Matt and Friends Drink the Universe
Welcome to Matt and Friends Drink the Universe, the podcast where comedy and great drinks collide! Join host Matt and a rotating crew of friends as they sample unique beers, wines, cocktails, and spirits, diving into the stories, history, and science behind each sip.
Packed with laughs, hilarious anecdotes, fun trivia, and drinking games, our show offers a laid-back yet enlightening experience for anyone who enjoys a good drink with great company. Tune in for “Stellar Sips” and “Cosmic Chugs” as we explore new flavors and share memorable stories along the way.
Whether you're a casual drinker or a cocktail connoisseur, sit back, relax, and let’s drink our way through the universe—where anything is possible! Cheers!
Matt and Friends Drink the Universe
Rocket Rankings - "IPAs Part 1, The Number S and Broccoli"
Get ready for a lot of IPAs! Andy, Chris, and Siobhan join Matt to kick off our 2 part "Rocket Rankings" series of IPA tasting. We taste our way through Sierra Nevada - Celebration, Sherman St. - Hop Next, Beer Tree - Citra Grove, Adroit Theory - Death.net, Dogfish Head - 90 Minute IPA, Other Half - Broccoli, Lost Tavern - Life's a Trip Vol. 10, and Oliver - First Class.
As we journey through a galaxy of IPAs, we review everything from label art to the intriguing aromas that each unique brew presents. You'll hear our candid takes on the dryness and flavor profiles of brews like Sherman Street's offerings and discover why Beer Tree's Citra Grove New England IPA got our attention big time. Our tasting session is filled with colorful anecdotes and brewery backstories, making each sip not just a tasting experience but a trip through the craft beer cosmos.
Personal stories from a bachelor party at the Dogfish Head brewery add a touch of humor and nostalgia, especially as we discuss their wild creations like the Pennsylvania Tuxedo and even a lobster beer. We wrap up this episode by ranking our favorite IPAs, debating their qualities, and highlighting why beer, much like music, is a deeply personal adventure. Tune in and taste the universe with us!
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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. We have liftoff. Welcome to Matt and Friends. Drink the Universe. Drink the Universe. Welcome back to Matt and Friends. Drink the Universe. The theme for today is Rocket Rankings. That's one small sip for man, one giant taste for mankind. We're the Rankings. Yeah, that's still one of my favorites man, that guy who hit the high note.
Siobhan:He sounds like a turkey.
Andy:That's totally what it sounded like.
Matt:For the Thanksgiving special yeah right.
Matt:So for rocket rankings today, like NASA, we changed our style of rocket launch and hope things fly up in the air every once in a while. So what we're doing today, we have some slips of paper here and we are going to not do this one blind. We're going to drink, we're going to lay our pieces of paper out in the order that we enjoy the beer, move things around and then, in the end, we will establish our rankings. You will not be able to see any of that, which makes it it less enjoyable for you, but you get to hear all of us talk for about an hour.
Siobhan:We will tell you about it.
Chris:We promise I'm not going to not tell them what my rankings are.
Matt:I did think of one potential disaster in the making. Nobody sneeze yeah.
Siobhan:We'll figure it out.
Chris:We're not going to Ann Wheaton the table for those geek and sundry.
Siobhan:deep cuts, yeah, ticket to ride ruined.
Chris:No, I think this is going to be easier.
Siobhan:Saturday Night Live last night.
Chris:Because it's going to force us to compare them as we're going and be able to, in the moment, Be like I. Like this better than the last one and the others before it.
Siobhan:I think it's just going to get tough at the end, but I'm ready.
Matt:Shout out to Andy's rife. Rachel for the idea.
Siobhan:My rife, rachel, shout out to Andy's wife Rachel for the idea.
Chris:My wife Rachel, your wife Rachel, shout out, it already started.
Andy:I'm so wrong?
Siobhan:No, Shout out to Rachel.
Matt:Yes, there we go.
Siobhan:Shout out to.
Matt:Andy's wife Rachel, for the idea. Here I can speak. I swear to God it is a thing I can do?
Siobhan:I don't believe you.
Matt:So we'll dive in here a minute. But first and foremost, I'm glad we all survived the traumatic event on friday. Little earthquake, yeah, for anyone listening.
Siobhan:I had no idea chris thought it was because he was wrestling with the dog and I walked into his office and I go. What happened? He's like oh no, I was just wrestling with the dog. For anyone that doesn't know, we have a 45 pound dog. We do not have a large dog.
