Matt and Friends Drink the Universe
Welcome to Matt and Friends Drink the Universe, the podcast where comedy and great drinks collide! Join host Matt and a rotating crew of friends as they sample unique beers, wines, cocktails, and spirits, diving into the stories, history, and science behind each sip.
Packed with laughs, hilarious anecdotes, fun trivia, and drinking games, our show offers a laid-back yet enlightening experience for anyone who enjoys a good drink with great company. Tune in for “Stellar Sips” and “Cosmic Chugs” as we explore new flavors and share memorable stories along the way.
Whether you're a casual drinker or a cocktail connoisseur, sit back, relax, and let’s drink our way through the universe—where anything is possible! Cheers!
Matt and Friends Drink the Universe
Think or Drink? - "Middle Earth Trivia"
Ever wondered how well you know the intricate mythology of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth? Prepare for an epic journey with us as Andy, Jason, Rob, and Siobhan, join Matt for a special edition of Think or Drink trivia. We kick things off with unique "One Ring" mechanics that let players swap lore questions for movie-related ones, all while enjoying Dragon's Milk Reserve and Eagle Banana Bread beer.
Tune in as we traverse the creation of Middle Earth and dive into the complex roles of characters like Manwë and Melkor. Our guests share their personal connections to Tolkien's works, from childhood memories of reading "The Hobbit" to the deeper complexities of "The Silmarillion." Stories of cherished collectibles and special movie screenings bring a nostalgic atmosphere to the trivia challenge, making it a heartfelt segment that any Tolkien enthusiast will appreciate.
Finally, the stakes rise with challenging Middle-Earth Trivia, featuring tough questions and strategic use of lifelines. The competition heats up with discussions about legendary creatures, punctuated with friendly banter and quick-witted humor. Whether you're a casual fan or a Tolkien scholar, this episode is packed with passion and knowledge, making it a must-listen for anyone who loves Middle Earth.
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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
Rob:We have liftoff. Welcome to Matt and Friends. Drink the Universe. Drink the Universe.
Matt:All right, everyone, welcome back to Matt and Friends Drink the universe. All right, everyone, welcome back to Matt and Friends Drink the universe. The theme for today is Think or drink. Are you thinking or you drinking? It is think or drink trivia today, and we are going to be doing Middle Earth trivia.
Siobhan:Okay, flat Earth.
Rob:Not, no, oh okay Good, because I'm a man of science. Middle Earth was flat.
Andy:Middle Earth was flat, we might have already. We might have already Spoiler question. We're gonna win the look on frustration, on matt's face says we already spoiled it.
Matt:So, before we go any further, let's go around the room here and I'll have all of you introduce yourselves hi, everybody, this is rob hey, it's siobhan. Andy.
Jason:This is Jason.
Matt:All right, and I am Matt, your host, and, as I said, today is Middle Earth trivia. So we are not just covering the Hobbits or Lord of the Rings, we are deep diving into Tolkien mythology. So put on your nerdy helms and here we go, helms, helms.
Rob:Helms deep what.
Andy:We're going helm's Deep, I like it. We're going Helm's Deep, I like it.
Rob:We're going Helm's Deep on this bitch.
Matt:Oh Is that what you did last night.
Siobhan:Oh no, I doubt it. That's what I mean.
Rob:I plead the fifth.
Matt:So to remind everybody of the rules Think or Drink is our classic trivia game, where players start with six points. The last person with points remaining wins Correct answers. Let you choose someone to lose a point and drink, while incorrect answers will cause you to lose a point and drink. For difficult questions, you have two options. First, you can make it a double to get help from someone else. If your collective answer is correct, you can choose individually to gain a point or to make somebody else drink and lose a point. If you're wrong, both of you lose a point and drink. Or you can put it on their tab by selecting someone to answer for you. If they're right, you lose a point and drink. If they're wrong, you gain a point. Make sure to balance potential risk and reward when you put it on their tab.
Matt:Okay, so I am going to introduce one more mechanic for the game today to mix things up just a little bit. This one should be relatively simple. We're going to call this the one ring, so when you wear the one ring you can see the unseen world. Right, that's the whole thing with the one ring. So in this case all of the questions are tolkien lore, not movies or making of specific. But if you pop on the one ring, you can choose to, one time during the game, swap out your question for a making of or movie related question. Actor related question.
Rob:I love that Interesting, good job. Each of us gets to do that once.
Matt:Each of you gets to do that one time.
Andy:Okay, cool, so I'm pretty sure that ring goes on the middle finger. Yeah, pretty much.
Matt:No loss of points, no change up or anything like that. It's just you swapping out the question and, if you want, at that point you can even compound it with another, uh, another lifeline or mechanic.
Rob:Okay, I like this.
Matt:I like this, I'm, I'm in says the least confident guy here, hey. So trying to go with appropriate themed drinks for this episode, we have some dragon's milk reserve s'mores flavored.
Rob:Buddy, if you're stumbling over Dragon's Milk, I don't know what you're going to do with all these s'mores.
Siobhan:It's a slippery slope. It's going to be great.
Matt:Has anybody tried the Dragon's Milk yet? It is delicious.
Rob:Yes, I'm deep in the Dragon's Milk right now.
Rob:Cheers. Ask the dragon.
Andy:Consent. Does the dragon's milk come from the dragon teats? Indeed, why not? I've got milk coming from them. Can you milk, yep?
Siobhan:Yep. Yep we were all going for it, me, frodo, I got it.
Matt:He was alone in that cave with Smough for a while. What's?
Siobhan:Smough, not Frodo. No, he was not. Bilbo was he was not in the cave.
Andy:Smaug was dead.
Rob:Oh, Andy, you missed a great joke that I had.
Andy:I was too enraged over Frodo being in the cave with Smaug. It's not.
Matt:Oh God, and I'm hosting.
Andy:That's why you're not answering.
Siobhan:Wait, what just happened?
Rob:You'll hear it. Okay, great, I can't wait.
Matt:The dragon's milk is quite good. It does actually taste like a s'more. I was worried we were going to get way too much coffee or something like that.
Rob:No, it's actually quite nice by itself, but I've actually mixed it with the other beer that you brought, which is the Eagle Banana Bread Beer. Yes, typically I mix that 50-50 with the Chocolate Stout, but it's doing well with the s'mores.
Matt:Well, they don't exactly make a Lumbus Bread Beer, so Banana Bread was the closest I was going to get. Thank you, dnr Beverage in Nazareth and also Poppin's Travel for the fifth microphone. Help us go that distance.
Rob:That's right, jason, on the Poppin's Travel mic tonight. Yep, yep. What are you poppin'? Am I poppin'? Yeah, what's poppin'? I don't think you want to know what's poppin's a Okay.
Siobhan:Moving on. What did we all start with?
Siobhan:We all start with six, six points, six, six points, six points, six points, to rule them all. Hey, thanks. I was doing that for all the listeners to make sure you all remember. And also I'm supposed to keep score now, so just doing that.
Rob:I'll help you with that as well, oh no, I'm not worried.
Siobhan:I just want to make sure I'm doing the right thing.
Matt:As my lovely crew discussed earlier.
Matt:I all right, we're gonna start at the beginning. Oh god, what is the name of the transcendent, supreme being who created the bounds of the world, yeah, and gave the einor will to shape it, resulting in the creation of Arda, is it?
