and I think also that, since we can't comprehend that relationship in physics and we can't comprehend fully other dimensions, it is entirely possible. One of the great explanations I heard one time is you've met a being that could understand five dimensions. They could, as we look at a piece of paper and can understand what's going on. They could go oh, there's something wrong with you, pick out that particular organ, toss it away, and you'd never feel it because they don't understand. Like we can't comprehend those extra dimensions. And being able to travel in a way that uses that level of physics understanding, being able to disguise yourself in a way that uses that level of understanding, we would never know. And my theory is they're probably coming here like we would go to the Philadelphia Zoo and going.


well, hey, you know, it's really fun to watch the polar bears and probably going hey, I want to check out a Canadian couple, let's see what the Canadian couple's like, or let's see what Very apologetic Tastes like maple syrup.

Mike "Big Z":

Oh, so sorry that my organs were out of place, sorry, sorry.


Such a Kurt Vonnegut-esque type of approach to it. You know not that I want to go down this rabbit hole now.


Maybe Not that I want to go down this rabbit hole now. Maybe I'll get one more round before we jump into this, but I would love to get everybody's opinion on ancient alien visits.


Like pyramids type stuff, how that could have influenced civilization and whatnot. I find that incredibly interesting. I think the bottom line for aliens and stuff is like that. One tweet that was like either we're alone in the universe or we aren't, and both are terrifying thoughts and I like that Cause.

B. Harrison Smith:

Yeah, I think that was. Wasn't that Alan Turing who said that?


I think so. Yeah, I don't know, I don't know who quoted it, but yeah, I was like that's a very scary thought, yeah.

Mike "Big Z":

Scary thought, yeah, because I feel like we should apologize to the listeners, because this show has really been about nonsense and all of a sudden we took a deep dive into like sciencey shit but we're still doing dumb stuff in the middle.


We are, are we, though?

Mike "Big Z":

I can talk about matt's affinity for anal probing hey matt, can you just say something stupid to like?


yeah, I just did it.


That was really stupid, I don't know I can talk about the fact that rob's nickname at the college health clinic was little green man.


So we yeah let's try to get this back on the rails.


Chris has been to see who's next I don't want it back on the rails. I want to know what everybody's drinking, and then we're going to talk ancient aliens and then we'll get back on the rails we only got, okay, we only got one round left, so let's well, but that's why I thought we would close with more discussion. Well, this is a beer and drinking podcast, so let's talk beer and drinking.


I'm just drinking this lovely cocktail that I created just today. I'm calling it Little Green Men. There you go, and I've made it with a smattering of different green colored beverages. It's Mountain Dew Melon Liqueur, and what are those things called Buzz Ball, buzz Balls? The Lime melon liqueur, and what are those things called Buzz ball, buzz balls? The lime margarita, buzz ball. Folks, it's fantastic.

Mike "Big Z":

It's so good.


It's actually really good I literally just made it up, so I have a gift.


It was really good. Guys, you have a gift.


I do have a gift For lack of humility.


You know what? How about a stellar sip for this? It's delicious.


It is kind of a stellar sip.


Stellar sip. All right, so we are going to talk about ancient aliens now.


Well, I want to know what they're drinking too. Yeah, you're not the only person on this.


Cast right now Jesus Am.


I not.


I'm drinking New Trail Brewing Backcast Hazy Double IPA. I love New Trail Shout out. They're one of my favorite breweries right now, so I'm always on their new IPAs and lager drops, and Backcast is delicious.

Mike "Big Z":

Chris and Siobhan can Earmuffs.


Okay, why? Because they don't like Neutrail.

Mike "Big Z":

Yeah, they're not being Neutrail fans, okay. I think, it's because they just oversaturate.


I like Neutrail I think that they are, and I like I'm not a big PA pride person but they do a lot of like PA type of shout out stuff, like they had this like cherry stout for Cherry Springs State Park which is in Pennsylvania, so I do like that they shout out some local. Yeah, okay, well, not everyone has been there. Guys Come on.


It's an international dark sky park.


I know I wanted to go. You can see the.


Milky Way.


I saw the Milky Way when I was in Maine and it was pretty awesome.


What you got there, Michael.

Mike "Big Z":

I got tables, loggers and chairs from Second. Sin. It's an American pale ale. It's fantastic. Shout out to Second Sin Great brewery down in Bristol. They're opening a second location in Newtown.


I thought you said it was an American pale lager, or is it a pale ale, did I? Say ale I meant lager you said ale just now, let's re-, let's re-send Tables, lagers and Chairs.

