Matt and Friends Drink the Universe
Welcome to Matt and Friends Drink the Universe, the podcast where comedy and great drinks collide! Join host Matt and a rotating crew of friends as they sample unique beers, wines, cocktails, and spirits, diving into the stories, history, and science behind each sip.
Packed with laughs, hilarious anecdotes, fun trivia, and drinking games, our show offers a laid-back yet enlightening experience for anyone who enjoys a good drink with great company. Tune in for “Stellar Sips” and “Cosmic Chugs” as we explore new flavors and share memorable stories along the way.
Whether you're a casual drinker or a cocktail connoisseur, sit back, relax, and let’s drink our way through the universe—where anything is possible! Cheers!
Matt and Friends Drink the Universe
Think or Drink? - "80s, 90s, 2000s Music Trivia"
On this episode of Matt and Friends Drink the Universe, where we pit our wit and musical expertise against each other in "Think or Drink." Andy, Chris, Rob, and Siobhan join Matt for some music trivia. Each bringing their rich musical backgrounds to the table. The stakes for bragging rights are high, and the trivia is intense. Will Andy retain his crown from the infamous "Let it Eb" episode?
We kick off by savoring the mouthwatering Cookie Monster golden stout from Funk Brewing. Its delightful blend of vanilla, chocolate, and natural flavors provides the perfect backdrop as we dive into a lively trivia game spanning the 80s, 90s, and 2000s. Emo kids, you'll want to be here for the 2000s. Expect playful banter and nostalgic anecdotes as we tackle questions about Madonna's "Like a Virgin," Guns N' Roses' debut single, and the first-ever music video on MTV. The camaraderie and competitive spirit among us shine through, making for an engaging and informative session.
Finally, we take a nostalgic journey through viral internet phenomena and iconic musical moments, from the Foo Fighters to the unforgettable Numa Numa dance. Siobhan and Andy battle fiercely for trivia supremacy, while the rest of us share humorous stories and fun trivia tidbits. We reminisce about Weird Al Yankovic's hilarious parodies, Dashboard Confessional's emo anthems, and even discuss Queen's legendary Live Aid performance. Tune in for an episode brimming with laughter, nostalgia, and a deep love for music trivia that will keep you entertained from start to finish.
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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. We have liftoff.
Rob:Welcome to Matt and Friends. Drink the Universe. Drink the Universe.
Matt:All right, everybody, welcome back to Matt and Friends Drink the universe. All right, everybody, welcome back to Matt and Friends Drinks the Universe. The theme for today is Think or drink. Are you thinking or you drinking? I'd like to do both, I'm just saying Well timed. Very well timed. Yeah, thank you. So let's go around the table and the virtual space and have everybody introduce themselves.
Siobhan:Oh hey, it's Siobhan.
Matt:It's Andy.
Chris:Hi guys, it's Rob and in the computerverse it's Chris.
Matt:There you go.
Siobhan:Yes, so fancy.
Matt:Chris is much smaller and more two-dimensional than normal.
Rob:We're drinking all up and down the East Coast right now.
Matt:That's right, and just in case you need a little refresher for the rules for Think or Drink. Think or Drink is our classic trivia game where players start with six points. The last person with points remaining wins Correct answers. Let you choose someone to lose a point and drink, while incorrect answers will cause you to lose a point and drink. For difficult questions, you have two options. First, you can make it a double to get help from someone else If your collective answer is correct. You can choose individually to gain a point or to make somebody else drink and lose a point. If you're wrong, both of you lose a point and drink. Or you can put it on their tab by selecting someone to answer for you. If they're right, you lose a point and drink. If they're wrong, you gain a point. Make sure to balance potential risk and reward when you put it on their tab. All right, and the topic for today's Think or Drink is music trivia.
Rob:Music, trivia Music trivia, music trivia. Yeah, and I do believe you had informed us that we are going to buck the rules a little bit today and start with eight points.
Matt:We are going to start with eight points today. This is also very. The last time we did music trivia, we were really all over the place. And what was that guy's name? Cliff Richard, all the way from.
Andy:England. Cliff Richard. Oh my God, there's a throwback. I forgot about Cliff.
Rob:Oh yeah.
Andy:As did everyone else.
Rob:Let it ebb. You know it's one of my favorite episodes. If you guys are new to the pod, go back and check out. Let it Ebb, oh yeah.
Siobhan:Yes, a good throwback Indeed.
Andy:Let it e amazing.
Matt:You want to do it again. Should we do it again? Sure.
Andy:Here we go 5, 6, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Matt:Alright, good job, that might have been a little long, your attack was a little off.
Andy:Listen, we haven't been rehearsing, it's okay. It was free verse. We're out of practice.
Matt:We are going to focus in a little bit for this trivia Well, we trivia Well we're going to attempt the best that we can. The topic is focused. Our focus we're looking at 80s, 90s and 2000s music Musica, yes, okay, so we're going to tell you a little bit about our musical backgrounds and why. I was super nervous putting these questions together for four people that know a hell of a lot about music overall. Chris, why don't you go first?
Chris:Sure, I've been playing music since third grade. I'm a percussionist primarily and I do a little bit of teaching on the side for drumline at some local high schools. And I'm also a vocalist as well, so I can carry a tune, just ever so slightly. You'd be singing that bass.
Siobhan:Admitting to that I love it.
Matt:Yeah, I was going to say, and a voice like an angel too.
Rob:Just in case you didn't.
Matt:Smooth like butter.
Siobhan:Yeah, sure.
Rob:This is Rob. I've been also playing music since the third grade. I've dabbled in many different instruments over my lifetime, but primarily grew up playing saxophone, then bought my first guitar at the ripe tender age of 14 and started playing in bands with this knucklehead host of ours. Yeah, that's a thing that happened, yeah. So uh, play guitar, play a little bit of drums, uh, and I enjoy singing currently in an acoustic duo called the reconnect.
Matt:So uh, check us out on the internet if you'd like didn't you recently acquire somebody to play percussion, kind of part-time-ish as well? Oh, yes, yes.
Rob:I mean, that hasn't been publicized yet, but I guess we're going to put it out into the world. It's live now. Matt Welser, there you go Percussioning.
Andy:Yeah, so I'm an instrumental music teacher in the public school system around here and I'm also a military musician as well. Musician as well.
Matt:I'm more on the classical and jazz side, but come from a very music loving family as well.
Andy:So, yeah, cheers and thank you for your service, sir.
Siobhan:Yes, sir, cheers to that, and I have been singing since I was very young, but I've been taking vocal lessons since the sixth grade, took a little bit of a hiatus and then I now have been studying again voice lessons since 2019. Do only singing. I did one year of instrumental music when I was in the marching band and the concert band at Gettysburg College for my senior year of college the most excited senior in the band and, yeah, did aux percussion, because what the hell else was I going to do? I wasn't going to learn to play clarinet. So, yeah, good times.
Andy:It's never too late.
Siobhan:Yeah, I mean it was for me, that's for sure.
Andy:I was not about to do that.
Siobhan:But yeah, mostly singing Good times. Sing with a couple choral groups in the area Loving it Good stuff.
Matt:And this is your host, Matt. I've been playing drums since fourth grade, so 10 years old. I was a marching percussion teacher for 17-ish years a little on and off, but 17 years total. A little bit of a hiatus retirement right now from that, but still enjoy playing percussion. Listening to music and music has just always been a big part of my life. Growing up with my parents, music was always on in the house. Everything we did in the car trips, everything like that, there was always a soundtrack playing and I just, I, absolutely love music. It's one of the things in life that good day, bad day, can turn it on. It calms me down and I'm just in an instantly better mood when there's music playing good stuff indeed, speaking of good stuff, should we sip this bad stuff?
Rob:no, no, I don't want to start with that. Oh, we're starting.
Matt:I think we gotta?
Andy:no, we're starting I think we gotta start with this and build up from here.
Siobhan:Oh my God, it can only get better, I assume. Oh yeah, got it.
Rob:So our fearless leader, as per usual, has found the most heinous potential drink for us. Where?
Andy:did you find this?
Rob:It is called in a giant like the supermarket.
Matt:It was on an end cap and they were two for $7.
Rob:Oh no.
Chris:That tells the whole story right there.
Rob:It smells almost exactly like cough syrup Straight up cough syrup. Like from when you were a kid Diamond Tap or whatever. Oh my God, matt's dying already.
Matt:I just need to get that out. All right, don't worry, in a second you won't be coughing it off.