Andy:He does wrestle, not to shake the house though Just saying he went super, saying yes, yes, puppers, saying I thought my furnace was malfunctioning, which was really frustrating because it literally was serviced on black friday, so it was quite funny friday, good friday, wrong, wrong friday wrong friday, good friday, the closer friday is kind of far away oh my god no good friday we do have the chat thread, with all of the matt and friends cast members in it and it was very funny because there was an even split of people going.
Siobhan:It was my furnace, it was my water heater yeah, I thought it was the water heater, one of those two things people thought life I was furnished because the furnace is under this room and this is also where I work from, so I was thoroughly convinced it was coming through the floor. It was up two floors for us, so I don't know what we thought.
Matt:Well, chris didn't think anything yeah, so here we are yep, totally oblivious I know many people who didn't feel it at all but we're all here, so let's rate these beers all right, so we're going to start with number one on the list. Here is the sierra nevada celebration. Oh yeah, siobhan has used a bottle opener on a can bro, I pay a lot for these nails.
Siobhan:Okay, I didn't see the nails. Yeah, that's also what bartenders use. They don't rip their nails apart.
Matt:I have stubs where the end of my finger should be.
Siobhan:Give me your cups, oh yeah here.
Andy:I'll pass that around.
Siobhan:That's good Pour whatever you would like. So Celebration fresh hop IPA. I love this beer.
Chris:From Sierra Nevada. I don't think it's like the best IPA in the world, but it's always so good every year and it slightly changes year to year, and I think this year's is a really good one. I don't know if I've ever had this one. This is a really good hoppy beer Hoppy, hoppy hoppy, hoppy, hoppy, joy, joy.
Matt:It's not overly hoppy, though it's not overly like piney or anything like that either.
Chris:Nope, nope it's just like hop flavored beer, you know got the malt still in it, so you don't lose that.
Siobhan:Yeah, that's not. That's why it's not my favorite. But yeah, that's okay, it's still delicious.
Andy:I will say it's more malty than I was expecting.
Matt:That will probably make it more enjoyable for me, because I like that malt flavor.
Chris:Right. This one's in first right now, but yeah, yeah, it's also in last yes Oof, it's a tough spot to be in.
Siobhan:Yep, yeah, it's fine, decent, yeah, made in Chico, california, and Mills River, north Carolina.
Chris:California knows how to make their beers.
Siobhan:Apparently. Yeah, they do.
Andy:We'll say, I would say, ipas always have that lingering hoppiness on the back end of it.
Chris:I'm not loving the amount of it in this one, the sustain of it, yeah, yeah, the sustain.
Andy:It's not great for me. Yeah, I can feel that, so I'm currently putting this in last.
Andy:All right.
Siobhan:Last of one Exactly.
Chris:Grab a red cup so we can have a A pour out. Yeah, it's like I poured myself an aggressive amount. Yeah, so did Matt Like. Look at this man.
Siobhan:This is the King Cup. For anyone that's ever played Kings.
Siobhan:Brought me back. Oh, our pass.
Matt:I used to play that with a round of asshole immediately after Mm-hmm.
Matt:That was amazing at asshole.
Siobhan:All right, I spent a lot of time with a case of beer in my head. I'm not sure what to say about that Take it as you will. I'm also not going to respond to that, all right.
Chris:Number two what was it again?
Siobhan:Number two. What is number two? I already forgot.
Matt:Okay, we need to have a small timeout here for a second. Is this indeed?
Chris:I'm going later right, correct, it has a line on it.
Siobhan:It has a line on the wrong part several lines. Put a line on the other side. If you want, I just what in the world? No, it's. Then we can't make fun of it.
Matt:That's why we're here to make fun of it so, chris, if you couldn't tell by the defensive posturing, is the one who wrote the numbers for us here and siobhan and I are having a general disagreement, or with him about, uh, the efficacy of the two Again.
Chris:I don't care that you're making fun of it, because I have terrible handwriting and I copped that real easy. Oh, me too. This is the sustained surprise that I keep getting of what is this?
Siobhan:Well, wait, you do when I've now explained it 32 times. No, it's not. What is it? I know what it is.
Siobhan:But it doesn't make sense.
Matt:All it.
Chris:I know what it is okay, but it doesn't make sense, all right. Well, okay, and you're right. You have explained it 30 z times. That was actually a good one.
Andy:I think you did a great job thank you oh listen, we all know it's a two.
Siobhan:Now I don't know if chris does, but we'll be fine, because I don't know if he knows what a two is. But we'll be all right, we got it, we're gonna make it work.
Matt:I'm pretty sure as a drummer he can can count to four, as can I.
Siobhan:Yes, he doesn't have to write it though.