Mike "Big Z":

An American Pale Lager. It's fantastic. It's a really good little beer. It's got a very unique taste to it. Well, it has a little bit of hop going on there, yeah. So it's not like a typical lager and it's actually very easy drinking.


I like the can. I buy a lot of beers based on if the can looks cool.


Well then, I have some crisp apple angry orchard. I got some fireball here that I'm really debating, just dumping in the can and going for it. Well, you live here, man, you don't have to go anywhere you should.

Mike "Big Z":

That's what you said you were going to do, there we go, why not?


Why not?


Harrison, you drinking?

Mike "Big Z":

anything? No, no, uh, no, no, I'm not well that's okay, we'll.


We'll drink for you, that's all right that sounds good.

B. Harrison Smith:

Yeah, you guys. Uh, I think you guys got that pretty well handled. Yeah, we tried.


Yeah, he's doing the heavy linking, uh lifting on the thinking here in general and there it was folks.


Yeah, we did it everybody. Wow, that was before the fireball.


So opinions on ancient aliens, we'll let harrison go first on this one.

B. Harrison Smith:

Well, you know the problem. Again, there is no problem, it's just media wise. You know, like the show, the show itself on the history channel and such, has kind of done damage to any serious credibility because it's so mass-produced, this and overhyped things. And when you're buying into things like Eric Von Donaghan and even Zachariah Sitchin, I mean those things are all great and they're a lot of fun and we want those things, but it takes away from any real scientific research and veracity to it. So what I'm saying is do I believe there was something that could have easily influenced us when we were more primitive? Absolutely? And there are all kinds of things that I have seen as well visiting the Mayan ruins in Mexico, seeing the etchings and the hieroglyphics on the cave walls.


Which just out of curiosity, which Not the cave walls, the pyramid walls. Which Mayan pyramids did you visit?

B. Harrison Smith:

We went to Chichen Itza.


Hey, I've been there.

B. Harrison Smith:

And then when we went to Peru, machu Picchu, and you see all these things, and, most of all, when you see the similarities of pyramids all over the world, separated by people that could not have contacted each other, that this kind of knowledge could not have spread, and there is still no definitive scientific explanation or archaeological explanation of just how they built these things, and especially with the accuracy that they have. But then see, then you get on YouTube or you get on TikTok, and there are people going. Did you know the square footage of this pyramid equals out to be the exact speed of light? Now, that's all bullshit. No, that's not true.

Mike "Big Z":

I really think that what you were saying before, though, harrison, about like the media has done a disservice, like the show Ancient Aliens, it's kind of like finding Bigfoot that show, finding Bigfoot, that show Finding Bigfoot, the thing about that that.

B. Harrison Smith:

You know, for years we believed the Loch Ness Monster picture was real, from 1933 on, because a surgeon took the photo. No, a surgeon did not take the photo, the surgeon lended his name toward the photo. But we all now know that the man who took the picture on his deathbed not only admitted but pointed right to the closet where the toy had been kept of that fake toy that was photographed. And we can go on, like you said, finding Bigfoot. If there is something out there, if there is some kind of anomalous creature or bipedal kind of thing, a primitive primate kind of thing, these kind of shows are ruining it.

B. Harrison Smith:

And they're giving a bad name to any type of really serious research. And here's the problem Before James Randi died the amazing Randi I actually approached him when he was still alive, living in Florida at the James Randi Institute, to see about putting on a television show that actually goes out and doesn't try to debunk but actually tries to go out and look at things scientifically imagine a a finding bigfoot show with real accredited scientists and paleontologists and dna experts and all of that. And he replied something very simple. He said that show will never go because nobody wants to watch that show I wouldn't watch that show.


I'm incredibly interested in that show.

B. Harrison Smith:

Tell me the ridiculous yahoos and their atvs yelling bigfoot calls in the middle of the night. I mean look at ghost hunters, I mean ghost hunters has been on tv for almost 20 years.

B. Harrison Smith:

They've never found a fucking thing you know, I mean, we have lots of green, uh, you know night vision and lots of oh, I felt a cold spot and then you get you know what I always call zach baggins scooby douche. You know, you get him. That's, that's out there. And oh, I'll challenge you, I'll fight you, and it's like all this is is just posturing and stupid television and instead of actually looking at things where we do have, you know, things that are on the record. And look, I knew Lorraine Warren. I didn't know Ed, but I knew Lorraine Warren. I met Lorraine Warren.


I've been to her home.