Rob:It's called Beat Box. It's in like a fun little cardboard container, like an adult juice box. It's 11.1% alcohol by volume. And this is a fruit punch flavored malt beverage Contains alcohol. World's tastiest party punch, that's a lie.
Andy:Try it frozen. I mean, okay, it's not frozen. First of all, no Best served chilled let's get to this before it gets less chilled.
Matt:It had me at beatbox. All right, we're doing music trivia.
Rob:Okay, I understand You're looking for a name that matches the theme Smells like cough medicine.
Matt:It sure does.
Siobhan:There we go, cheers, cheers. I'm scared.
Rob:You know what?
Matt:It's not as bad as it smells, but it's not as bad as it smells. It's not good though.
Andy:I'm not going to seek out a sponsorship here.
Siobhan:What Flavorless you had coldness.
Rob:No, it just dies at the end.
Andy:It's not as flavorful as I was expecting, but it does have that children's Tylenol aftertaste.
Siobhan:It really does have an aftertaste. It's still there.
Andy:Like that specific children's Tylenol aftertaste you all know what it is Like my mouth sounds.
Siobhan:No, no, it makes me uncomfortable.
Rob:Yes, it's not what the ladies usually say about my mouth sounds.
Siobhan:Well, it's what this lady is saying. So just so you know.
Matt:There it is. Yeah, shut down Cough syrup.
Siobhan:Probably better that way.
Andy:It. It might not be too bad frozen. Oh yeah, I can see that Maybe it might be all right as like a popsicle.
Chris:As a popsicle Andy, can we call them cough pops.
Andy:Cough pops, sure Cough pops sure, yep, yeah, all right, let's move on to something better.
Rob:Yeah, let's play some trivia.
Andy:did you serve up here, Rob?
Siobhan:Oh yeah, what do we got for you?
Rob:I have brought the Funk Brewing Cookie Monster, which is a delicious golden stout brewed with vanilla, chocolate and natural flavors.
Siobhan:Natural flavors Very good, way better than that other one, it's .5 ABV Funk is somewhat local to us here.
Rob:I believe it's in Emmaus.
Siobhan:Pennsylvania it is yes. Just a few minutes down the road, oh I love that it's in a collab with an ice cream place.
Rob:Oh, I didn't even see that.
Siobhan:Batch Micro Creamery so good.
Rob:Oh, there we go, they do like boozy milkshakes.
Andy:They're really good. Where are they they?
Siobhan:used to be at the Allentown Market the downtown Allentown Market, Like the fairground, no, the one on the arts walk along 6th Street. But now they moved and I'm not sure where they went. I'll have to look it up.
Rob:But they're great. Well, this was much better.
Siobhan:Yes, quite, let's play some trivia, yeah.
Matt:Chris, you're going first, all right. Okay, all right. So here we go, we're going to hop all over the place. By the way, we're not going to stay consistently in one decade. We're gonna oh good, we're going all over the place. Board, let's go, chris. What was the first music video ever played on mtv when the channel launched august 1, 1981? Was it video killed? The radio star material girl by madonna? Bohemian rhapsody by queen or sweet child of mine by guns and roses you killed the radio. That is correct, I want my MTV.
Chris:Yes yeah, who's drinking? Oh, clearly Siobhan needs a drink.
Siobhan:Okay rude.
Rob:Which way are we going?
Matt:We're going to go Rob next. Okay, we'll continue this way, let's do it. At the beginning of the decade, acdc suffered a tragic loss of their lead singer. Name the singer and the person that replaced him. Was it Jeff Scott and Brian Hobbs, scott Wilson and Brian Johnson, bon Scott and Brian Johnson or Steve Lewis and Axl Rose? I think it's B. Can you give me B and C again? Sorry, sure, b was Scott Wilson and Brian Johnson. C was Bon Scott and Brian Johnson.
Rob:I know Brian Johnson's the new singer, but I don't remember the old singer's name. So I'm between Bon Scott and what was B's. Scott Wilson Sounds like a Beach Boy. I'm going C, c is correct yes. Okay, hey, chris, take a nice Floridian drink there, my friend.
Rob:He's very excited.
Rob:Cheers buddy, I don't see an umbrella in that. We miss you in the room.
Siobhan:I know, yeah, we need like a tiki drink from Florida.
Matt:So Bon Scott died tragically after drinking too much after a concert, and the first album that they did with Brian Johnson was Back in Black.
Siobhan:Oh dang.
Matt:There you go.
Siobhan:Well, kids, that's why we have a safety warning on these podcasts.
Matt:Remember how I said we were going to skip decades. We're staying in the 80s for the next two questions. We stayed there Throwing all the rules out. All right, andy. Yeah, madonna, who is currently on her celebration tour, got her start in the 80s. In 1989, she released an album with hits like Material Girl and Into the Groove, the third song. Can we pause? How is that word pronounced?
Siobhan:She released a what.
Siobhan:No, what did she release?
Matt:An album.
Siobhan:An album.
Matt:Album it's album.
Siobhan:Album, album. It's album album, are you?
Matt:okay, are you okay? Do you smell burning album? Why are you all so mean?
Matt:I can't believe.
Siobhan:You then said it wrong two more times.
Rob:Well, because that's how he says it well. Well, that was the first time you and I looked at each other and were like did he just pronounce? That, and then I just looked at him. I thought he stumbled over it the first time that he said it.
Matt:That's what I thought.
Siobhan:And we were like whatever, oh man, this is going to be a good time tonight, Fine fuckers.
Matt:We'll read the question Album.
Andy:Andy, andy, yes, what album are we talking?
Rob:Question three.
Matt:Buckle in folks, it's going to be a long, long day, andy. Yes, madonna, who's currently on her celebration tour, got her start in the 80s. True, in 89, she released an album with hits like Material Girl and Into the Groove Proud of you, man. The third hit song from the album was also the name of the album. What was the name of the album? I didn't realize that word came up like that.
Siobhan:Well, thank God, we got ahead of this.
Matt:It got intense in a hurry, so okay was the title of the record. Dress you up like a virgin.
Andy:Papa don't preach, or angel I'm going with papa don't preach, mostly because that's my favorite madonna song oh, it's a good one uh, like a virgin, you're drinking for the very first time.
Matt:Unfortunately, it was like a virgin that was.
Rob:That was a great little, uh little like touche there yeah so shout out to the fish for that festion. He helped me create some atheist questions festion sounds like something you need to get checked by a doctor. No, they find them during a colonoscopy profession yeah, uh not really, but maybe okay all right or maybe not a fission.
Siobhan:That's what I think he meant to say.
Matt:Yeah siobhan yes guns and roses first album came out in 1987. It was called appetite for destruction. What is the name of their first single from that album? Was it welcome to the jungle, patience, paradiseience, paradise City or Sweet Child of Mine?
Rob:I have no idea. That is a really tough question.
Matt:That is a really rough question.
Siobhan:Yes, Thanks, great, I'll just go, because I have no idea I'm going. Welcome to the Jungle.
Rob:That probably is wrong, because I think it's sweet child of mine. Well, great, they were both on apple type for destruction, but I don't know which one came out first as a single Now if I were you, I would make him drink, cause you are correct, it is.
Siobhan:Oh, suck it Awesome.
Rob:Yep, no, that's. That's why that question to me was so hard, because, like both of those songs were both singles off that album, I have no idea. I didn't know which one came out before.
Matt:So Welcome to the Jungle was 87, Sweet Child of Mine. 88, Paradise City 1989.
Siobhan:There you go, hooray.
Rob:Yeah, you can hear it, Rob because you took a shit on me, and you know what that makes us all tied at seven.
Matt:Alright, folks, we're going to remix it a little bit and we're going to round to finish the lyric. I'm going to try to read these with no musical inflection, which is going to be hard as hell.
Rob:Okay, are any of them from albums?
Siobhan:Or records.
Rob:Perhaps discs.
Siobhan:Being a dick to the host EP.
Rob:Okay, you know what?
Matt:Hit me with some more of that beatbox while we're here. I'll just drink it, I'll Okay. Well, you know what?
Matt:Hit me with some more of that meat box while we're here. Dude, ew, I'll just drink it. I'll just do it. It's not that bad.
Rob:It's fine. I'm really scared. Before you get to my question, I'm going to open the BrewDog Elvis juice, all right, which I believe is what Priscilla used to call it, hey.
Siobhan:Ho Couldn't get enough.
Matt:It IPA. Wait and hear.