Matt:Anything beyond four gets super sketchy.
Chris:And I can spell to G. There, you go Music jokes oh.
Siobhan:Let's drink more beer, please.
Matt:All right list matt hop next. That is the sherman street hop next.
Siobhan:Right, let's get this one going. I see what you did there. We go right. This will be interesting because this is a west coast yeah, so we're going to go from that west multi-piney celebration ipa.
Chris:Oh, save my nail on that one going for the nails it's okay, we'll be all right you know, there's three other people that could be opening them, just so you're right, but none of you are trying.
Siobhan:so here we are, Good job boys.
Andy:It's already open now.
Chris:Great job.
Siobhan:You guys can have the ones that are closer to you.
Chris:By the way, we should post a picture of this, can art?
Siobhan:because it's adorable.
Chris:It's fun. It's got like a little rabbit in space.
Andy:Ooh smelly. I got to say that's one of the things with especially IPAs local brew IPAs they always have great label art.
Siobhan:Yeah, the label art on one of these is really cool. Spoiler alert on that.
Matt:You might want to I don't know lighten up on the dumbbell curls or something. Your pores are like insane.
Siobhan:It's fine.
Andy:You're not going to drink all that. It's a Sunday. We've got nothing better to do, chris is sampling professionally.
Chris:Does it have like a little coffee smell to it?
Siobhan:No, I don't think you're crazy, but I can. I'm not getting that much smell from it. Yeah, that's why I'm like I get smell.
Chris:You know how coffee kind of like just erases some smell.
Matt:Sometimes it's been it's like, like I smell no hoppiness Sitting in the carafe.
Siobhan:Oh, absolutely, that's a face.
Andy:Siobhan Vaughn's not a fan.
Siobhan:Letter Z is last for me here.
Chris:It's kind of bland.
Siobhan:I'm not a big West Coast IPA fan, but this is not my jam, that's surprising.
Matt:There's not a lot.
Chris:When was this canned? It's pretty fresh yeah.
Andy:I was over at Sherman Street. Love that place, it's right there, I was surprised. I've now been over Street. Love that place. It's right there. I was surprised I've now been over there twice. Yikes, I've now been over there twice, and the first time it was absolutely packed, and this time there was like nobody there, and both times it was a Friday. So I don't know, I don't get it.
Siobhan:I don't think enough people know about it.
Andy:Well, it's kind of in the middle of nowhere. It is enough people know about it. Well, it's kind of in the middle of no, like it's. Yeah, it's in a very random part of allentown for sure, yeah, I love it there.
Chris:It's great they still do food, though, right I don't know.
Siobhan:I went there because paranormal pizza oh yeah, I had a pot there, maybe that's what I'm remembering is that they have pop-ups.
Andy:Shout out to paranormal pizza freaking delicious. Can't wait for them to get their brick and mortar back up and running.
Matt:We talked about the back end of the last one. The back end of this one, to me, is arguably worse.
Siobhan:There's not much there and what is there is very strange. For sure, this is probably going to be my least favorite.
Chris:It's like drying to your mouth. It sucks kind of the moisture out.
Matt:It feels like there's a sponge in my mouth or something like that, like there's something that's stuck in the moisture.
Andy:I didn't have this. I just honestly, I bought it because the label is great, but oh, I yeah, and it's a West coast IPA.
Chris:I mean it's and this is a beer that I could drink easily. It's not like I don't like it. I don't think it's has a bad flavor to it.
Andy:Yeah that's a solid description Unimpressive. I'm not blown away.
Siobhan:All right. So far, that was one and two.
Andy:I think we all have One and Z, yeah, the Sierra in the lead.
Siobhan:I don't know, I guess Sherman in the back right, yeah, sherman in the back All right, numero three-oh. This would be the beer tree Citra Grove that Chris is going to open. Thank you, Thank you for redeeming our species around the table here. I'm the same species as you.
Matt:Well redeeming our gender Fair enough.
Siobhan:Okay, this one I'm excited about.
Chris:You know what makes the best cracks? Liquid death, and it's not even a beer.
Siobhan:They do a good job.
Chris:I like a completely new color. Now, here we go.
Siobhan:This will be much more Ooh. I like a completely new color now.
Matt:Yeah, we've got this, here we go.
Siobhan:This will be much more my speed, I think A little hazier. Yeah, love a. Hazy, love a citrus.
Chris:Okay, this is going to sound funny, can't wait. But some beers have this like slightly flatulence smell to it.
Siobhan:And this has that, oh, a little bit.
Matt:A little farty.