B. Harrison Smith:

I had archives opened up for me and I got to tell you and all the things that I saw on their videos and their proof, I didn't see anything that would convince me of anything. That's my opinion.


I think that shows and things that are highly publicized, like the Warrenrens, like finding bigfoot and all that kind of stuff, um, it's it's more so aimed for an entertainment value than it is for actual, like finding proof, which is fine. Like I enjoy watching ghost adventures, getting drunk with my friends because it's funny and you like to see zach baggins be like, uh, fight me, ghost, it's funny. Like seeing them be like I never drink, but I would love to take a shot of whiskey. It's hilarious, it's funny. But I think that having like I don't want to say blind faith, but having like a belief in something that, especially something that's happened to you, like I believe in ghosts because I've had ghostly things happen to me and that's like my own personal experience type stuff. And you know, if someday people are like ghosts aren't real, like we've scientifically proven it, I'd be like, okay, cool, then what the hell was that? That happened to me a while ago.

B. Harrison Smith:

Right, and I have similar things like that where it's kind of like I would just be like, okay, so what the hell was that then? And I, I don't get solid answers. But when we go to look for those kind of solid answers, like I heard one fascinating story about the explanation for ghosts and that is, you know, parallel universes, kind of overlapping on each other which takes it out of the supernatural realm, brings it into my dad has always said that he thinks, he believes that ghosts are.


you know, not to quote Dr who, but time is wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff. Yeah they're echo. Yeah, yeah, it's kind of like you see ghosts because time just got a little wonky in that one particular place and you know sometimes ghosts not that ghosts interact with people, but ghosts may interact with stuff in your environment.


Harrison, you said you were in Chichen Itza and you saw the pyramid ruins there and that was something for me that was rather life changing to see that whole thing to climb. I don't know if you were able to climb it. I was still able to climb it when I went.

B. Harrison Smith:

Yeah, I did climb it, yeah.


And to see the jungle I have a distinct memory of. Next to the great ball court there is an etching and it's in kind of I don't even know how to describe it, because it's this limestone structure and there's a carving of what is very clearly a Mayan warrior next to somebody that is dressed like a Roman. I'm so glad you know what I'm talking about Somebody that is in a Roman outfit than somebody that is in a Phoenician outfit. Very, very apparent what you're looking at. But when you look at it, there is a clear to me in my head.


I was, I was thinking okay, you met those folks in such a way that you felt the need to carve them into a wall. That's not something you're just going to randomly carve. That wasn't a doodle, that was something that was etched on purpose. So my thought I'd be interested to hear your thought on this too was that there is a connection in the ancient world that we don't know about. Those cultures did know each other on some level. I don't know if at that level, I think it's aliens, but I think there's also some other things that is anybody at the table, or?


or, harrison? Do have you guys ever heard of graham hancock? Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah so I find some of his work to be very thought-provoking. Where, you know, he talks about an ancient civilization rising to a height of technology and then getting mostly wiped out by some kind of cataclysmic event, and the surviving members then traveled the world to try to help the less technology advanced civilizations to become more technologically advanced. I find that a very interesting theory.


I like that. I got to get another round in here, so we can wrap this episode and it's not 19 hours long.


Okay, okay, that's fine, you have to spin yeah.


Go, go, go, go, go go. All right, we're going to do it. Oh, boom, Matt, matt, matt, matt Boom.


I think what we proved on me, so do I go again.


No, mike's going to go True, true and false.


I was like Mike.


Mike's going to go, Mike.


Mike, mike so.


Jersey, nice, crisp ying, I'm going to make you do one of these shots. Jersey Turnpike 2001. I will not drink that. July 14th, motorists looked up along the highway in the Jersey Turnpike and saw several objects Strange orange and yellow lights in a V formation over the Arthur Kill Waterway between Staten Island and oh, I'm going to mess that up Cartourette, new Jersey. The police departments took a look at it. They also were witnesses. Other folks in the metro area saw the exact same thing that these motorists were looking at. Air traffic controllers initially denied that any airplanes military jets, anything like that would have caused the lights. But a group noticed the New York Strange Phenomenon. Investigators claimed to receive FAA radar data that corroborated the UFO sightings that night.


That group. That group is what makes it seem legit that group no, no. Go ahead, sorry, it's not my turn. That group, that group is what makes it seem legit that group.

Mike "Big Z":

No, no, I'm not go ahead, sorry. Well, I mean, it's not my turn for the sake of speed. I think that this is true you're going with, true?


do you want to ask harrison?