Siobhan:Rob's take on it.
Matt:I'll get there after I finish this red stuff.
Rob:It's good. Yeah, it's good. I would drink that mowing my lawn. It's a lawnmower. Yeah, it's a nice summery beer, very light and citrusy, nice.
Matt:I believe it's a Chris. Chris, finish that lyric. Come break me down, bury me, bury me. Say it one more time Come break me down, bury me, bury me.
Chris:Not wake me up inside, is it?
Matt:It is not so. It's the kill, 30 seconds from Mars. I am finished with you.
Rob:Yes, Yep Nope. 30 seconds to Mars, jared Leto.
Matt:Yeah, I never knew that until I was looking up the questions for this, I did not realize he was the lead singer of 30 Seconds of Mars. Yes, and his brother is the drummer. Well, now I'm just learning things all over the place. I was today years old when I learned these things, yeah.
Matt:All right, Chris.
Matt:Rob. Yes, so you're actually giving me the first part of this lyric, okay.
Rob:The back half is here. We are now. Entertain us. Oh God, With the lights out, it's less dangerous.
Matt:I am very impressed because I knew that song for years and I had no idea that was actually it.
Rob:Smells like teen spirit yeah.
Siobhan:Yes, it is.
Rob:Well done, man Andy. Yeah, sorry, my friend, I'm taking down one Dang.
Matt:I can't do.
Chris:Siobhan twice in prison. Take me down.
Matt:Andy. Uh-huh. More days to come, new place to go. I've got to leave. It's time for a show, uh.
Siobhan:Uh, beep Bop what.
Rob:Uh, may I remind you.
Andy:Beep Bop.
Rob:But may I remind you that you can life on somebody's?
Andy:tab. I think I am putting this on somebody's tab. I think it's going on yours, Rob.
Matt:Okay, that's fine. That's fine. Just to clarify are you making it a double with him or are you putting on his tab? No this is going on his tab.
Rob:Oh, okay, one more time, buddy, sorry, more days to come, new places to go.
Matt:I've got to leave. It's time for a show.
Rob:Is it Billy Joel? I don't know the lyric, I'm just asking who it is. It is not Billy Joel.
Chris:I'm going to get it wrong.
Rob:So he made a very successful punt.
Matt:All right, you want it one more time or no? No, here I am. Rock you like a hurricane.
Rob:Awesome. Never listen to that song for lyrics, ever Awesome.
Siobhan:Never listen to that song for lyrics ever.
Chris:Really yeah right, not for lyrics.
Rob:You know that part, right here I am. Yeah, right, the chorus.
Chris:Rock you like a hurricane.
Siobhan:Yes, that would be the next line All right, good punt, buddy Dumpy McStumperson.
Rob:But nothing, guys, I'm effed. Nothing against me here, great.
Matt:Si, against me here. Great Siobhan, perfect punch. Oh well, imagine as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor and I can't help but to hear, hear an exchanging of words. Yes, I will give it to you.
Siobhan:Yes, there was something in the beginning of that second part.
Matt:Can I help but to hear no.
Siobhan:No, hooray, I did it. I'm not that good at this, that's the disco there you go. Oh, thank God.
Andy:Okay, good my knowledge of jazz standards is of no use here.
Siobhan:That good old 90s jazz we got to get on that.
Rob:Rob, who's drinking? My friend.
Rob:Okay, yes, now I will catch you up Tiki drinks son. Okay, here we go. Siobhan and I tied with seven in the lead, followed by Andy at six and Chris down to five.
Siobhan:Oh, Bummer dude, All righty.
Rob:Matt has reached the loading phase. I have a red fruit punch drink. And now the blue wheel is just spinning.
Matt:I have 57 questions that I made for this Jesus.
Rob:Christ, and if you ask them in order, then you don't have to think about the next one that you're going to ask.
Matt:If I ask them in order, there's a good chance. We never make it out of the 80s, so good, christ, why did you hook?
Andy:us up so bad.
Rob:You use AI so much, why don't you put all your questions into AI and randomly generate them in different order?
Matt:I didn't do that for this.
Rob:No, but you've used AI in the past.
Matt:It started lying to me. I was getting a lot of wrong answers.
Rob:The robots are not taking over.
Matt:I asked it some very specific lyric questions. It was like, Nope, that's not the lyrics. I'm like, oh, that's definitely the lyrics.
Rob:Well, all right. Well, let's ask Chris a question.
Matt:What pop star wrote songs for Ariana Grande, miley Cyrus, britney Spears and Alice Cooper? Was it Taylor Swift, kesha, jessica Simpson or Lady Gaga Wrote songs for Ariana Grande, miley Cyrus, britney Spears and Alice Cooper? This is a cool question.
Chris:Man. I could see any of these. It's Alice Cooper that throws it.
Siobhan:Yeah, but Jessica Simpson ain't writing songs for nobody.
Chris:Yeah, that's obviously the least Chickens in the sea.
Siobhan:Is there a chicken or fish?
Chris:I'm going to go with the Lady Gaga.
Matt:Ooh you are drinking. It's actually Kesha.
Andy:I knew Kesha did a lot of of writing, so that was my only guess.
Siobhan:She wrote what?
Chris:did she write for alice cooper would have been an option yeah, right for alice cooper.
Matt:She wrote what baby wants. She wrote time of our lives for miley cyrus. This love for the veronicas and till the world ends for britney spears dang, I don't know any of those.
Rob:Yes, I know them. Hit me rob.
Matt:Yes, what is the correct spelling of the genie in the bottle singer christina aguilera's last name? What the hell kind of question is this correct, aguilera yes, is it a-g-i-u-l-e-r-a? Don't spell all these out. No, don't give her him options.
Siobhan:Just tell him to spell it, I'm just going to try.
Rob:A-G U I-L-L-E-R-A.
Matt:You were one L away from perfection. It's not double L.
Rob:It's not double L, I know that she is of Hispanic descent, so I thought that the double L was. Aguilera.
Siobhan:But that would be Aguilera.
Matt:Aguilera, son of bitch, okay, well. You know what? That's fine, I will. Oh, you were so close.
Rob:I tried.
Matt:Andy. Yeah, which singer is godmother to Elton John's two sons? Is it Lady Gaga, Leona Lewis, Adele or Ellie Goulding?
Andy:We're going to make this a double Alright, and I think I'm going to double this with Siobhan.
Siobhan:Oy Oy.
Matt:Barking Make it a double. That's Siobhan's favorite sound effect, by the way.
Siobhan:No, my favorite is the happy hour one.
Siobhan:Top Shelf, but that was a good one. Dang, I wish I I'm going between Adele.
Andy:And Gaga. Maybe that's what I'm between as well.
Siobhan:Leona Lewis is good, but I don't think that they're that close. I can't imagine it's Gaga. I feel like it might be, but I don't think that they're that close.
Andy:I can't imagine it's Gaga. I feel like it might be.
Siobhan:Adele, I don't know, but Gaga's got a lot of gay fans, yeah, but like yeah.
Rob:Did they do anything together? No, Elton John likes men.
Matt:Okay, you beat me there.
Siobhan:Hey y'all up. Well, if you are feeling Gaga, then let's go with it.
Andy:We're going Gaga.
Matt:Gaga is the correct answer. High five.
Rob:High five.
Matt:Andy, you're going to take a point back, I'm assuming.
Rob:Siobhan, would you also like to take a point back, or would you like to take somebody down?
Siobhan:Am I at seven still?
Rob:You are at seven Now, tied in the lead with Andy. So you're aware.
Siobhan:Oh man, why don't I take a point back?
Siobhan:Instead of I don't know, Chris is at like four or something sad.
Rob:He is, he is. We're all sad, but it's okay.
Matt:He is we're all sad but it's okay, siobhan, it's me, yep, it's.
Matt:It's me.
Matt:What American rock band was founded as a one-person project in Seattle in 1994? Ooh, was it the Foo Fighters System of a Down Bush or Train?
Siobhan:What I don't know enough about System of a Down other than how they yell a lot. Wake up.
Rob:Yeah, exactly. Why don't you put on?
Matt:a little makeup.
Siobhan:I'm going to go with Bush, okay.
Matt:So it's actually the Foo Fighters, the Fighters of Foo. I've seen them live.
Matt:You saw the Foo Fighters live. I have.
Siobhan:That was very cool, that's very cool. It was sick.