Siobhan:It is a little funky.
Matt:This would be yeast fart.
Siobhan:Yeah, totally New England IPA.
Andy:Where is beer tree?
Siobhan:I'm not familiar with beer tree.
Matt:Beer grows on trees. Sign me up.
Siobhan:Yeah, this is a funky.
Matt:I wish it did. Johnson City New.
Matt:There you go.
Siobhan:Nice Little New York beer we're moving back to the east coast, well, it is a new england ipa for those that don't know this is nice.
Chris:Yeah, it's nice.
Matt:I like it a lot I like it a lot that one's gonna go out front for me.
Andy:Yep, for sure oh, it's really light it is yeah this is good yeah this is a good uh summer evening around the campfire beer.
Chris:Yeah, it doesn't have that super crispiness that a citrus beer can have.
Chris:It's much more smooth, which is a New England style thing.
Matt:This would be a good one on a hot day too, this is one. You could sit in the back porch and have a barbecue beer 6.7%, so that's pretty good.
Siobhan:It's a little higher than your cider.
Chris:I don't know.
Siobhan:We should be kind of looking through some of that You're not crushing these, but yeah. Well, 6.8 for the Celebration.
Chris:And the next was yeah, all of them have been kind of heavy.
Matt:16 fluid ounces. Hold on, it's been a can.
Siobhan:It was insane maybe, I don't believe it does.
Matt:It is not required. No, apparently not. I do like the can art though the bunny rabbits. Yeah, it's adorable.
Andy:See what untapped says they might know.
Matt:Somebody from untapped probably took it out and measured it, so why andy's doing that? I will say that right now. For me the beer tree is in first place, sierra nevada is in second and the Sherman Street Hop Next is in.
Chris:Mom in the same boat.
Andy:We all are the Hop. Next is a 7%. Okay, so all around the same, that's good.
Siobhan:It doesn't seem like any of us brought really heavy ones.
Matt:We had a hazy Imperial but we didn't bring it on purpose.
Siobhan:We don't want to kill anybody. Oh yeah, that's right, I forgot about the 90.
Matt:You're welcome. We didn't bring it on purpose. We don't want to kill anybody. Oh yeah, that's right, we will have those, you're welcome.
Andy:No, this is good. I'm a fan Very drinkable.
Chris:What is numero four-o Okay?
Siobhan:I gotta stop doing that.
Chris:Quatro what is number four?
Matt:How does one pronounce this? Starts with an, a, oh a droid theory. A droid. Okay, so it is Like Android, but without the A I was like is there some sort of French twist on this that I'm going to butcher.
Chris:This is sick.
Siobhan:So there's a droid theory from deathnet.
Siobhan:Well, it's a droid theory, is the brewery and it's called deathnet.
Matt:Another West Coast, another west coast. So this is deathnet from right. There, that's some.
Siobhan:Now I would have thought that death would have been like aorg super metal.
Andy:Yeah, that would be aorg everybody does everybody remember the heavy metal 2000 movie? I guess it's a branch off of heavy metal movie, but it was like this very metal animated movie.
Chris:I'm getting those vibes here all I can think of right now is um, what was the cartoon about? The metal band? And they like, oh my.
Andy:God like apocalypse Jeez. It was something with apocalypse, Apocalyptia or something like that.
Matt:Josie oh my.
Andy:God, it was so good oh it was they used to do like a, like a guitar, over the cursing yeah, oh my God, the cocaine clown.
Chris:What I do, cocaine, I don't.
Siobhan:didn't remember that until just this time. I have no idea what you guys are talking about?
Andy:Yeah, I don't either. It was on Cartoon Network. It was on Cartoon Network, oh really, yeah, oh, it was so good.
Chris:It was right before, or I love that show.
Matt:It's a late nighter, it's like the later.
Chris:Chicken. This is another that, like it's so odorless.
Siobhan:Yeah, it really doesn't have much going on. The last one did, and it was so much lighter. I haven't tried this yet though.
Matt:If we get through all of these and we can't smell them, we're all doing a COVID test together.
Siobhan:Right, well, I smelled the last one, that's good.
Andy:This is that's really good.
Siobhan:Yo, I like this.
Chris:You like a West Coast? Yeah, but is this like really that West Coast-y, oh yeah absolutely.
Matt:Oh, good Well yes.
Chris:I do like a.
Siobhan:West Coast, then, ha ha, I'm winning.
Chris:I don't know, it's very light, and that's why I think we all like it, because it's not like slapping you in the face with hops.