B. Harrison Smith:

again see what I mean. This is exactly what I'm talking about. Like you can mix and match, I know you know, like actual physical data with you know craziness. That's the problem To differentiate it muddies all the waters.

Mike "Big Z":

I'm going to say true, I think it's true.


Yes, it is true, and probably not the weirdest thing to ever happen in New Jersey.

Mike "Big Z":

Definitely not the weirdest thing to happen in New Jersey. That was a weak spin. It's Krista.


Krista's taking a shot.


Krista's up next. That was a weak spin. It's Krista Krista's taking a shot.


Krista's up next. Go, go, go. Oceania Naval Station, norfolk, virginia. On the early hours of the morning, september 2023, two seasoned fighter pilots' routine training mission were about five miles out to sea. They saw a blip on their radar. They maneuvered to investigate and a jellyfish like craft uproached their aircraft and maintain speed and position as they flew. It stayed right next to them, seemed to almost be static in the air. Air traffic control reported no other objects besides them in the area. They actually asked for permission to engage because they were concerned about its proximity to their aircraft. They asked for backup. They were denied both. The craft just seemed to hover there, then all of a sudden, shot straight down into the ocean. That was it.


This sounds really familiar. I think this is a true story. I feel like I've heard this story before. I don't know if it happened in 2023, but I've heard a very similar story. And I don't know if it happened in Norfolk, but I've heard very, very, very similar stories. I'm going to say true.


Harrison, what do you think?

B. Harrison Smith:

I'm going to say true.


All right, so I'm going to consider that one my audition to write a movie for you at some point, because that one was false.

B. Harrison Smith:

See, that's what I mean.


You start getting into that area where I know that's very similar to the Tic Tac story that kind of broke. Yeah right, Maybe that was what I was off the coast of California, though.


Oh, I thought I heard one like that from Australia, maybe.


But but the Tic Tac video that came out from like 2018, that was off the coast of California. Yeah, I got. I'm just going to go next. Yeah, that was San Diego.


All right, roswell, new Mexico. No, I'm not doing that.


Last one, here we go.


O'Hare International Airport.


Airport Airport. I love the O'Hare Airport.


I'm flying into there on.

Mike "Big Z":

Saturday Folks remember about 20 minutes ago he went on a dissertation about science-y stuff. Yes, Now he can't say airport.


Mama never said I was a smart man. Okay, Thanks, Gump, let's go. O'hare International Airport 2006. Flight 446 was getting ready to fly from North Carolina to Chicago when an employee noticed a dark metallic object hovering over gate C-17. 12 United Airlines employees all saw this particular flying saucer. They say it hovered over the flight, delayed the flight and then disappeared into the blue sky. The FAA reported it as a weather phenomenon and they declined to investigate, even though it was right next to the freaking airport.




I'm going to go with true.

Mike "Big Z":

I'm going with true as well. True, it's a very well documented story.


It is true.


And the last shot goes to Matthew, I really have.

Mike "Big Z":

Load one of those up for me there. Do you know who did no shots?


Who did no shots Him.

Mike "Big Z":

Give Mike a shot, we're doing a shot together, do you know?


who did no shots. Who did no shots? Him? I did no shots. Give Mike a shot, we're doing a shot together, michael.


This one's mine. There you go.

Mike "Big Z":

Pour me some ectoclone.


I'm going to use this sound drop just because Black hole detected.


Beware of the event horizon. Well, that was a lot of fun, it was. And I think we've proved that we need a paranormal version of this definitely I need to talk about ghost stories with this team harrison, if you'll come back and and maybe we could do a much looser version instead of like doing stories. Are they true or are they not? Maybe?

B. Harrison Smith:

we're just going to talk about famous. I think that would be great just to toss back what everybody's experienced, yeah.


Yeah, absolutely All right. Cool, Well, cheers Harrison.




Thank you, thank all of you. Good luck with Tony. Thank you all for listening you got it, thank you.

Mike "Big Z":

This podcast is a production of Unfiltered Studios. If you would like to know more about joining Unfiltered Studios, please visit our website at unfpodcom for more information.


The boozy quote for this episode comes from author Stephen King, who said I'll work until bureau clock. On social media, please like, follow and push all the buttons for us. That's Matt and Friends DTU. At Facebook, instagram Threads and TikTok. For more information about the podcast, as well as links to our merch store, social media and all the places you can listen to us, visit our website mattandfriendsdtucom. That's mattandfriendsdtucom. Thank you again for listening to Matt and Friends Drink the Universe.

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