Matt:So I love this little bit of trivia. Of course, this happened when Nirvana disbanded after the death of Kurt Cobain in 94. Dave Grohl was rumored that he might join Pearl Jam or Tom Petty as their drummer, and he later said I was supposed to join another band as a drummer for the rest of my life and I thought I'd rather do what no one expected me to do. He created a solo album and he played and sang all the instruments except on one track. Out of the 15 songs on the album, he recorded them all in five days. Oh, and he actually said had I actually considered this to be a career, I probably would have called it something else, because it's the stupidest fucking band name in the world.
Rob:I love it. I should have known that. Yeah, I love it. When Christopher Walken introduced them on SNL, he said Foo Fighters.
Andy:Well, apparently the story with that was he asked them how it was supposed to be pronounced and to mess with him. That's how they told him.
Rob:Yeah F Grohl, Foo Fighters Amazing.
Matt:Do you want to give us a rundown so we know where we are?
Rob:Yes, Siobhan and Andy at seven holding the top spots. I have six and Chris has four Womp and also Andy's, the only one to have used a lifeline.
Siobhan:Oh no, no, he used both yeah.
Rob:Andy has used both his lifelines.
Rob:Is what I meant to say.
Matt:Chris, which emo band released the album Bleed American in July 2001, which was renamed to the name of the band due to the September 11th attacks. Was it Taking Back Sunday Brand New Dashboard, Confessional or Jimmy Eat World, renamed to the name of the band due to the september 11th attacks? Was it taking back sunday brand new dashboard, confessional or jimmy eat world?
Chris:they had to change an album.
Matt:They had to change the album name because they released it in july 2001. It was called bleed american and they changed it after 9-11 jimmy world that's correct.
Chris:Yes, yes, yes yep, I mean I I know, like all the other bands, albums, and I was like I've never heard that before, so it's gotta be the band I don't know well yep, that's the album with the middle and sweetness on it.
Matt:It was re-released and renamed to the original name in 2008 nice.
Chris:Wow, that is really fun.
Andy:Trivia do we just make a drinking game out of it every?
Rob:time he says it wrong. Yes, I'm going to take a sip every time he says album.
Siobhan:I'm doing that already.
Rob:Christopher who's?
Chris:drinking buddy Siobhan's drinking.
Rob:Yeah, she is Rude. You got another album. Question for me, hashtag love you.
Matt:I've said this before on this podcast these are my best friends of course, of course.
Rob:And and if your best friends aren't going to give you shit, then what?
Andy:kind of friends are they? Yeah, I wouldn't pick on somebody I didn't like hey, that's true.
Siobhan:I wouldn't care rob.
Matt:Yes, which of these fans did not release an album in the 90s?
Rob:hang on. I need to take a drink.
Matt:Go on that's how I always said it.
Andy:Oh, this is good it just means we're gonna get drunk, it's all right I know we like it.
Siobhan:I'm here for it.
Matt:Go ahead, give me the options billy joel, blink 182, nelly or jimmy eat world did not release in the 90s.
Matt:Billy Joel.
Matt:Final answer. That is incorrect. It is Nelly Country Grammar came out in 2000. Wow, okay.
Siobhan:I thought Billy.
Rob:Joel stopped releasing music in the 90s.
Matt:River of Dreams came out in, I believe, 1993.
Rob:Oh, but that was his last one until just recently, right Yesterday. Yeah, okay, wow, I was way too confident in that. I thought, Nelly was like 99. I thought he might have snuck in there.
Siobhan:That's fair. I would not have been sure of that Because I remember that in like middle school, early high school times. Yes, sure Andy, released on December high school times.
Matt:Yes, sure, andy Mm-hmm. Released on December 6th 2004,. The Numa Numa dance was a viral internet phenomenon that involved a live-syncing and dancing to the song by the band Ozone. This was done by Gary Brozma, which I'll get to that in a moment.
Andy:What is the?
Matt:name of that song. Do it? Is it Numa Numa Dragostadinte Myla he, myla who? Or Halo One of those it is one of those.
Rob:My friend. I'm sorry you do not have any lifelines.
Siobhan:I know and now I'm sorry. Good luck to you.
Andy:I'm going to go with the second one. That is the correct answer Dragostadinte.
Matt:It go with the second one. That is the correct answer. Dragostan and Tay. It is Dragostan and Tay and it is a Romanian song originally. So I took a bit of a long shot and I actually emailed Gary Brosma and I asked him if he would stop in for the podcast for 10 minutes. He never emailed me back, so I was a little upset about that.
Rob:Is that a real thing? Did you do that? I did.
Andy:You had me build up for half a second that something fucking cool was about to happen. And then what?
Rob:happened was nothing. It would also be great if they were like, and he's with chris now in the hotel, and here he is.
Andy:So just creeps up behind chris with his arms pumping.
Matt:No, I was legit.
Matt:I really just wanted him to do that. All I emailed him was like will you pop in for five, ten minutes?
Rob:And just when I read this question, dude you could have gotten your old college roommate, john Nilsen, to do a pretty B interpretation of him, because he kind of looked like him.
Matt:He did look a lot like him. And also sounded exactly like the Swedish chef. Look like him. Uh, he did.
Andy:Look a lot like him and also sounded exactly like the swedish chef. So, john, if you happen to be listening.
Matt:Shout out to you, man, fun facts about that one. Oh, from 2004 to 2006, that was estimated to have 700 million views. That is pre-youtube era. Oh, wow, really, yeah, holy crap. So, yeah, that's, that's significant portion of that.
Andy:Was that on Vine? No, Vine was post-YouTube. Yeah, Because YouTube was what? 2004? Yeah, but I remember rocking out to Numa Numa in college.
Rob:Who's drinking there? Buddy Siobhan's drinking.
Siobhan:Okay, cool Boo, all right, bye. She took me out of the last game.
Matt:I'm getting my revenge, my boo, Just to wrap that up once it did get on YouTube, on other channels it got a paltry 68,430,349 views. Good God, we have numbers.
Rob:How do we get those views? Are we talking about numbers? Are we talking about math? Math E equals MC Hammer.
Andy:We talking about numbers Siobhan's question.
Rob:Siobhan's question. Siobhan talking about numbers.
Matt:Siobhan's question. Siobhan's question. Siobhan, this band got their name from the X-Files, specifically season one, episode 11. Was it Sugar Ray, eve, six, maroon Five or Third Eye Blind? Oh?
Chris:I love this question. This is a great question.
Siobhan:Damn it.
Rob:Frick. Oh, I have lifelines, don't I? Frick is not correct. Um, you have both of your lifelines at the moment.
Siobhan:You can put it on those for like an 80s question, because I feel like I'm gonna know less about that.
Matt:Okay, um eve six that's correct hey, go with your gut yeah, the episode title is eve and it's about genetically modified people part of a eugenics experiment.
Rob:I mean based upon their album artwork. That would have been my guess as well, but third eye blind would have been like a close second as far as like if I was just guessing because, it kind of sounds like it sits there who's drinking friend?
Siobhan:Oh, um it's, Andy.
Siobhan:Giving it back. I miss X-Files. That show was so good. After this round everybody, andy, I've never watched a single episode. It's good, you should check it out.
Andy:I'm a giant nerd. I've never watched a single episode. It's on Amazon. I started recently.
Matt:Full disclosure recently. Full disclosure. That question came about because I started watching it recently and I got to that episode and they were like this is eve six. Uh, is there some?
Andy:connection with the band, googled it it's like turns out there is rob.
Rob:Read us the current lay of the land. Andy in the lead with six points, siobhan and I tied at five.
Siobhan:Chris with four all right, we're getting back down to your level, dude christopher Christopher. Dreamer.
Matt:Who sang the theme song for the TV show Friends? Was it the Rembrandts, hootie and the Blowfish, the Cranberries or the Wallflowers?
Rob:My friend, let me remind you that you have your lifelines and I'm always here for you. I'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour. Thank you, You'll be there for you when the rain starts to pour.
Matt:Thank you, you're welcome.
Chris:I want to take a risk, but I also am getting too low.
Siobhan:All right, Chris, what are you doing?
Chris:All right, Robbo, I'm going to make it a double. It's the Rembrandts.
Rob:Is it the Rembrandts? Yes, and we're both taking points back. Thank you very much.
Siobhan:Okay, well, I guess that's what you wanted to do, chris.
Matt:Very aggressive. The Rembrandt's is correct I should have taken the risk. Rob Whitney Houston had a massive hit in 1992 with a cover of I Will Always Love you. Whose song did she cover? Ooh, was it Dolly Parton, paula Abdul, janet Jackson or Loretta Lynn?