Siobhan:We've had beer from this brewery before and it's like very good this one's from virginia, yeah, and it's also expensive from what I remember, yes.
Chris:So okay, I will say I like this a lot.
Siobhan:I don't quite like it as much as it's definitely not as drinkable as the beer tree on top yeah but this is really nice because I could slam this.
Chris:It's so light and easy to.
Matt:Yeah, there's a flavor and I can't pin it.
Siobhan:I like it, though it is this specific thing I'm tasting.
Matt:that puts it in second and I'm going to take another sip and see if I can.
Siobhan:There's still the resin-y part to it.
Andy:This is hardcore and, first for me, nice. If I had the button, I'd hit that stellar sip on this.
Siobhan:Oh, do it.
Andy:That first taste, all of us, our eyes lit up. That's really good, stellar Sips.
Matt:You can call Stellar.
Chris:Sips 7.5.
Andy:That does not taste like a 7.5, so that's a dangerous beer. Oh man, you guys. No, that does not taste like a 7.5.
Chris:That might kill you.
Andy:I would have guessed that was more of a 6.
Matt:The deathnet is now making more sense. Careful there.
Chris:That should be like aorg or maybe aedu, like something to avoid. No, no, I just don't like thexxx. Are you trying?
Siobhan:to make it a porn site. No, oh okay, probably is one a death porn site.
Chris:Horrifying short, short exists short tech story my company went out of its way to pay lots and lots of money to reserve all the dot xxx domains that we owned because they were afraid someone would register them and make porn sites out of them, and they are like 10 times the registration cost of regular domains wow, I didn't know that.
Siobhan:Why is that?
Matt:it's like 40 a year to register those, whereas like on GoDaddy, you can register itcom for like five bucks and yeah, yeah, matt and Friends Drink the Universe is like $5 for the year or something like that, so we paid. It's not expensive.
Chris:I think there was at least 15 domains we registered, so it was a lot of money. And then after several years the marketing department was like why are we spending? Hundreds of dollars a year on this. I was like I have no idea. You told me to do it, so I did it yep did the marketing guy go wait a minute. We have an opportunity here it was just like cut the expense. Nope, all right, moving on.
Matt:Uh, num, number, five, number, five, number five, such a uno dos cuatro, cinco, cinco, seis. There we go.
Siobhan:Great Offspring, I did listen to some Offspring this morning. Did you?
Chris:I had an Instagram that someone was playing.
Andy:Nice, I love the Offspring, not good live oh really.
Siobhan:Oh, I think I heard that Maybe from you.
Andy:It might have been for me To be fair. I was very let down.
Matt:Okay, Sorry. What's number five? This would be the Dogfish Head 90 Minute oh snap, oh buddy, okay, here we go. This is a classic.
Siobhan:Get ready.
Andy:This is a standard.
Chris:I'm a little concerned, not concerned, I'm a little interested because this says 90 Minute Imperial IPA.
Siobhan:That's what they are Is.
Chris:They are. Is it always an Imperial? Am I crazy, I mean.
Siobhan:I could be crazy. That's cool, I think it's always that way.
Matt:This is the.
Chris:If you go to a random bar and you want an IPA, you can almost always get this. It's.
Matt:I've seen 60 more than 90.
Chris:No 90 is the 90.
Siobhan:No, you're not crazy, they're both there. You're not going to find 120.
Andy:You're good with either one, we've been to Dogfish Head.
Matt:I have I was gone. You were not. Oh, I do. You were physically in Robich.
Siobhan:Beach, but you weren't there. But you remember going there Like I was in Wizard of Oz.
Andy:Wizard of Oz, I gotta say that is what I expect an IPA to smell like.
Chris:She hoppy. It's definitely listed as an imperial on tap. Yeah, I think I'm mixing 60 and 90 minute for some dumb reason. Yeah, because 90 is definitely heftier 90 is the more rare, Like it goes 60 to 90 to 120.
Siobhan:I just I can't guys.
Matt:If you were, listening and thinking there's got to be a story as to why Chris does not remember what Dogfish Head looks like. That would be because that was his bachelor party.
Siobhan:Correct. You're welcome. I was not there, because that's how that works.
Chris:When you go to the brewery you get I think it was two tokens like for free beer you get two tokens. Well, everybody decided to give their second free beer token to Chris. Yes, so Chris drank about seven beers at the brewery and that was the beginning of the day.
Matt:Well, they also had the. Is it the Palo Santo?
Chris:Sean at that point wasn't drinking, so I got both of his.
Matt:Well, they had the Palo Santo there as well. It was the Santa Palo. You know what I'm trying to say, man that beer is so good.