Siobhan:Melkor Eru Iluvatar Manwe or Olorin. Ha, ha, ha ha ha. My God, this is some deep-cut shit man, I can't do this.
Rob:I think it's.
Siobhan:Melkor. You're going with Melkor. That is incorrect.
Rob:You are drinking, not thinking. Ah Okay, I think it's Malkor.
Matt:You're going with Malkor. That is incorrect. You are drinking, not thinking.
Matt:Okay, I'm all of a sudden feeling good.
Rob:Yeah right, Shut up. Well good, I'm glad you're feeling good. I'm not All right. I didn't want to blow a thing right off the bat there, but A.
Matt:So we'll catch up here. Eru Iluvatar created the Valar and the Maiar, collectively called the Ainur.
Siobhan:I hate this and shaped the world and they sang the world into being. Oh, that's kind of beautiful.
Matt:Which I absolutely love. Anybody not a trivia question, but does anybody know what the music was called?
Jason:Wasn't it just a song of creation?
Siobhan:It wasn't country. I'll tell you that.
Jason:It was like Ainulande or something like that Ainulindele, there you go.
Rob:Okay, I would have guessed, rob we are effed.
Andy:We're going solo cup.
Matt:Siobhan. Who is Manwe and what was his primary role? Was he the king of the Valar, responsible for ruling over Valinor and maintaining order in Arda? A powerful wizard who aids the free people of Middle-earth? A renowned elven warrior who led the war against Morgoth? Or a cunning dwarf who oversees the ancient mines in Valinor?
Siobhan:Ooh, mines in Valinor. Are there mines in Valinor?
Andy:They call it a mine.
Siobhan:A mine, a mine, valinor's. The Undying Lands. There's mines there Seems a little odd, so I know part of these questions. Ooh, manwe does not sound like an elven name. Can you give me the options again?
Matt:Sure the King of Valinor, a powerful wizard who aids the free people of Middle-earth, a renowned elven warrior who led the war against Morgoth, or a cunning dwarf lord who oversees the ancient mines in Valinor?
Siobhan:I mean, I definitely have no idea, so I'm going to go with a wizard, you're going to go with a wizard. Yeah.
Rob:He was actually the king of the valar responsible for ruling over valinor, and he was aru iluvitars, more or less right hand gotcha okay cool.
Matt:I would not have known that. I would have guessed the wizard as well, didn't?
Rob:know that what's a man weigh about 200 pounds. You know that's all I have to say yep andy.
Matt:He was named morgoth black foe of the world for slaying the first high king of Noldar Fenway and stealing the Silmarils. What was his original name? Sauron, melian, melkor or Manwe? The correct answer would be Melkor. That is correct.
Siobhan:Certainly not Manwe, since we just figured that one out. So, you're welcome.
Andy:Yeah, who are?
Siobhan:you making drink. I was hoping for a milk or question. Okay, none of us were, but the just you.
Andy:Let's, uh, let's go with Rob.
Rob:Uh, taking me down faster.
Matt:Jay. The two trees of Valinor brought light to the land of the Valar in ancient times. What was the fate of the Valar in ancient times? What was the fate of the two trees of Valinor at the end of the First Age? They were totally destroyed by Morgoth and Ungoliant. They withered and died. Naturally. They were saved from an attack by Fenwy and continued to shine for all eternity where Morgoth damaged them. But one was uprooted and transplanted to Gondor.
Jason:I believe that would be A they were destroyed.
Matt:That is correct.
Jason:Good job.
Siobhan:So rude. So, rude Sorry. No, you should never be sorry.
Matt:Did you read the Silmarillion to prep for this? I did, he said he did I read it recently.
Siobhan:That's rude. Is that cheating? Sorry, no, it's not cheating.
Rob:So who are you going to?
Matt:take points away from oh All right, from okay, all right the glove has been thrown.
Andy:Should we go around and say what our extensive knowledge of the lord of the rings.
Rob:Sure I mean I will say this, people will know very soon at one point in my life I I read the lord of the rings trilogy, but for the most part my knowledge is primarily from like all of the media. So movies and tv shows like that's.
Siobhan:That's the extent of my knowledge are we going around um, I am similar in that, like I've dug into the book lore more recently than rob has, but most of my recent knowledge is movies and reading a lot on the internet I was a massive fan of the hobbit as a kid, um to the point.
Andy:at one point I watched the rankin and bass hobbit adaptation of the hobbit, but I couldn't remember the name of the movie, so I was trying to describe it to people because I wanted to watch it again.
Siobhan:It's a kind of messed up description.
Andy:And nobody knew what the hell I was talking about. So I thought I had made it up. And then, in what was like middle school, we had to read the Hobbit. I'm reading the book, I'm like this is it. I didn't make it up. Good job but huge fan of the Hobbit. I've read all the Lord of the Rings. I haven't read all the Cimmerillion, but I've read part of it. Definitely huge fan of the movies. In fact I think pretty sure I watched the movies before I had read the Lord of the Rings.
Siobhan:Oh, that's fun.
Jason:Backwards. Yeah yeah, I've read the Lord of the Rings, the Cimmerillion and the Hobbit multiple times, merlion and the Hobbit multiple times. Haven't read Lord of the Rings or Hobbit in like a decade at least, but I finished the Silmarillion today as a reader.
Matt:Okay, anyway.
Jason:Those are the movies, yeah, showing up prepared.
Matt:I'm a huge Lord of the Rings fan myself Probably actually started. I can blame Jay for this because I was really into the movies and we went to a special screening in King of Prussia, pennsylvania, to watch hometown, yeah, to watch the extended editions of fellowship of the ring and the two towers and then the release of return of the King.
Matt:So I actually have like a commemorative thing from what a workshop down there on the table with three cells of the movie. Jay and I both got one for attending. That was the only day in my life that a large, uh like refillable popcorn and soda were totally worth it, because we were literally there for like 14 hours and um, I was asking you I don't know if you remember this, I was asking jay questions, like the entire time, and you knew like every answer and I was like okay, I need to go home and read the books and this Silmarillion thing.
Matt:And then I did and became a massive nerdy fan.
Andy:I did also play and 100% max out the Lego Lord of the Rings video game Nice. Which one? Two Towers or Return of the King?
Matt:Oh sorry.
Siobhan:Oh yeah, it's a whole thing. Play the Lord of the Rings game.
Jason:The Helm's Deep one. Two Towers one.
Matt:One of the best PS2 games ever made.
Jason:It's fantastic that and the Return of the King Highly recommend.
Siobhan:I did see all the movies at the midnight release. Nice For all of them.
Matt:All of you still have your lifeline mechanics yes. Including putting on the one ring we do.
Rob:But I am in last place. Oh yeah, Do we need a score check? Do we need a score check?
Siobhan:Right Rob has four, I have five, andy has five and Jay has six. Rude, just kidding.
Rob:There we have it All, right, you're prepared so good.
Matt:Rob, yes, in the last question I mentioned Ungoliant temporary ally of Morgoth, who actually drank the sap of the two trings of Valinor. They withered and died. What type of creature was she? A vampire, a werewolf, a giant spider or a balrog?
Rob:Oh, a giant spider that is correct.
Siobhan:That is the correct answer Well done. Oh, my God. I just almost grabbed your arm to be like ask us what we think. No, it's okay, Because if you didn't know, we would know Smeagol Okay. I feel like that's the first of many of those we're going to get now. Jay, have a drink, man.