Rob:I would like to make this double with Siobhan Oi.
Siobhan:Barking, make it a double. I believe it is Dolly Parton.
Andy:It is. She made it a double too.
Matt:Yeah, it's Dolly.
Siobhan:Parton, she done double Ds.
Rob:Would you, uh, would you like a point back?
Siobhan:dear friend, Uh yeah.
Rob:Okay, would you like a point back, dear friend?
Siobhan:Uh yeah.
Rob:Okay, thank you for that Andy Mm-hmm?
Matt:What was the first rap song to hit number?
Andy:one on the Billboard 100? Was it the Humpty Dance? Oh, that's so good, do the Humpty.
Matt:Hump, do the Hum-Pum-Humpty Hump Ice, ice Baby by Vanilla Ice Cream by the Wu-Tang Clan. Or Mama Said, knocked you Out. By LL Cool J Wow. I wish I had a lifeline.
Andy:Yeah, you're in a precarious situation Again. My knowledge of jazz standards is of no use here. I'll be honest with you.
Rob:This gives nothing away, because this is not one of the options. I would have thought it was a Run DMC song that they did with Aerosmith with Walk.
Andy:This Way, I would have thought it was a run DMC song that they did with with Aerosmith, with walk, this way, that that would have been if they would have classified that as hip hop and not as right, but they probably.
Rob:that was definitely barrier breaking.
Andy:Oh yeah, I can't imagine the Humpty Hump.
Siobhan:The Humpty dance.
Andy:The Humpty Hump. As entertaining as it is, I just can't imagine. I can't imagine it's Wu-Tang Clan. That feels too late. I know it feels wrong. It feels wrong. I'm going with Vanilla Ice.
Matt:It feels wrong, but it is right. It's so right I hate it.
Rob:It's so right. It feels wrong, but it is so right.
Siobhan:Correct the fact that the first rap song in there is a white man. Yep, here we are, and it's not even that good.
Rob:No, it's clearly not a good song, and it's a ripoff of the bass line of Under Pressure by Queen and. David.
Andy:Bowie, but there's an extra note in there.
Siobhan:You know, Could not be more.
Rob:American Bum, bum, bum bum. Fun fact Vanilla Ice's real name.
Matt:Winkle who's drinking?
Siobhan:Oh, Siobhan, Damn it Rick.
Matt:All right, siobhan. The number one selling artist of the 90s was Celine Dion 200 million album sales. Good Lord, number two was Mariah Carey just below 200 million album sales. Good Lord, number two was Mariah Carey just below 200 million album sales. Who was number three? Whitney Houston, nirvana, michael Jackson or Garth Brooks?
Siobhan:You said the 90s.
Matt:The 90s.
Siobhan:Let's go with Michael Jackson.
Matt:You do not have friends in low places. I don't like him.
Siobhan:I was never going to vote for him.
Matt:I know I was really happy you got that question, by the way.
Rob:Oh man, I just hate country music. Everybody. I'm going to do a round recap. I am currently now in the lead with seven, andy with six, chris with five and Siobhan now with four.
Matt:For anybody that was curious Boyz II Men was four, whitney Houston five, metallica six.
Rob:Boyz II Men, Nirvana seven.
Matt:Tupac eight Shania Twain nine. Boyz II Men and Spice Up your Life. The Spice Girls were number ten People of the world. Spice Up your Life Every boy and every girl. Stick a Z yeah.
Siobhan:All Stick a stick.
Matt:Yeah, all right, we will go into another remix round Y'all trying to take me down. Chris, I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known.
Chris:This one's at least sort of familiar, I'm going to put it on Siobhan's tab. Damn it.
Andy:See them Put it on their tab.
Siobhan:Ooh, okay, wait. Can you say them again?
Matt:I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known.
Siobhan:I don't know where it goes.
Matt:Yeah, it's the something, something, something. I don't know where it goes. Dark side.
Siobhan:But I walk alone, damn it.
Rob:But I'm the only one.
Siobhan:Is that what it is, so?
Matt:I don't know, that's not what it is.
Siobhan:All right, what is it? I'll take an L.
Matt:Boulevard. Broken Dreams by Green Day.
Matt:I walk a lonely road, the only one that I've ever known. Don't know where it goes, but it's home to me and I walk alone oh wow, here's the good news.
Siobhan:I mostly had it. Nobody loses points there because it was a good punt from Chris, and you can't lose a point. At least I knew what it was from.
Rob:Everybody is neutral there. Good job, chris. Good punt, chris, good punt.
Siobhan:You're ahead of me anyway, which is rude. Yeah, that was rough All right Hit me.
Matt:Marconi plays the radio, don't you remember?
Siobhan:You already made it a double. Damn it. Put it on my tab.
Matt:I'm going for the Elvis juice.
Siobhan:This is good, by the way, Can you?
Rob:Marconi plays the Mamba.
Siobhan:I love this song.
Matt:I do too. Listen to the radio, don't you remember Crap?
Rob:I will put it on Siobhan's tab.
Siobhan:No, put it on. Oh, Chris would have known it too. Bummer, that's okay, put it on your tab. Marconi plays the mamba. Listen to the radio, don't you remember? We built this? City on rock and roll. We built this city.
Rob:Yeah, that's a good song. So then I lose a point. I shouldn't have punted it to you. I forgot to put it on your tab. Is you don't want the person to answer? Because, because you answered, I should have put it on Andy's tab.
Siobhan:Bummer. Well, I know, I know, that's his whole point I said it just because I knew it, but you don't have to do it. Listen to the radio. Don't you remember? It's really actually.
Rob:It's very hard to finish these lyrics when he's just speaking them because it's like the tune doesn't automatically. If he gave me the tune, I'd have at least some footing, I know.
Matt:You have known me long enough to know that if I attempt to give you the tune. It won't be the tune, because then it gives it away. But even if you gave us, like the, but the rhythm of it, like the pentameter of it all, when I sing, andy, there's uh something your uh counterpart at where you work at the high school. One said to me that sticks with me and it's what is a half step among friends that is my motto.
Andy:When you like a bucket for that tune yes, quarter tones, everybody, whoo, all right, great.
Siobhan:Well, what does that mean? You just lose a point. I don't do anything except own your face.
Rob:Okay, great, I mean okay, yes.
Siobhan:I do.
Matt:Are you ready? I'm ready. Andy rising up back on the street. Did my time, took my chances, went the distance. Now I'm back on my feet. Something with the will to survive.
Rob:Oh what is that something?
Siobhan:What do you got?
Rob:I'd be stuck there with you.
Siobhan:We're going to get sprayed in the face with water. If we were on the Jimmy Fallon situation, where he asked people to finish these.
Andy:What am I after? Went the distance. Now I'm back on my feet Rising up with the will to survive.
Matt:Oh, that's a good guess.
Siobhan:Just a man and his will to survive it was just, but I didn't know the rest of it either just a man and his will to survive it's the, it's the thrill of the fight. You ready, yeah?
Matt:siobhan under the bridge downtown is where I drew some blood. Under the bridge downtown. I could not drew some blood Under the bridge downtown. I could not get enough.
Siobhan:I know what this is, but frick, Damn it, Anthony Kiedis. I mean let's go with under the bridge downtown again. I threw my life away.
Matt:Under the bridge downtown. Forgot about my love. Forgot about my love Then under the bridge downtown.
Siobhan:I threw my life away, so I missed one Bummer. All right, Well, I'll take that out. Blood sugar, sex magic yes, indeed I had that album memorized. Guys, everyone front to back RHCP, another one I've seen in person. All right, jealous, very jealous.
Rob:Oh my God one I've seen in person Jealous, very jealous.
Andy:It was when they was amazing.
Siobhan:Maybe it was Californication.
Rob:So, yes, yeah, because he was out of the band for a few years and now I think he's back in it.
Siobhan:Yeah, I saw them and Foo Fighters At the same show. No, I did. And then the other time I saw was live and counting crows together. I saw live once.
Matt:This will be fun, since we're kind of like part way through first concert you ever attended. Oh, oh like first professional yeah rock concert.
Andy:Oh yeah, I know I can tell you, alanis morissette, I was in eighth grade and it was a jagged little pill tour it was very cool it was so cool.
Siobhan:I saw it at the Meadows in Connecticut, which is in like Hartford, and we had lawn seats but we all just stood near the big screens. It was sick.