Chris:Yeah, shout out to Dogfish. It's still one of my OG favorite breweries. We still have.
Siobhan:Burton Batten in our fridge, I think.
Chris:It's aging. It's almost 10 years. Can't wait for it to age even more. I enjoy this beer. This is fantastic.
Andy:Yeah, this is good. I'm not sure if I'm putting it above the Android there.
Siobhan:Android theory.
Andy:yeah, I agree, I really love that Android theory.
Chris:I'm putting this right in the middle because this is like the IPA, so you're not ever disappointed by it, but you're never like I've got to drink this. If it's on the tap list, I have to have it like. That's not what this is I still.
Siobhan:I just the 60 is so much easier to drink in my opinion I agree.
Chris:This is a nine percent beer like this is not something. You're picking up a six-pack and drinking the whole six-pack.
Siobhan:This makes me think that I would not like a 120.
Andy:I do not like the 120.
Chris:It is.
Matt:It's an experience. It is an experience. That's a great way to play. I would try it.
Siobhan:I just don't think I would. I would do a mini. I know you only get a little bit.
Chris:I think when we were down there it was Graven at like 15 and a half. That's the one that sticks out. For me, they were like oh, it ranges between like 12 and 18%, and I was like oh, my Lord, 18%.
Siobhan:And then Chris chugged one at the brew pub. It was heavy I did.
Matt:Everything went downhill. I also remember the peanut butter, so we went to the restaurant later and they had the peanut butter infused vodka, which was outstanding yeah, that because I drank that. It's one of the few times in my life I drank vodka with nothing else involved.
Siobhan:It's just straight, and it was yeah, dogfish does have a distillery, so his parents like getting this is number s yeah, we're gonna post these numbers letters. To be fair, mine does look more like a five thank you okay you're welcome, all welcome. I'm going to put this one actually second place. Welcome to my world. Thank you very much. It's why we like making fun of you.
Matt:I get bludgeoned on this show all the time.
Chris:It's true, you do Rightfully so.
Matt:Nice to have somebody else in the hot seat.
Andy:Yeah, no, this is.
Siobhan:I mean, it's a great beer, it's standard. This is what I think an IPA should taste like this is smack in the middle for me as well.
Matt:There's a reason that Dogfish Head has staying power. There's a reason they've been around as long as they are and everybody knows who they are.
Siobhan:They do a great job, 100%, and they don't have to mess with stuff, right, because they always do weird stuff too, like the lobster beer.
Andy:Yeah, hard pass.
Andy:It's good.
Chris:It's real good.
Andy:I mean, don't get me wrong.
Chris:I try it, but it doesn't sound good to me.
Andy:Yeah, I'm going for it. However, as we mentioned before, the podcast, the Pennsylvania Tuxedo.
Siobhan:Yeah, what a great beer. I don't know that that would be my fave. Shocks you, yeah.
Chris:Stuff like that shocks you when you're. I wouldn't expect this.
Andy:Nothing on the description sounds like something I would like.
Siobhan:I really want to get down there, that's also Flying Dogs Pearl Necklace. Yeah, the oyster style. I don't think that's what it's called anymore, but it might be called something Like the saltiness.
Chris:Yes, it is.
Siobhan:It's called that because of all the stupid laughing that I'm hearing Wonderful.
Matt:No, I was going to gonna say I'm going for a dogfish head if you would love to have matt and friends drink the universe live would love that we would be more than absolutely amen, I'll load up my minivan and and come visit you.
Andy:That's all my. That's all my to-do list anyhow. So I will absolutely take that road trip we're great house guests.
Chris:We drink a lot, but we are we're a lot of as you don't need anyone to write any numerals or say album, we're all set. Alright, alright, alright.
Siobhan:What's number six.
Andy:What do we got? What are we doing next? Numero Okay.
Chris:Number six, I was gonna do Adora, but I'm not gonna.
Matt:This is other half broccoli.
Andy:What's in the beer pack.
Matt:If this tastes anything like broccoli the beer pack, if this tastes anything like broccoli.
Siobhan:I'm going to vomit on this table. It does not taste like broccoli, we promise I would be excited.
Chris:I think I'm not going to be preconceived. Okay, just open it up, chris. Oh my God stop giving people.
Matt:Regardless of how you feel about the man, that wasn't a great crack. I'm disappointed by that A lot of people don't realize that the first George Bush, Herbert Walker, banned broccoli from the White House. Yeah, he did. In my opinion, that is the greatest political decision that has ever been made in the history of our country.
Siobhan:And that's why we don't talk about politics on this podcast.