Matt:Join this party Get on our level.
Rob:Welcome to the podcast. He's going to drag me down to your level.
Jason:I see how it is.
Siobhan:It's okay, you're not at his level yet Don't worry, we're a ways to go to get there.
Matt:Si Siobhan, what is the name of Morgoth's fortress and primary stronghold during the First Age?
Siobhan:You couldn't give me the spider question. Really, come on.
Matt:I mean, you can use a lifeline and swap this out for a movie question.
Siobhan:Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, go, all right Was it Angband Barad-dur Utunmo or Thangoradrim, thangoradrim, sorry. I'm sorry. Can you read the question again?
Matt:Sure, what was the name of Morgoth's fortress during the First Age? His primary fortress during the First Age? Angband, barad-dur, utunmo or Tengoradrim.
Siobhan:I've only heard of one of these and I know it probably isn't the one. That is going to be the answer. Let's go with the third one. What's?
Matt:the third one. The third one was Ultanmo.
Matt:It is not that it's Barad-Dur. No, it's not. It was not that. That's the one I know, that's Sauron's.
Siobhan:Tower Ah Son.
Matt:I would have gotten that very wrong. What is it? It's Angband.
Siobhan:Okay, great.
Siobhan:Hoor, now I'm on rob's level. Dang, I would like to think that I'm higher than rob's level.
Jason:I I like you, but I'm just like I should know more than this life's full of disappointments yeah, you're right, I need I know that now it's fine, it's all right.
Matt:Andy, what monstrous creature, guardian of the gates of angban, did baron and luthien confront in their quest for a silmaril? What?
Andy:I am pretty sure it's the werewolf that we're going with. My gut wants to say the Balrog, but I'm I'm going with the werewolf. It was the werewolf.
Matt:You are correct, I would have gotten that one too probably.
Rob:I would have Balrog bear.
Matt:He was the first werewolf, the greatest and most powerful. He was later killed by Juan.
Siobhan:Juan Juan what.
Matt:Juan of Eleanor, what After his buddy?
Rob:Jose was dinner of tacos, Juan came in.
Jason:He got drunk on macarons.
Siobhan:Stop it. No, it's not his name.
Matt:I ate all of you.
Siobhan:You didn't write it, I need context.
Matt:You can tell when I skipped the pronunciation key.
Siobhan:What is it?
Matt:Spell it H-U-A-N Juan Juan.
Siobhan:Let's go with Juan. Because, then it feels a little different. Juan first.
Andy:Yeah, there is some nerd swearing up a storm.
Siobhan:They're not listening to this. They're not listening to this.
Andy:We lost at least one listener. It's okay, let's toss that one to Jay.
Matt:If you're still here, Thank you Ooh, jay.
Siobhan:Now you're at our level, if you're still here.
Matt:thank you, ooh Jay. Now you're at our level.
Siobhan:If you're ready, oh-ho.
Matt:Jay, what was the significant act that Erendil undertook, leading to the War of Wrath in the First Age? He forged a powerful weapon to defeat Morgoth, sailed to Valinor and pleaded with the Valar for intervention against Morgoth, led an army of dwarves and elves in the siege of Morgoth's fortress, or created a secret alliance with Sauron to defeat Morgoth.
Jason:That would be B. He went to Valinor.
Matt:That is correct. I knew that one.
Jason:That was in the Rings of.
Rob:Power show.
Matt:They talked about it, it was. That was a good show by the way.
Matt:Season two, apparently, is happening yeah, and I know eight years, yeah right, I know that that show kind of caught a lot of flack, but a lot of people didn't realize that they didn't have the rights to the lot of the silmarillion for that they literally had to ask permission for every yes single specific thing from the samarillion oh to be included but I did hear that they got much more permission for the second season and they're planning on actually kind of going back and talking about Sauron more and his history, specifically Kind of back in time, how he ended up on the raft in the middle of nowhere which was not really described. Sorry, spoiler alert if you haven't seen the show.
Andy:I didn't dislike it, but the fight scenes are awful. They're just real bad.
Matt:There's a couple that are quite questionable.
Andy:But since you got that right, you got to sign a drink for somebody.
Jason:I'm going to go with Andy and bring us all down to the same level.
Siobhan:Yes, someone's keeping track.
Jason:I got you, I can do math, it's not hard, all of us wrapped together.
Siobhan:It's not hard, it's not hard math.
Matt:What happened?
Rob:sorry, he said math. Math e equals mc hammer we talking about numbers why?
Matt:yes, why not all the drops love it we're gonna move it around a little bit. We were in the first stage moving around.
Siobhan:Okay, love, making it closer to the shit that I know we're going to the second. Oh, we are all at four. Everybody's got phone, everybody has phone and everybody still has their lifelines, so don't forget about those. I'm surprised nobody's going for it yet. All right, okay, it's early.
Matt:What significant event Rob in the second age led to the haunting presence of falling warriors in the Dead Marshes, creating a sorrowful landscape in Middle-Earth. Was it the Battle of Dagorlad, the War of Wrath, the Battle of Sudden Flame or the War of the Last Alliance? I would like to make it a double.
Rob:All right.
Siobhan:What is that?
Rob:With Jason. Oh Oi, baki, make it a double. Do you know the answer to this?
Jason:I'm not sure I do. Son of a bitch.
Rob:You had a glint in your eye and I thought it meant that you knew it was more of a no. No, don't do it. I misread that.
Matt:You mustn't look at the lights.
Jason:Yeah, read this for me again.
Matt:What significant event in the Second Age led to the haunting presence of falling warriors in the Dead Marshes, creating a sorrowful landscape in Middle Earth? The Battle of Dagor Lad, the War of Wrath, the Battle of Sudden Flame or the War of Last Alliance?
Rob:I think it's the War of Last Alliance. Because didn't the dead people like, weren't they upset? Because the Alliance was broken, unbeknownst to them, and so like? That's why, aragorn, I think you're describing the army of the dead.
Jason:Yeah, you're mixing stuff up.
Siobhan:Is that?
Rob:not where they were from the dead marshes.
Jason:I said one of the last. Oh my god.
Siobhan:You were close though.
Jason:I want to go with either the Dagorlad or the last alliance, but I'm honestly not sure. Oh god, good one, alright, the dagger lad or the last alliance, but I'm honestly not sure, oh god, good one, all right.
Rob:All right, give me that. D wait. What are you going for the world?
Matt:last alliance alliance yeah, give me that d, let's try that so it was the battle of dagger lad which took place. So it took place during the war of last alliance, but we were trying to get very specific, no, no no, hang on, hang on.
Andy:Push the button. Hang on no.
Rob:Cosmic Chug. No, you cannot do that to us.
Matt:I can do that to you. There's a specific battle responsible for it.
Rob:Would everybody be okay. If nobody gets anything, no penalties, no anything for that, I lose a turn. I lose a turn and I lose a lifeline.
Siobhan:But I'm not taking any points. I agree with that.
Rob:Is that fair? But also we give a Cosmic Chug to Matt. Yeah, drink you, jackass.
Matt:The ass question Give me something to drink, then I need something to drink.
Siobhan:Give him the shitty one.
Matt:Pour that a little deeper there my podcast damn it. That was deep. That was the banana bread ale that I just Cosmic Chugged. It was quite good. Thank you, eagle, all right.