Andy:Very cool. All right, I know everybody listening to the podcast currently thinks I'm a total boomer.
Siobhan:You're not a boomer, and this is going to confirm that feeling, to confirm that feeling James Taylor. That's great. You saw fire and you saw rain.
Andy:I saw fire and I saw rain. That's awesome, that's pretty amazing Listen.
Rob:Although I have very little recollection of this, I saw my first concert was Ray Charles he played at Music Fest in either the late 80s or very early 90s, nice. But I was obsessed with Ray Charles when I was a wee lad, yeah.
Andy:I have talked to other people who were at that concert and said it was absolutely insane.
Rob:That's unreal Cool, I don't really remember most of it, but yeah, that was my first concert, rob, it's okay, he wouldn't remember seeing you either.
Chris:Oh my God, it's okay, don't cry, chris chris, oh god, so technically, when I was like one year old, my parents took me to a beach boys concert, but I obviously don't remember anything as I was only one years old, so one of the first like uh, it's not really rock, necessarily, but trans-siberian orchestra is one of the earliest I was at. So yeah, I'm going to hardcore.
Matt:Drive the bus over both of us right now, because the first concert I ever went to was at Music Fest. You, your mom, my mom and Amy. Do you remember what show it was?
Chris:Was that the Savage Garden? It was Savage Garden.
Siobhan:There's a throwback. I want to stay with you on a mountain.
Andy:I want to stay with you in the sea.
Matt:When was that?
Matt:That was a long time ago. The answer is 1907.
Matt:It was always the Cherry Cola song that stuck in my I need you, I want you. That was the oneth cut shit. It was always the Cherry Cola song that stuck in my I need you, I want you.
Andy:That was the one I was singing. I had literally forgotten about that band completely.
Siobhan:Yo, yeah, I listened to that Alright, Chris.
Rob:Real quick recap. I'm in lead with 6, Andy and Chris with 5, Siobhan with 3. Who Siobhan with three. Who? Siobhan is the only person who has lifelines left. She has both. Everybody else has used their lifelines.
Matt:Really yes.
Rob:Wow, yes, here we go.
Matt:Chris, what was the name of the song and artist featured in the first music video on MTV that prominently featured computer generated graphics? Was it Take On Me by A-Ha, money for Nothing by Dire Straits, sledgehammer by Peter Gabriel or Land of Confusion by Genesis?
Chris:Oh damn, once again. These are all so plausible.
Siobhan:Ooh, totally. I was going to say this is hard. I'm so glad nobody can punt anything to me anymore.
Chris:I'm going to just go with Sledgehammer.
Matt:So it's actually Money for Nothing was Dire.
Siobhan:Straits. Oh, I wouldn't have guessed that.
Chris:Yeah that was.
Matt:Yep, Mainframe Entertainment was the company behind that. Oh my god.
Chris:It's a good video.
Andy:All of those are good videos.
Chris:Yeah, yeah, all of them were.
Matt:Take on me is easily the best yeah.
Matt:Easily the best Iconic Rob. Who won Video of the Year, the Video of the Year Award at the inaugural MTV Video Music Awards in 1984? Michael Jackson with Thriller, duran Duran with Hungry Like a Wolf, don't even keep going, the Cars Might you Think. Or Madonna Like a Virgin. It was Michael Jackson Thriller that is correct.
Rob:Yay, Very nice. Andy, you're the closest to me, so drink my friend.
Siobhan:Do it? Are we about to bust open this pink lemonade beatbox? Next round, great, next round. I'm horrified and sort of excited. I thought about doing this round but he already got into the questions All right, all right, and I was like I need a better. All right, all right, all right, thanks, yep, shavonna Hay. Yeah, I don't know. We tried yeah.
Matt:What was the name of the Australian band that scored a global hit in 81 with the song Down Under, which became an anthem for Australian culture?
Rob:Was it Crowded House? Men at Work Midnight.
Andy:Oil or Men Without Hats.
Siobhan:That coming from my. Yeah, that one.
Andy:I'm pretty sure it's Men at Work.
Matt:It is Men at Work.
Siobhan:Yes, g'day Rob, put a shrimp on the barbie.
Matt:Take a drink. The dingo ate my baby.
Matt:Siobhan. Yes, what was the name of the British band formed by Boy George and the?
Siobhan:Culture Club.
Matt:Yep Atta girl.
Siobhan:Come a, come a, come a come a chameleon you come and go. You come and go, all right. Yeah, I'm assuming that's the answer. Yes, hooray, I did it. I do love the look of defeat on matt's face when someone gives the answer before he. Who's? No sucker uh, chris okay I love you.
Rob:I'm lower than you, all right. All right, here we go, I'm, I'm cracking the beat box pink lemonade, also 11.1, but this one has avril lavigne, which I don't know what that means. It doesn't say in partnership with them.
Matt:I will say this because it was before.
Rob:I met my wife.
Matt:And everybody can make fun of me for this, but when Rob and I formed a band, my driving factor of wanting to be a famous drummer was meeting Avril Lavigne. So there, it is Fair enough. Yep, how bad does it smell?
Rob:It kind of smells like that crappy version of Zima that he made a few weeks ago, hey I didn't hate that.
Matt:so to be fair, it's not because he made it, it's because it was crappy. I didn't see anybody else making Zima.
Rob:All right, while everybody is pouring the Avril.
Rob:I'm not pouring any of that I just wanted to sniff.
Andy:It doesn't smell that bad.
Rob:I am currently in the lead with five. Andy with four Chris and Siobhan tied at three. Siobhan's still, with both of her lifelines heading into this next round.
Siobhan:This doesn't smell bad. Are we trying it?
Rob:I'm trying it. I'm in Cheers, it's got.
Matt:Watch for the back end. Watch for the back end.
Siobhan:God the end of it is so bad, just like that one, it's really not. It's not as bad as the other one, though.
Rob:Okay, what is it about these beat boxes that make me feel like the aftertaste is like?
Andy:liquid wax.
Matt:It's like drinking a candle.
Andy:It's like we have MD I guarantee it's got whatever that artificial sweetener is no like.
Siobhan:Mad Dog MD. Oh God, With like freaking Four Loko yes.
Matt:Back to Chris. I'll say if you're drinking on a budget, you could probably do worse.
Rob:But I mean, it's not the worst thing I've ever had. No, for sure.
Matt:Chris Queen's performance at Live Aid is legendary and Freddie Mercury's performance is regarded as one of the best live rock performances of all time. How many people were estimated to have watched Live Aid on TV, making it one of the most watched live performances in history? 500 million, 900 million, 1.9 billion or 2.4 billion? Holy shit, that's a lot, regardless of the answer 900 million, 900 million, the answer is 1.9 billion people.
Chris:Wow, cray cray, that's insane.
Matt:Live Aid took place.
Siobhan:There was nothing else to do. What year was that?
Matt:So it's a good question. That's probably the only fact I don't have right now.
Siobhan:Oh my God, we're looking it up.
Rob:Okay, hold on, we're going to get the year, because that is a lot of people for as early as I think it may have been.
Siobhan:Nineteen, eighty five yes.
Rob:Yeah, that many people had televisions in nineteen eighty five.
Siobhan:Oh yeah, I'm sure that's true, but like I'm surprised that that's all they were watching, which is such a product of now, where we have way too many choices of what you can be watching, right, yeah, well, I mean, that was also on every available channel. Right, it was such a huge deal. Man, I miss that kind of stuff.
Matt:So it was of course at Wembley Stadium and JFK. 72,000 people were at Wembley, 90,000 at JFK in Philadelphia. The estimated TV audience was 1.9 billion. The same day, concerts inspired by that initiative were also held in the Soviet Union, canada, japan, yugoslavia.
Siobhan:Austria, australia and West Germany. West Germany which isn't a thing.
Rob:Yeah, I imagine that kind of thing right now. If you gave us that West Germany fact, we could have dated it somewhat well.
Matt:Here's the part that blew my mind. It was one of the largest satellite linkups in history 150 nations and 40% of the world population Wow.
Siobhan:That's crazy.
Matt:That's epic. That's really cool man yeah that's historic.
Siobhan:There's no great trivia I was just gonna say no one's gonna do that again, not even a chance, taylor. Swift tries, but she's not gonna get there. That's okay, she has $1.9 billion but she doesn't have that many viewers.
Rob:Yeah, we watched the Eritrean tour the other day on Disney Plus.
Siobhan:Yeah, I kind of want to do that, I feel like just because it's kind of iconic. That's cool.