Matt:I hate vehemently hate it. Anybody bring broccoli and kill them. Yep, that's a quality decision.
Chris:I'm all for it, love it this is other half, and they have several varieties of this, iterations of broccoli. This is just the regular broccoli, they also have cream of broccoli and cheddar broccoli.
Siobhan:They also have lettuce and cabbage. Lettuce and cabbage they have a lot of grape. Other half is one of my faves, which makes us annoying.
Chris:Nothing about the name of the beer speaks to what it tastes like no, it's very good beer.
Siobhan:See, this is where doing this blind would be advantageous, because just because it's cold, no, just drink it, for goodness sake, smell it and you're instantly going to be like oh my gosh, this is nothing like broccoli.
Matt:Okay, it does not smell like broccoli, correct, we would not do that to you.
Siobhan:I mean, we would do that to you, but we didn't. This time.
Matt:As a man who possesses a psychology degree and understands biases, this is a 7.9. There's one form.
Siobhan:They also do a baked potato series, and that's one of my favorites as well.
Matt:They do a twice baked potato, double baked potato. It doesn't taste like potatoes at all. No, it's all just themed Calm down.
Chris:It invokes feelings of warmth and happiness. It does not include broccoli Right out of Brooklyn.
Siobhan:There's one in Philly now.
Andy:It's where Goose Island you see, oh, I love Goose Island. I love Goose Island. Goose Island's brown is so good. I love brown ales, but they weren't hipster enough for that location.
Chris:Their location is beautiful, yeah. And now other half is like that's saying something, hold my Brooklyn, they had that whole lawn area by the time we hit that lawn. No, no, no, we were all good. Still, it was the next brewery before the.
Matt:I'm speaking personally here because at that lawn I had the barrel aged.
Chris:Yeah, I was going to say I'm saying while we were there we were fine. It was the next brewery where that barrel age hit you Funky.
Matt:We went to a garage. The place was called the garage.
Chris:Yeah, that was first then it was a goose okay I know we ended up at a garage is great. Anyone who's been to philly go to. It's called garage oh garage is wonderful and they have my cousin and I went the one time.
Matt:So much beer that's in kensington yeah, it's catty corner town, it's catty corner to that place that we're talking about. That used to be goose can we take the fish?
Siobhan:to fish town yeah, fish would love fish town fish. You're going to fish town, get ready fish. Oh, I don't love this. That sounds like always sunny episode by the way the fish visits fish town all right. Well, andy has things to say. No, I don't hate it.
Chris:I'm okay with someone hating this because it's not a style for everybody. For me it's just so drinkable it's definitely drinkable.
Andy:Like I definitely don't dislike it, I might put it second.
Matt:I don't love it yeah alright, that Citra Grove to me is still you know what I'm busting biases over here, because I'm putting this one up top. I did it listen, it's good.
Chris:It is well sort of like broccoli yeah, you did it.
Siobhan:Oh, do you get a stellar sip for that? I think you do. Is Matt going to be sad? He has to press it.
Matt:Look if it's real broccoli and the option's that or the firing squad. I'm taking the firing squad, oh my God, stellar sip.
Andy:Have you not had, from a good Chinese restaurant, some good beef and broccoli? Oh yes, Like it's not good for you but it's delicious.
Siobhan:It's not Listen who cares what's good for you? There's way worse things for you.
Chris:I feel like we are not a healthy lifestyle podcast.
Siobhan:Listen, we're drinking beers on a Sunday morning.
Matt:If you wonder why we get more chatty as the tasting goes on. There's a reason for that.
Andy:Telling stories.
Chris:What is it that's putting it so ahead for you? Because to me it's just like okay, yeah, it's the way that what we're calling like the lasting flavor, at the end it sits exactly how it tastes, it sits on your tongue like yes, yeah, I can drink this.
Matt:I'm watching tv at night and I drink this and I taste the beer the entire time okay, so I don't have to slam it to keep tasting good flavor yeah, it just stays as good flavor in my mouth and to that point I took a sip when chris started talking and I'm still getting, yeah, yeah, like it's really nice to not have it sour out or something like that on the back end.
Andy:So, yeah, that's, if I remember correctly, with the sierra nevada. Like that's exactly what I said, like I didn't like the, yeah, the lingering, yeah it.
Matt:Like you, like, you're right, this does linger nice, nicely.
Andy:Yeah, interesting, and you have to let it linger nice I really love an ipa from other half.