Siobhan:Great Go ahead what.
Matt:Okay, siobhan, who was the leader of the elves during the Second Age, who played a significant role in the events leading to the war of last alliance? Was it gilgalad, elrond, galadriel or therendwill?
Siobhan:oh, um, second age. Did elrond leave the elves in the second age? I'm gonna go with elrond yeah, is it the first one.
Matt:I think it's d. It is actually gilgalad, wasn't the high king? No, it's the first one. Yeah, I was close, I know. Yeah, I was close, I know it's on Thranduil because that's somebody else.
Siobhan:Galadriel. Yeah, no, thranduil, that's true.
Rob:Galadriel, can I ask a question here? Yeah, what age do the Fellowship take place in the third?
Matt:It's the third one. That's why I had to think earlier.
Rob:See, I needed to know that, thank you, thank you Moving on.
Siobhan:Yeah, so we're not there yet. Is what we're saying?
Rob:Yes, you're not there yet, great.
Siobhan:Okay, yep, sorry. Well, here I am.
Matt:Andy. Yes. What was the fate of Numenor at the end of the second age? Destroyed by a giant wave, destroyed by an earthquake or destroyed by an asteroid? I'm going with the big wave.
Andy:That is correct. That is correct. I was going to say did they have asteroids? I remember being on the island.
Jason:I'm like I think it was a little bit of like the first three, like there was an earthquake too. I don't remember.
Rob:Yes, the earthquake made the wave happen, but the wave is what overtook it.
Siobhan:Yes, the wave happened, but the wave is what overtook it. Yes, ooh, good job, all right, who's drinking Science, science.
Andy:I'm thinking Siobhan's drinking.
Siobhan:Oh my God, Now I'm down to two. Oh no, that's so mean Whatever.
Rob:Gesturing for the bottle opener.
Matt:Jay, it's going to be your turn as soon as our host can open a beer and read things. Good lord. The bottle opener was on the other side of the room.
Siobhan:Oh my god, you didn't go get it. It's because it's a Steeler's bottle opener.
Andy:So it was way over there where their playoff hopes are. Yeah.
Matt:Dude, I feel that Damn.
Rob:I feel that in my soul burn of all burns burn like the fires of motor j.
Matt:Keeping with the same thing. What did the new minorians do that directly defied a ban set by the valar, leading to their downfall? Built a, a fleet to sail east to conquer Middle-earth. Built a fleet to sail west to challenge the Valar in pursuit of immortality. Formed alliances with orcs and built ships for them, or assisted Sauron in the forging of the rings.
Jason:It'd be B. They went to Valinor.
Matt:That is correct, they were specifically told you will not get immortality. Do not sail this way. Hence big wave Everybody dies.
Siobhan:Who's drinking?
Andy:Your ships are cute. Let's go Rob Giant wave would do something terrible to them.
Rob:All right, All right, All right. I'm still in this Aria. Can you recap the scores please? I can.
Siobhan:Rob is at three, I am at two, womp Andy's at four, jay's at four. Everybody has all of their options for lifelines, except for Rob not having me get a double anymore.
Rob:And Matt is still an asshat, correct we established that Choice E.
Matt:It's an asshelm Asshelm.
Siobhan:That's so true, asshelm. That's great, I love that.
Matt:How does that even work?
Siobhan:What? It's just a helmet.
Rob:No one knows what it means.
Siobhan:It's a helmet that looks like an ass it's the same as an ass hat, but it's a lot more firm Right.
Rob:A firm ass Made of plate steel. What is happening?
Siobhan:Gin and tonic is happening Sometimes.
Andy:I'm curious why you keep doing this. You just get continually abused, week after week. We love you, though.
Siobhan:I'm just saying the truth.
Matt:These are my best friends.
Siobhan:I am saying true facts out here.
Andy:Okay, You're going to have to change the title to Matt Gets Made Fun of by the Universe.
Siobhan:Well, no, we're recording now, but I was going to say before we recorded there were a lot of things that were thrown at me also.
Matt:Rob. Yes, which two characters have their final resting place next to Aragorn, legolas and Gimli, vormir and Faramir, merry and Pippin or Elrond and Arwen?
Rob:Jesus Christ. That's incorrect, no, okay.
Siobhan:Well, he was there, he rose out. Hold on, hold on, he's not there anymore.
Rob:I'm going to go with Legolas and Gimli.
Matt:That is unfortunately incorrect.
Andy:Don't tell me it's Elrond, hold on, hold on. No, it's not. Read the answers again.
Matt:Is it Legolas and Gimli, boromir and Faramir, merry and Pippin or Elrond and Arwen?
Andy:Oh, Merry and Pippin.
Matt:Merry and Pippin is the correct answer. Well, I'm very wrong.
Siobhan:We all were going to figure it out when he told us the right answer. I am.
Rob:I lose the point.
Siobhan:So at the age of 102,.
Matt:They returned to Rohan and Gondor. They passed in Gondor and were laid to rest among the kings and later moved next to Aragorn.
Siobhan:Hence the final resting place. All right. Well, at least we're getting into people that I know it was after they got bored and murdered the shit out of orcs Word.
Andy:Oh, those two went on a murder rampage.
Siobhan:Hell yeah, go for it Sometimes you gotta, y'all earned it, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Matt:So, keeping with the morbid death questions Great. After the death of his wife, with special permission, this character was allowed passage to the Undying Lands of Valinor. Was it Faramir, sam Pippin or Aragorn?
Siobhan:Oh, um, I guess I'll go with Sam.
Matt:It was Sam, correct. Great, my God, I got one right. I would have guessed that.
Rob:Yeah, okay, great yeah, good for me, good guess.
Siobhan:All right, everybody Suck it. I don't know. I'm going to make Jay drink. Oh yeah, you're fine, you'll be all right. You studied a lot more than the rest of us Study's a strong word. It's okay, you read the Cimmerillion before you got here, so you know. Yes, yay.
Matt:Andy Mm-hmm. From where does the battering ram used during the siege of Minas Tirith, named Grond, derive its name? The black axe wielded by Gothmog? A mace wielded by Morgoth, an ancient wizard's staff, or Morgoth's greatest werewolf? You've got lifelines galore.
Andy:I'm putting on the ring. Oh Whoa, I'm so happy I'm tossing it.
Siobhan:I'm so happy. Oh, Matt's going to cry.
Rob:I'm tossing it hey real quick. I'll make a guess at it. Can we still know the answer to that question?
Matt:I think it's the mace and son of a bitch, jay actually inspired that question because when we went to see the movie, you knew exactly where it came from.
Siobhan:Did I, yes, you did. He did in another life well way back when I knew, but he didn't put on him.
Andy:I forgot more than you'll ever know.
Matt:That was only 20 years ago so on the ring.
Siobhan:what's the question now?
Matt:All right. Prior to Sir Ian McKellen prior to. Sir Ian McKellen, who was offered the role of Gandalf but turned it down, saying he just didn't get Tolkien's world. Nicolas Cage Was it?
Andy:I just want you to sit on it.
Jason:I want to see that version.
Andy:I hope it's Chris Walken. You shall not pass. You shall not pass, you shall not pass you Balrog. I wield the ancient flame.
Rob:Fly you fools. The ring was in my anus Fly you fools In my ass.
Andy:Is it secret? Is it safe?
Matt:I would love to watch that.