Andy:I had free tickets to see her in Pittsburgh's football stadium. Fun fact, I've seen her perform the.
Siobhan:National Anthem pre-fame at a Reading Phillies game. Oh yeah, she was all up in the Redding Phillies because she's from the D-Town, she's from that area, nope.
Andy:I saw Taylor Swift, and opening for her was Ed Sheeran oh didn't they date?
Rob:I don't think so.
Siobhan:I just assume she dates anybody.
Rob:I mean she might Including Travis Kelsey. I mean that's happening right now.
Siobhan:That's her current era, all righty.
Rob:It's my turn it is. Rob, tell me a question.
Matt:The song Running Up that Hill by Kate Bush had a resurgence in popularity following its inclusion in the fourth season of Stranger Things. Yes, what year was Running Up that Hill released as a single by Kate Bush?
Rob:1978, 1980, 1985, or 1990? I'm going to go with the year of our Lord, 1985, the year of my birth, when people were not averse to the Bush.
Matt:Go on.
Matt:That is correct.
Siobhan:Yay, good reasoning.
Matt:We love that reasoning. That's correct, yay, good reasoning.
Rob:We love that reasoning. Thanks, playboy, that's good. Sorry, andy, you're still too close to me for my comfort.
Siobhan:Okay, I'm having more of this. I know that's weird.
Matt:So fun fact time In 85, it reached number three on the UK singles chart. In 2002, it reached number one in eight countries, including the UK, after being featured in Stranger Things. So it actually made number three on the Hot 100 chart and previously had only made it to number 30. Wow, andy, before being offered to Britney Spears and becoming a mega hit. Baby. One More Time was offered to which other artist or group Willie Nelson.
Matt:I would listen to that.
Matt:Yeah, I would too, was it TLC. Christina Aguilera, which Rob taught us how to spell earlier NSYNC. Or Mandy Moore.
Andy:I'm going with Christina Aguilera.
Matt:It was actually TLC.
Siobhan:Oh dang, I would have guessed Mandy Moore.
Matt:They turned it down because they were uncomfortable with Hit Me interpreting it as having an association with domestic violence.
Siobhan:Fair enough, girl. They just talked about a lot of no scrubs. Left eye it was also offered to.
Rob:If you can picture this, the Backstreet Boys and a british group called five oh interesting yeah so manny moore uh, believe it or not was a little bit later than that, I think, so I would have ruled her out right, I guess. But and I would have ruled in sync out, but but it's. It's funny to hear that it was offered to backstreet Boys, because I can't imagine a male or NSYNC version of that song.
Siobhan:Right yeah.
Matt:I'm a little crazy, yeah, huh.
Siobhan:All right.
Matt:Good stuff, Matthew.
Siobhan:Hit me one more time, siobhan, but not like that TLC. Thank you.
Matt:What holds the record for spending the most consecutive weeks at number one on the Billboard Hot 100 charts in the 1990s. I will always love you by whitney houston, smooth by santana and rob thomas. One sweet day by mariah carey or the macarena oh my god, let's go with mariah carey. She had so many number ones so that is correct 16 weeks at the top of the chart.
Andy:I listened to that shit so much I would have guessed the Macarena.
Matt:I think that was in there to left curve us.
Siobhan:So, depending on your musical leanings.
Matt:This fun fact will break your soul it was surpassed in 2019. Does anybody know what song offhand?
Siobhan:Wait, the Mariah Carey song was surpassed in 2019?. Is it another Mariah Carey song? Nope, taylor Swift.
Matt:And I take my horse down Old Town Road, little Nas X.
Matt:Nas All right, he's cool.
Siobhan:Oh look at that. Who am I making drink? Who's at the top. It's me. Yeah, you drank it. Okay, Look at that who am I making? Drink. Who's at the top? It's me Get it.
Matt:Give us those points.
Rob:I am still at the top with four. Siobhan with three in second place, chris and Andy with two. Siobhan still with both of her lifelines. Nobody else has lifelines. Alright, we're going to lyrics. Oh, we're going back to lyrics Holy crap. Everybody get ready to lose.
Matt:Yeah, all right, chris as I walk through the of the shadow of death, where I harvest my grain exactly.
Siobhan:We talked about this the other day. I said we, I, we heard the beginning of this song and I said there's no way, I don't think of weird al, every single time I hear the beginning of this song and I said there's no way, I don't think of Weird Al every single time I hear the beginning of this song.
Matt:Even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone. Yeah, Chris. As I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at my life and realize there's nothing left.
Chris:I don't know the original Get out of here, bummer.
Siobhan:Can you sing the Weird Al?
Andy:version. Maybe we'll give that to you. You know I shot in fancy things like electricity oh my God.
Chris:Yeah, I don't know.
Matt:Bummer, because I've been blasting and laughing so long that even my mama thinks that my mind is gone.
Siobhan:Oh, the mind is gone, yep. Oh you got one kid. I'm a man of the land.
Andy:I'm in two discipline. Oh my God, I love that.
Siobhan:With a Bible. I can't so that also with American Pie. There's no way I don't sing all the my, my, this here Anakin guy every time that I hear that song. Yep, weird Al has invaded.
Rob:I'm ready.
Matt:You are. I am. This is going to be an awkward opening. I contemplate the day we wed. Your friends are boring me to death. Your veil is ruined in the rain by then. It's you I can do without. There's nothing new to talk about.
Rob:Though our kids are blessed, our parents let them shoulder all the blame. That is correct.
Matt:What's that? That is the quiet things that no one ever knows by brand new Siobhan.
Siobhan:Have a drink, oh, okay.
Siobhan:I didn't know that. What's that? Who is?
Rob:that. That is my high school in a nutshell, it's brand new. It's the quiet things that no one ever knows why would you kidnap one?
Siobhan:Matt Because it's where it was. No, I'm just kidding. Oh, wow, what do you got Okay.
Matt:Sorry, we're hanging out in that time period. My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me. So won't you kill me. So I die happy. My heart is yours to Step on To fill or burst.
Rob:Oh, don't stop stop it To break or bury or wear as jewelry Whichever you prefer. Hands down. This is the best day I can ever remember, Always remember it's Dashboard Confessional I really was not into the.
Andy:This is the best day I can ever remember, always remember it's Dashboard Confessional.
Matt:I really was not into the emo fit. You weren't an emo boy. It's okay. It's okay.
Rob:I wasn't even really that into it.
Andy:Where's the Big Bad Voodoo Daddies and the Ska and the Cherry Poppin' Daddies and the Squirrel Nuts?
Matt:Zipper and the Real Big Fish I know we could have got that. I've seen that live.
Andy:Mighty, Mighty Boss Tones. Yeah, I've seen that Shout out to Croc Rock. Word Listen. I saw Real Big Fish and Croc Rock.
Siobhan:I was at that show, we've all been to Croc Rock In my first year of teaching. We all had sad times at Croc Rock.
Rob:I was at that show man.
Matt:This is because I can spell confusion with a K and I can like it. It's to dying in another's arms and why I had to try it.
Chris:I don't think that's true. You're cutting so deep. Well, yeah.
Siobhan:Okay, have you met all of you? So I'm going to punt it to Rob.
Rob:Okay, can you read it to me?
Siobhan:Just go ahead and press a button.
Rob:See them, I know you're sad if you don't.
Matt:Thank you, thanks, fish. This is because I can spell confusion with a K and I can, like it is to dying in another's arms, and why I had to try it.
Rob:I have no idea. Do you know this song? No, it's.
Matt:I'm just curious.
Rob:It's Constantine by something corporate.
Matt:Something it's. I'm just curious it's Constantine by Something Corporate. Oh, by Something Corporate, what that has 170,000 lyrics.
Andy:That's the longest song ever made.
Rob:I do know that song, Chris that's your favorite song.
Chris:Wow, I can't pick it up in the middle like that though.
Siobhan:I've listened to that song so many stupid times.
Matt:I say punt great punt.
Rob:No points lost there for you.
Rob:But this round.
Matt:this round has really Can I finish it?
Rob:I mean sure, Go ahead.
Matt:It's to Jimmy Eat World. And those nights in your car when the first star you see may not be your star.
Siobhan:Chris, are you crying a little?
Chris:A little bit. Yeah, yeah, I know he loves that stupid song.
Matt:I mean it's not stupid, it's a great song. It is a great song, it's just 17 minutes long.
Matt:It is very long, something corporate Nine minutes.
Siobhan:Nine minutes is too long, okay.
Rob:So that round has gotten us really close to the end of the end game. Here I have four points with a commanding lead, siobhan with two points with a make it a double left Chris and Andy at one apiece. This could be a very telling round here. Going down in an earlier round, that's right.
Matt:A later round Chris the hard drinking protagonist of Chumbawamba's 1997 hit, tub Thumping, has four different kinds of drinks, according to the song's lyrics.
Rob:I love all of this.
Matt:He had a lager drink, a cider drink Name the other two drinks that he imbibes. Did he have a stout drink, whiskey, vodka?
Matt:Yeah, that's my boy.
Siobhan:Good job, well done, he had a vodka drink.
Chris:Yes, I'm still in it.
Matt:He also sang the songs that reminded him of the good times.
Siobhan:The better times, and the better times, yes, the songs that remind him of the good times.
Matt:Anybody remember what the lyric was after that? Oh, Donnie boy.
Rob:Donnie boy, donnie boy, I get knocked out, then I'll get up again, chris. Who's drinking? Oh, you are, oh.
Andy:Never going to keep him down.
Rob:I thought maybe you'd forget that I was winning, but it's okay.
Siobhan:You literally just did a recap and he's not actually drinking alcohol and we are so there's that he has a freaky tiki water with him.
Matt:Rob, yes, yes. What year did bradley noel from sublime pass away rip?
Andy:guitarist coming to music fest god, what a good.
Matt:All right so album may 5th 94, 95, 96 or 97 I think he died the same year that Cobain did so.
Rob:I think it's 94.
Matt:Brad Noel died in 1996 of a heroin overdose in San Francisco. Six makes sense. A lot of the band was on tour.
Siobhan:Well, they were huge then in 97.
Andy:Yeah, that's another one. I could sing every lyric front to back.
Rob:Oh yeah, the.
Rob:Yeah, the self-titled album is so good. Chef's Kiss Wow.
Siobhan:That is a really good album.
Rob:Wow, okay, I'm saddened by that. All right.
Siobhan:Good trivia though.
Matt:Andy Mm-hmm. Eric Clapton won the 1996 Grammy for Record of the Year with a song entitled Change the Earth, world, human Race or Planet.
Rob:This is some bullshit, come on.
Andy:I could change the world.
Siobhan:I thought you were like the Earth and I'm like, no, Don't do it Earth is correct. What? No, it's not. Oh world is correct.
Andy:Push the button. Yay Chug, Yay Chug. I feel like, oh my God.
Rob:Andy, who's drinking?
Andy:You are Get down to our level. Oh God, javon you.
Matt:Yes, kiss was and is known for their over-the-top makeup, costumes and stage shows. Who designed the iconic makeup worn by the members of Kiss, contributing to their distinctive image and brand style identity from the 1980s? Was it Stan Lee, peter Criss, gene Simmons or Paul Stanley?
Siobhan:I'm not at one point, right, I'm at two.
Rob:You have two and you have a. Make it a double.
Siobhan:I'm going to go with Peter Criss.
Matt:It is Paul Stanley.
Siobhan:Oh, I don't even know who that is. Is he in Kiss?
Matt:Yes, great.
Siobhan:Okay, nope, I didn't know that I really wanted it to be Stanley oh my God.
Rob:So fun fact, stanley. He made a comic book with that.
Siobhan:Yeah, I knew about that, but that wasn't his, the makeup wasn't his. Okay, well, you know what this?
Rob:is kind of perfect because after this round, everybody's at one point.
Siobhan:Oh fuck, this was a huge, it's a battle royale.
Matt:This was a huge round.
Rob:This is the gold round. Here we go, for all the marbles and the beans.
Matt:Chris, in the 1970s and 80s, KISS became known for their extensive merchandising efforts. They even had the KISS catalog. They had a whole variety. Anything you wanted with a KISS logo on it you could possibly buy Even a KISS cam. Yes Whoa, by the end of the 80s, approximately how much money had KISS earned from their merchandising sales? $10 million, $50 million, $75 million or $100?
Chris:million. Did you say what year this was so?
Matt:this was their entire effort from the 70s through the 80s. How much had they made by the end of the in 10 years? Yeah 70s and 80s they're math buddy math 70s and 80s, that's 20 years we talk about 75 million. Talk about numbers it is a hundred million damn it christopher the casualty the first to leave.
Matt:Oh, it's taps, I get it yeah okay, really slow sorry which of the following bands was not associated with Drive Thru Records, a prominent pop, punk and emo record label in the 90s and early 2000s? Yes, you Found Glory. The Starting Line Jimmy Eat World or Fitch.
Rob:Jimmy Eat World. Dude, you understand that I wanted to be on this label. I do.
Siobhan:Yes, you're welcome. Thank you. Why'd you search for the punt so rude?
Matt:Yeah, okay, gross Smarty pants. Yeah, what label were they on who, jimmy?
Matt:You'll know it when I say it, because I read it and I was like oh Well, hold on Sony.
Rob:I'm guessing it was Victory, but because? I think Fueled by Ramen was not out there yet. Is it Fueled by Ramen?
Matt:That would have been my situation. They were Fueled by.
Matt:Ramen, before they went up to some of the bigger labels, but also on there Because they were on.
Rob:Capital at one point.
Chris:They went to Capital.
Rob:Alright so I got to take somebody out here. Wow, this is really tough. You claim a winner.
Siobhan:I know I just won, that's fair.
Rob:You have a lifeline left, so I've gotta, I've gotta say goodbye to you.
Siobhan:I'm sorry, my friend, goodbye to you.
Rob:And so Andy, for the win. Goodbye to you For the win, andy and I, each with one point Andy for the win. Goodbye to you For the win, andy, and I, each with one point Andy for the win.
Matt:I'm not feeling good, Andy. Which artist famously interrupted Taylor Swift's acceptance speech?
Andy:Come on Fuck yeah, I win, kanye. Don't worry, matt, I'm going to let you finish, but Kanye West interrupted that speech, that is true.
Siobhan:Why is that? For the win? Because don't you get another one? You still have a point.
Andy:No, you just went.
Siobhan:Well done, Sarah. That's a shit bag of a last question, but it's cool, you know what?
Rob:It's fine, it's fine, I'll give Andy this Should have asked him a jazz question at the end.
Matt:And once again to the music educator.
Chris:Woo Yay, stellar set.
Rob:To the servicemen. Thank you, thank you, my friend.
Matt:Would you guys like the last lyrics question that I had? Yes, yeah, go ahead.
Rob:Go ahead.
Siobhan:We'll take all the extra trivia.
Rob:We'll see if we can do it as a team here.
Matt:All right, sing me something soft, sad and delicate, or loud and out of key. Sing me anything.
Andy:Oh, I know, this one, hold or loud or out of key, sing me anything. Oh, I know this one.
Siobhan:Hold on. Oh my God. Yeah, it's so hard without the-. What is it? Do you know what it is? Who it is? I?
Matt:do? I'll tell you the song.
Siobhan:Yeah, tell me.
Matt:It's Existentialism. On Prom Night by Straylight.
Rob:Run by Straylight Run, yeah, oh, do, do, do do Yep, Mm, mm, mm mm, mm, mm, mm mm. Yeah, I can't get it out of context.
Matt:We're glad for what we've got done, with what we've lost Our whole life laid out right in front of us.
Rob:Man, you saw them live in IUP. I did see them live.
Matt:You called me immediately after I met Michelle Nolan, right after that show too. She was very nice, sister of John Nolan, former guitar player in Taking Back Sunday and co vocalist.
Rob:Absolutely oh man. We were in that world for a long time my friend Damn. Takes me back. Thanks, it was a lot of fun. Hooray for Andy.
Siobhan:Good job, Good job Andy. All right Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-.
Matt:And, as always, thank you all for listening.
Matt:Hey, thanks guys Yay.
Chris:This podcast is a production of Unfiltered Studios. If you would like to know more about joining Unfiltered Studios, please visit our website at unfpodcom for more information.
Matt:What's more fitting than some song lyrics to wrap this one up. So, from the late great Toby Keith red solo cup, I fill you up, let's have a party. Let's have a party On social media. Please like, follow and push all the buttons for us. That's Matt and Friends DTU at Facebook, instagram Threads and TikTok. For more information about the podcast, as well as links to our merch store, social media and all the places you can listen to us, visit our website mattandfriendsdtucom. That's mattandfriendsdtucom. Thank you again for listening to Matt and Friends Drink the Universe.