Rob:I would be ready.
Matt:Okay, Anybody out there listening who is good with AI. You can make this happen for us.
Siobhan:Okay, anyway, all right, anyhow, who is it?
Matt:So, prior to Sir Ian McKellie, who was offered the job, sean Connery, pierce, brosnan, alec Baldwin or Anthony Hopkins as much as Brosnan Alec Baldwin or Anthony Hopkins, as much as I want it to be Eric Baldwin, I would assume not him.
Andy:I don't know who offers Pierce any roles. Well then, I'm going to also make it a double, and we're going to throw it to Siobhan.
Siobhan:I think it's Sean Connery.
Andy:I was thinking Sean Connery as well.
Siobhan:I would like it to be.
Andy:Sean Connery. We're agreeing on Sean Connery, we're going with Sean Connery. It was.
Matt:Sean Connery, all right.
Rob:High five.
Siobhan:High five.
Matt:Full of a joke. I loved learning about this when I made the question. So he claimed he read the books and the script and just didn't get it. He turned down. Wait for this 30 million and 15% of the box office, which amounts to around $450 million.
Siobhan:Okay, that's ridiculous and the dude is dead. He's not dead.
Andy:He still made enough money that he didn't give a shit.
Rob:He didn't even need it, and why?
Andy:Because he's one of the correct answers for the best Bond.
Siobhan:Right, I really enjoyed.
Andy:Daniel Craig as well.
Siobhan:That's fine.
Andy:I'm against you. I hated Daniel Craig.
Siobhan:Whoa, that's a All right.
Andy:To me, Daniel Craig was not what Bond was written to be.
Siobhan:He wasn't the in Fleming kind of version of the Bond.
Andy:That's fair.
Matt:That's fair.
Siobhan:I like that we can literally go off on this for a long time.
Rob:I don't want to do that. Are you guys recouping points?
Andy:To be fair, we need Chris here for that conversation.
Matt:A hundred percent. Do we need to do Bond trivia? Absolutely, I would love that Okay.
Siobhan:Please let's do it, chris is not allowed to play.
Andy:Chris hosts that one.
Siobhan:I'm definitely going to recoup a point because I need it. Points, all right Points abound.
Rob:Andy, you son of a bitch.
Matt:So that makes it Jason's question.
Matt:In the Return of the King, the mouth of Sauron delivers a message to Aragorn and company at the Black Gate of Mordor. What is the imposing gate's name? Is it Moran Morgoth Gate, the Teeth of Mordor, or Morannon, Like Mike Indeed?
Andy:I was kind of hoping for that. Certain people are going to get that joke and they're going to be laughing their butts off.
Jason:I believe it's D Moranon is how I always said it Moranon.
Matt:Yeah, isn't that right? It might be because my band director's name in high school sounded.
Siobhan:You could extrapolate on it, Moran and Moran. What?
Matt:We're going to go with D. D is the correct answer, all right.
Jason:Well done, I'm going to go ahead and bring Andy back down here, oh good, call we All right, all right, where are we standing?
Siobhan:Well, Rob has two.
Siobhan:I have three, andy has four, jay has three. Look out.
Rob:All right If I. Okay, Before he even answers this question. If the answer is Nazgul, I'm getting a point back.
Siobhan:Okay, I'm going to Calm down.
Matt:The answer to this question is not Nazgul.
Rob:Son of a bitch.
Matt:As a matter of fact, the answer to none of these questions is Nazgul, bullshit, crap.
Siobhan:If one of those ring rates.
Rob:I'll give you a half a point, okay.
Matt:All right, what's my question? All right, in the movies by Peter Jackson, aragorn receives Andoril reforged from the shards of Narsil before riding to confront the dead man of Dunharrow. When does he receive the sword? In the books, aragorn reclaims Andoril from the Borodowns after confronting, after confrontation with the Nazgul. He receives Andoril during the Council of Elrond. He receives Andoril from Lady Galadriel in Lothorian when the Fellowship passes through. Or he receives Andoril by Denethor in Minas Tirith.
Rob:Duh, I'm punting this one. You're putting it on somebody else's tab. I'm putting it on Andy's tab Andy.
Jason:See them.
Andy:Put it on Andy's tab. Andy, see them. Put it on their tab. See, the issue here is. The question's not correct, oh God.
Andy:Because he had it with him the whole time, the whole time. The question is, when was it reforged? Okay, he was carrying the shards the whole time because he showed it to people to prove his right.
Matt:Okay, if we're going to go, technicalities at some point. He handed it over to the elves. They forced him to hand it back.
Siobhan:So who did it? Who he got it from?
Andy:I have to go with at the council. I'm not real confident on that. Okay, but that would be my answer, that is correct.
Siobhan:Oh Wait, I was going to say him oh right, because he has to answer because of tap.
Matt:Crap. Got it All right Hanging on by a thread of me too, Yep.
Matt:All right, who were the three bearers of the elven rings of power created by Celebrimbor and Sauron? Legolas, gandalf and Aragorn? Galadriel, elrond and Gandalf, celebrimbor, galadriel and Elrond, or Saruman, elrond and Galadriel.
Siobhan:Was Saruman an elf. These were the three elven rings of power. Okay.
Matt:I think it's the last one Saruman Elrond and.
Rob:Galadriel. Yes, it is incorrect. It's C, caleb Brimbor. It is B, it's, b, it's.
Matt:Elrond and Gandalf.
Andy:Okay, ooh, this is delightful. The Dragon's Milk is absolutely delightful. This is like right up my alley with beers, andy.
Matt:Two of the characters in the books but not mentioned in the movies by Peter Jackson were Tom Bombadil and his wife Goldberry.
Siobhan:I knew about that.
Andy:Damn oh, tom Bombadil, dingleberry Tom Bombadil.
Rob:Was Dingleberry one of the options.
Andy:What were the options? Finish your beer.
Matt:Oh, I thought that maybe it was for Ace. He looks so disappointed.
Andy:What were the?
Matt:options Glenn or Goldenberry, Goldrian or Gwen.
Rob:So Dingleberry not on there, correct? Okay, well, a man can dream.
Andy:I'm going to make Jay drink Jay song.
Matt:So Jay in the lore, who composed the poem All that Is Gold Does Not Glitter, was it Frodo?
Jason:Is that like an SE Hinton?
Siobhan:We love that cut.
Matt:Was it Frodo, walden, bilbo, gandalf or Aragorn who composed it?
Siobhan:EE Cummings.
Jason:I'm just going to use my ring on that one.
Siobhan:Oh, good call. No, it's worth it. It's worth it. Love that.
Andy:Bilbo right, it was actually Bilbo, yes, oh good for him who helped him finish it Get out of here, sam Wise, no Frodo. No, the Dunedin Gandalf. Aragorn, oh, aragorn, yes.
Siobhan:Strider, so we're going to keep that same theme.
Rob:Oh, I see what you did there.
Matt:You guys love that Sean Connery question. You will adore this one. Oh boy, many actors were considered for roles in the Lord of the Rings movies. Which of the following is a potential actor-character pairing? That is not real? Wasn't actually considered? Nicolas Cage as Aragorn, liam Neeson as Boromir, david Bowie as Elrond, uma Thurman is Arwen or E? All of these were considered, oh.
Jason:I'm pretty sure Bowie was considered For real. I think so. I think that's real. Wow, can you read them again?
Matt:Yeah, nicholas Cage is Aragorn, liam Neeson is Boromir, david Bowie is Elrond, uma Thurman is Arwen, or all of these were considered.
Andy:So you're looking for the one that was not real?
Matt:That is not. You're looking for the one that was not real.
Rob:Or Matt's an asshole, and the answer is E, all of them.
Andy:Oh, this is tough. I'm a fan of an all the above.
Jason:I find it hard to think Nicholas Cage would be considered for this.
Matt:You can still I believe Jay can still make it a double also if you would like. Is that correct?
Jason:I could. Yeah, you sure can.
Matt:I can. Rob could use some points.
Siobhan:Rob's mildly awake to help you.
Rob:No, rob's mildly awake to help you. I'm no, I'm very awake, I just I don't know, I don't think anyone knows this.
Siobhan:This is all just me guess it would definitely be a guess for all of us. What was the second one again?
Matt:second one was Liam Neeson is Boromir, he's got a special set of skills man.
Andy:I mean to be fair. Liam Neeson dies in movies just as much as Sean B oh, it's true, good point.
Siobhan:Freaking Sean Bean man no.
Jason:I'm going to go E all of the above. They were all considered.
Matt:That is correct.
Jason:Yay, I did know about Nick Cage. I didn't know that was real.
Siobhan:That was part of my joke earlier. I knew that he wasn't dead. That's amazing. Is that nuts? Am I crazy? That wasn't that long ago. So wait, this gets better.
Matt:This gets much better.
Siobhan:Oh, I wanted to.
Matt:So all those were considered, along with Jake Gyllenhaal as Frodo, daniel Day-Lewis as Aragorn, patrick Stewart as Gandalf yes, that would be, great and my absolute least favorite, James Corden as Samwise.
Matt:You know what?
Andy:You know what no.
Siobhan:You know what?
Andy:A young James Corden probably. Yeah, I don't think he would have been as good.
Siobhan:No, but Sean Astin was so great, so great.
Andy:I know I don't think he would have been as good.
Rob:Well, that casting department did all the right things, jay, do the right thing here.
Jason:I got it. I'm going to give it to Andy.
Rob:Yes, that's the right thing.
Siobhan:That's the right thing he did. The man I thought you were asking me to knock you out of the game. No, no, none of us ever asked for that in this.
Rob:No, all right, all right. So at the end of this round, where are we at?
Siobhan:Let's do a recap. Everybody, Rob has one point.
Rob:Hang it on.
Siobhan:Still has the ring lifeline.
Rob:I do.
Siobhan:I have all the lifelines and I have two points. Andy still has the ability to put it on someone else's tab and has three points, and Jay has make it a double and put it on someone else's tab and has two points.
Matt:I'm ready.
Rob:Are you sure? No, Well you got the ring, I might have to bring it. It depends on what?
Matt:my initial question is what was the fate of Morgoth at the conclusion of the first age? Was he imprisoned in a timeless void, slain by Erendil, banished to middle earth?
Rob:redeemed and forgiven by the.
Siobhan:Velar, I'm going to ring. I thought this was chronological, but I guess not.
Matt:No, I decided we were going to hop around.
Siobhan:You decided now that you remembered, rob had a lifeline.
Rob:My guess is that he was redeemed. No, okay, great, well, good, I'm glad I used my ring.
Matt:Correct, it's all right. So if you don't know this, after his defeat by the host of Valar, he was crippled, cast upon his face, bound with a chain, and his iron crown was beaten into a collar around his neck. He was taken from Middle-earth and thrust to the Door of Night into the timeless void outside of space and time, and it said he would return at the end of the world and it said he would return at the end of the world.
Siobhan:Well, there you go. That's terrible. So it was like General Zod and Superman 2.
Matt:No, if you read the first Age of Silmarillion, he deserved all that much more?
Siobhan:Yeah, he was sucky. Okay, so what is my real question? What is the ring question?
Matt:Who won an Oscar for Best Original Song for Lord of the Rings Return of the King? Was it Enya Annie Lennox, Annie Lennox, Sarah. Mclaughlin or Pat Benatar, annie Lennox. It was for Into the West, good job.
Rob:Well done, andy gets a drink.
Andy:Now, anya had that like Eerie song All her shit is eerie.
Siobhan:It was, may it Be.
Matt:Fellowship of the Ring Early. Early Rings Siobhan, the seven sons of Fianor May it be.
Rob:Yeah, may it be. Was the one Fellowship of the Ring. You think of a different one?
Matt:Early rings Siobhan the seven sons of Hianor were driven by an oath sworn to their father to reclaim the Silmarils from Morgoth. What was the result of their pursuit of the Silmarils? They all perished. They returned the Silmarils to Valinor. They hid the Silmarils in Middle-earth. Unable to return them to Valinor, they turned against each other and just gave up.
Siobhan:I'm really mad we're still not in the Third Age, because that's where I know things. Did they all die? I hope they all died.
Matt:That is correct.
Siobhan:Hooray, oh my god good.
Matt:They all died in various horrific ways.
Jason:Great. They were passed. They all died in various horrific ways.
Matt:They were awful, awful people. They were like we're going to get these back at all costs, but we're going to die in terrible ways trying to do it.
Siobhan:I will give it to Jay the first two.
Andy:They tried to connect them and just exploded.
Jason:I don't think so.
Matt:There was a lot of stuff.
Jason:Morgoth had been his crown for a long time.
Siobhan:Yeah, I'm going to give it to Jay because he has more lifelines.
Matt:All right, there we go Than Andy does, all right.
Siobhan:We're getting down to the wire here.
Rob:We are, we're down to it. Yo, if you win this, I'll be so impressed.
Siobhan:I will also be impressed, because I don't know shit with all this.
Matt:Andy, Andy. Yeah. Which great dragon bred by Morgoth was the largest and most formidable of all dragons in Middle-earth during the First Age? Was it Ancalagon, Smaug Glaurung or Thorondor, I guess?
Andy:dragon. I literally watched a video on all the dragons of Middle-ear earth like two weeks ago for fun, what the hell is going on for this?
Rob:shout out, rob, are we okay? Shout out to the shout out to the youtube channel.
Matt:Nerd of the ring I have watched that one. It is phenomenal.
Andy:Now, do I remember any names? No, I do not. I'm going to put this one on.
Rob:I'm going to put it on Rob's tab Now. Let us remind the listeners at home that if I get this wrong, he's out. No.
Siobhan:Oh no.
Rob:I don't lose a point.
Rob:Because he just maintains If I get it right, he loses a point.
Matt:So I can't go out on this.
Rob:I can't go out on this, so give me my choices.
Matt:Which great dragon bred by Morgoth was the largest and most formidable.
Rob:Yeah, just give me the names, I know the question Okay, do ya?
Matt:Yeah, do Ancalagon Smaug Glaurung or Tharondor?
Rob:It's Tharobdor, tharobdor.
Matt:Burning in the countryside. No, it is definitely not. It is Ancalagon the Black. He was slain at the end of the war of wrath by rendel and the eagles led by thurandor, although his actual size is never specified oh, thurandor is an eagle.
Rob:Yes, correct, who?
Siobhan:would oh yeah, when he fell on the eagles are the coolest, thangoradrim.
Matt:he destroyed three volcanic mountain peaks, crushing, crushing them to rubble. He was a big boy, not Svelte.
Siobhan:Well, well done. Wait, Andy loses a point.
Rob:No, he does not. I got it wrong.
Siobhan:You got it wrong, but nobody so nobody nothing.
Rob:No, no, no, he punted it well.
Rob:Yes, great Fair punt.
Siobhan:All right everybody. We're still in it though.
Matt:It's good, jay, are you ready? Yes, all right, maiar, are lesser Einor than the Valar, but still very powerful, which Maiar served as the chief lieutenant of Morgoth during the First Age.
Jason:Was it Sauron, gothmog, ungoliant or Grand?
Matt:Sauron, that would actually be Gothmog.
Siobhan:Lord of the Balrogs, you're out.
Matt:You're going to dispute this one on the chief lieutenant.
Siobhan:I would if I were him, because he gets kicked out.
Rob:Jay is about to lose.
Matt:It was which of the Maiar Served as the chief lieutenant of Morgoth during the First Age Sauron, gothmog, angoliant or Grond.
Siobhan:Angoliant's a spider.
Matt:Correct, so that's not the right answer, grond had a mace.
Rob:We learned that earlier. Grond was a mace.
Matt:We learned that earlier.
Siobhan:Grond was a mace. It is not the space between your balls and your asshole. It was the mace.
Andy:Get out of here. It is if you swing it right.
Matt:So when I looked at the questions I got, gothmog was the chief lieutenant, sauron was essentially lesser general.
Jason:I just googled Morgoth Maiar, chief lieutenant. The person that comes up is Sauron Bad check.
Siobhan:Bam Wait, we need to drop, we the person that comes up is Sauron Bad check Bam Wait, we need to drop, we need to drop, we need to drop.
Andy:I'll give this to myself, wow, he is turning that bottle up over there. So.
Siobhan:I'm wondering though I'm wondering do we just do what we did when I had the weird thing where nothing? I think that's fair. I think that is also fair hiya all right where are we sitting oh, oh shit guys. All right, rob has one uno, no lifelines none I have all the lifelines with two points. Andy has no lifelines. Two points. Jay has make it a double and put it on someone's tab and has one point. Okay, here we go. We're all breathing for our lives here.
Matt:Rob, yes, which king of Gondor was responsible for planting the white tree Nimloth in Minas Tirith during the Second Age? Isildur Ereanor Denethor, or Tar-Palantir Isildur, that's correct.
Rob:Nice, well done. I think I knew that one because he's the dad of Aragorn Right, eventually.
Siobhan:Okay, you know you were there, you were on the thing.
Matt:Great, great, great, great granddad Through a few levels of that family tree. It's probably only like great Maybe great, great, great, not great. Are we all tied up at?
Siobhan:one, we are not.
Andy:I have two. Oh, you have two.
Siobhan:Oh, you have two. I just said not to give it to me, suck it. You listened in your subconscious mind.
Matt:Well done, Rob Very manipulative.
Siobhan:All right, great Me.
Matt:Yes you. Which powerful elven realm, siobhan, was founded by Gil-Galad in Linden during the Second Age? Was it Eragion, lothlorien, rivendell or Mirkwood?
Siobhan:Ooh, I'm going to do the ring.
Matt:You're going to do the ring, I'm going to put my ring on. All right, I'm going to do the ring. I'm going to put my ring on. I might have guessed Lothlorien. It was actually.
Rob:Rivendell. I would have guessed Rivendell it was because Lyndon was destroyed. Jay questions with his face.
Siobhan:I love the fact check. I have a library degree. I love a fact check. Go ahead, have a library degree. I love a fact check. Go ahead.
Matt:Which company was responsible for the special effects and prompts in the Lord of the Rings trilogy?
Siobhan:It's Weta yeah it's. Weta. We all know that's Weta. Okay, cool, it's Weta.
Andy:I would have needed to hear the options, but no, it's Weta, he just talked about Weta giving him the cells from the thing and like it's.
Matt:Come on.
Siobhan:We all know it's.
Matt:Australian New Zealand situation.
Siobhan:It is a thing you did. Oh shit, Am I supposed to take somebody out now?
Rob:I mean you're going to have to Rules be rules.
Siobhan:Rob, I feel like no hold on.
Rob:I'm really sorry. Now hold on a minute.
Siobhan:Wait Hold on a minute, wait hold on a minute wait, here's what's up. Wait, I'm, I'm considering right, okay, could I beat you? Yes, yes, the answer is yes. Who else am I gonna beat? Oh, nobody else, maybe. But um, why would you not take out a heavy?
Rob:hitter oh, I might take out jay that's what I'm saying, sorry, I mean, it's his first time, oh god but you still had.
Siobhan:Oh yeah, because andy has no lifelines, correct?
Rob:sorry jay, that's fair man I heart you for the fact checking though it's okay, it's all right, I'll keep that checking wait, can I um?
Siobhan:can I ask a clarifying question? Currently yes, sure. Can I tap a person who is out of the game for him? Make it a double.
Rob:I mean they have not left the table.
Matt:Yeah, in this case I'll allow it. Oh, you will.
Siobhan:Okay, great, Well, good to know, because he's out, but my thought is next time.
Rob:He's still a wealth of knowledge.
Siobhan:Cool story, great.
Rob:He's still a wealth of knowledge.
Siobhan:Cool story Great.
Rob:He could share in that victory with you.
Siobhan:I love that. Okay, I'll take a partial victory. I like sharing Okay.
Matt:Andy is staring at me like what. What do you got? Nightmare is coming my way. Oh, andy, who influenced the Numenoreans to seek immortality and rebel against the band imposed by the Valar on sailing westward? Was it Melkor or Morgoth, sauron, eol the Dark Elf or Alway the Elven Smith?
Andy:It was Morgoth right Slash Melkor.
Matt:It was actually Sauron, really Sauron, okay, it was Sauron. He convinced them to start a cult worshiping Morgoth, and then things kind of went sideways from there. Neat Rob and Siobhan are still alive.
Siobhan:It's a battle of the idiots right now.
Rob:There's no way I can win this. There's no way I can win this.
Siobhan:There's absolutely ways you can win this. Not really, yeah, if you do better.
Rob:I have won, you have too. If I get my question right, I still have one. You have one, but as soon as you get your question right, I'm now out.
Siobhan:We'll see.
Matt:Math, all right, yeah, all right. Hit me, which of the following is not a name of Gandalf? So not a name that Gandalf.
Andy:What was?
Matt:this question.
Siobhan:Hold on Hold on what I feel like with the other ones, can I?
Rob:ask this Gandalf has more than one name. Oh yeah.
Matt:Just a couple. Okay, are you ready? Go ahead. So not a name of Gandalf, mithrandir, olorin, graham or Tharkun, or all of these were names that Gandalf went by.
Rob:They're all names that he went by.
Matt:Are you sure? Yeah, yeah, they're all names that he went by. Are you sure? Yeah, yeah, they're all names that he went by Nice group.
Andy:But also not nice because I have to drink poop, poop, alright.
Siobhan:Just question mark.
Rob:Okay, okay, okay, okay, hoo Hoo.
Siobhan:Alright, stop Go ahead.
Matt:What is the name of Legolas' father and what significant role did he play in Middle-earth history? Armalus.
Siobhan:You guys are horrible, I'm sorry.
Siobhan:Yeah, now we're all sad that it's not any of those. Okay, great, now we're all sad that it's not any of those.
Matt:Okay, great, all right. Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm, elrond, lord of Rivendell, celeborn Lord of Lothlorien, or Gil-Galad, chieftain of the Dunedain.
Siobhan:Can I put this on someone's tab?
Jason:Yeah, I mean, if you have that, yes.
Siobhan:Yeah, I do, but I'm not putting it on Rob's tab.
Jason:See Jim Put it on their tab.
Matt:Okay, I believe it is D You're going with Gil-Galad, chieftain of the Dunedain.
Rob:Yeah, why not?
Matt:No, I ain't. I can tell you why not I can tell you, because that's men and they're rangers.
Siobhan:Dunedain of the men, yeah.
Matt:The Ronduel King of the Woodland Realm, Rob. How many years after the Hobbit does the Lord of the Rings take place, Son of a bitch? 15 years, 30 years, 60 years or 90 years, oh God? And Bilbo looks like he hasn't aged a day.
Rob:I know this it's either 60 or 90. Oh my God, for the win 90.
Siobhan:It is 60 days 60 years 60 years 60 years, I knew that.
Matt:Suck it, okay, siobhan, suck it, trebek.
Andy:Yes, just for you.
Matt:Just for you, not for anybody else.
Rob:Stellar sin. Oh my God, guys, trebek, yay, suck it, walsh, just for you. Just for you, not for anybody else, stellar sin.
Siobhan:Oh my God, Guys, I'm so excited. I was not prepared.
Matt:You all climbed the slopes of Mount Doom and managed to do it. When I put those questions together, my goal was to just be an ass.
Siobhan:Yeah, you succeeded.
Rob:Well, some of them were rough. There was some tough ones.
Siobhan:Yeah, you succeeded, you achieved that without putting any questions together. My friend, you had the ass helm on before we even started. Here's my question.
Matt:Those skinny helms from Gondor. Is that one on each cheek or just one on the head Right up the butt? Oh, sideways.
Jason:That's unfortunate Sounds painful.
Siobhan:I am really sad that you asked no questions about Eowyn, who is my fave.
Rob:I'm sorry, whose name is derived from something having to do with a horse. He didn't ask any questions about any of the females. I know there was no geography.
Jason:Okay let's point that out.
Andy:To be fair, Tolkien really didn't do much about the females. Most of the stuff, aside from Eowyn, that Tolkien wrote in, or most of the stuff female-wise aside from Eowyn justice for females on Middle.
Siobhan:Correct. Well, you know.
Matt:Me too.
Siobhan:It was the 50s. What do we want when?
Rob:is the female wizards? I ask you.
Jason:Well, that's okay.
Rob:I'll ask you Are the wizards.
Siobhan:actually, I'll ask you no, they had three of a wizard Galadriel was the shit though.
Andy:Are the wizards actually gendered?
Siobhan:Well, maybe not. I love that for them.
Matt:The answer to that is, technically, no, they're spirits, they're not that is the form they took at that particular moment.
Siobhan:We love that for them. We love a non-binary wizard. We love that for Ian McKellen, who would probably prefer that in real life, I'm sure he would Absolutely Right Well. Yas, Okay, but Galadriel was the shit too.
Rob:You weren't expecting that, were you, Rob? I?
Andy:don't know I know Ha ha.
Rob:I mean.
Siobhan:Galadriel was cool, though, yeah.
Andy:Our turn to ask you questions All right, whoa Go for it.
Matt:Somebody give me another beer. Oh, give me and fire away. Give me your questions from ChatGPT or did you already look at them A bunch?
Siobhan:of shit you didn't know, because I'm about to ask you some dumb shit. I was going to say go ahead, we went through quite a few.
Andy:There's an off chance that if you ask me them, I won't remember because I made them like six, seven weeks ago.
Matt:Can you tell me the name of either of?
Jason:the two blue wizards, that'd be Blue's Clues and Blue Daba Dee, steve, no, it's Bluey and Bingo.
Siobhan:Yes, oh, my God, I love Bluey.
Matt:My daughter would love that answer.
Matt:Anybody got a guess Is Radagast no, he's brown.
Rob:I'm going to guess the brown.
Andy:I don't know. Is Radagast? No, he's brown. I'm going to guess the brown.
Jason:It's one from Palindo, something like that.
Matt:One starts with an M, but I can't remember what do you mean, we don't know? We don't know.
Siobhan:I hate, that.
Matt:There's a lot of that.
Matt:There's many of them.
Andy:There's just the two blue wizards which we don't know what happened to them, and they weren't named.
Siobhan:Next question oh, this is a good one. What's the name of the region where the Lonely Mountain Erebor is located in the Hobbit?
Siobhan:The region.
Matt:The region.
Siobhan:So A the Misty Mountains, B, the Gray Mountains, c the Lonely Mountain Range, or D, it is hundreds of miles from any mountain range.
Matt:That would be D, and I made that question yesterday.
Rob:Rude rude. It says D it's quite lonely, yeah right.
Siobhan:Just like his fun notes to himself. I got another one for you.
Andy:Okay, you asked me about one of my favorite characters, tom Bombadil Old.
Siobhan:Tom Bombadil oh yeah, we love a Tom Bombadil, Tom Bombadil.
Andy:What inspired Tom Bombadil? I'll even give you multiple choices. Was it A their creepy cat, the family's creepy cat, was it B his kid's creepy doll. C the creepy man who lived two houses down the street? Or D it was just their uncle. E Hagrid A, the creepy cat. B the creepy doll. C the creepy man that lived down the street? It was just their uncle and they wanted to put him in the story.
Matt:I'm going to go with the uncle because that seems like it might fit, but it's probably the creepy guy down the street. It was the creepy doll.
Andy:It was the creepy doll. Really might fit but it's probably the creepy guy down the street. It was the creepy doll. It was a creepy doll, really the creepy doll.
Siobhan:The description of it meets the creepy doll. Wait, I'm also sad that we did nothing about the Ents, because I love Ents.
Andy:Well, we could have, but those questions would have taken a very long time. Okay, that's fine, we already took a.
Siobhan:really long time we're still taking a very long time If you have to go to bed.
Rob:Yes, and on that note, on that bombshell.
Matt:I think it's time to put a bow on this.
Andy:Depart Middle Earth. If you liked it, you should put a ring on it.
Matt:To the Grey Havens people let's take the ship.
Matt:Uh-oh, we're killed by Sal Uh-oh.
Rob:Oh no, if you've listened this far.
Matt:Thank you so much for listening. God bless.
Siobhan:You probably haven't Goodbye.
Andy:Go do something productive.
Siobhan:This podcast is a production of Unfiltered. Studios. If you would like to know more about joining Unfiltered Studios, please visit our website at unfpodcom for more information.
Matt:Today's boozy quote comes from Tolkien, from the Fellowship of the Rain. Ho, ho, ho. To the bottle I go to heal my heart and drown my woe. Rain may fall and wind may blow and many miles be still to go, but under a tree I will lie and let the clouds go sailing by.
Matt:On social media. Please like, follow and push all the buttons for us. That's matt and friends dtu at facebook, instagram threads and tiktok for more information about the podcast, as well as links to our merch store, social media and all the places you can listen to us. Visit our website, matt and friends dtucom. That's matt and friends dtucom. Thank you again for listening to matt and friends drink the universe.