Siobhan:They did one because a wegmans was opened opened in aster yep, oh, and it was up and uh in aster place in new york city I was not prepared for that other half was, uh, commissioned I think, or whatever decided to brew a specific beer just for the aster place opening of wegmans and we I found like a four pack of it in our wegmans not in new york and just like grifted it because I don't know if it was supposed to be there. One of the best, yeah, it was so good, like just Shout out to Other Half.
Chris:I know we're big fans.
Siobhan:They're killing it.
Chris:Every time A lot of people make fun of.
Siobhan:Neutral. Well, okay, I wasn't going to name them Because it kind of is like that Breweries that do a hazy ipa and then they just give it a new name.
Chris:And yeah, your marketing department's great. Yeah, but like you're doing about the same beer and they're not bad, it's tough to like slam a brewery because you're making the same beer over and over that are good.
Andy:Yeah, and just renaming it um speaking of slamming, this is a 7.9 yeah, that's another one.
Matt:That's another one, that's legal.
Chris:I drank one the other night a little too fast and was like it's time for bed.
Siobhan:That's how you know you're getting old right Not like it's time for another one, but it's time for bed.
Chris:Watched some college basketball Shout out. It's March Madness right now. And I was like I need to watch the end of this game and I'm struggling all right.
Siobhan:What is we're married folks?
Matt:marriage we have lordy marriage number yes, thank you, andy, for arriving there with me. That was great. What is?
Chris:number seven.
Matt:My name is Lost Tavern's Life's a Trip, volume 10. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
Andy:Alright. So yeah, I bought this one from Lost Tavern. Love Lost Tavern.
Siobhan:Love Lost Tavern Top three breweries in the Lehigh Valley 100%.
Andy:I don't think I had Life's a Trip, volume 10. I don't think I had had Life's a Trip, Volume 10. I don't think I've had 10. So I was like let's go for it. I had 7.
Matt:I thought 7 was a life-changing beer.
Siobhan:That was one of my favorite beers that I've ever had.
Matt:Yeah, yeah. So I didn't realize that was an iterative thing either, until Gino was on the podcast and was talking about it.
Chris:It's got that farty smell we're here for you, Gene.
Siobhan:We love your cocktail choices as well.
Chris:I think that's the canning thing sometimes, Because I don't remember if I've had 10 at the brewery but none of them really had that farty smell. So I'm just curious. Ooh I like that oh.
Matt:What's the finish, though? Ooh, it's got something on the finish. Creamy, yeah, and that was the noise I made.
Andy:That was the noise I made.
Matt:Creamy is a good word for it, the finish Lost Tavern. I'm sorry, I don't think the finish is where it was for volume seven.
Chris:I think it's a little bit more of a back end. I don't think they'll ever hit number seven again.
Matt:Let's be honest.
Siobhan:If they do, the finish is not ideal, but it doesn't stay.
Chris:But what is it? What is it? What's the finish? I don't know.
Matt:You can't tell that kind of A treat, aftertaste cream soda, but flat no.
Siobhan:No, no, okay, I don't disagree with that, though.
Chris:Number one drink of all time, a treat cream soda A treat cream red.
Matt:Red oh.
Chris:Oh, treat cocktails. Ooh, I like this idea. Can we do a drinkables like force, the blue raspberry Worst soda on the planet.
Siobhan:What are you making? All right, rob you're not here.
Matt:You get blue raspberries. There you go.
Siobhan:It's going to take over everything.
Andy:I think I'm putting this on the bottom. Whoa the bottom.
Matt:That seems a little aggressive, damn.
Siobhan:Beyond the one what sucked Number Z? Beyond the one what sucked number Z?
Chris:This is going to be a respectable seven.
Siobhan:No, I mean he's saying it's below.
Matt:Oh, the number Z.
Andy:Number Z. Yeah, what was number Z? Again?
Matt:That would be the dogfish head 90 minute.
Andy:No, no, no, number two, number two.
Matt:Oh, I'm sorry, You're right, the number S is five, correct.
Siobhan:He can't tell the difference because the five and the two I don't know.
Matt:I'm trying to make fun of you.
Chris:I'm done. No, there's so much good beer on it, I'll cry. I will cry. It's the drunkenness in this room, not me. I didn't do it.
Matt:So the number two was the Sherman Street hop next.
Siobhan:Yeah, you think this is worse than that. I mean listen, I'm not judging you, I'm just saying that's a good point, yep.
Andy:I think I'm putting it above the Sherman Street. Damn though that's pretty low.
Chris:But still below Celebration.
Andy:I would rather drink the Sierra Nevada than this Okay.
Chris:They're tied for me. Can I do a tie?
Siobhan:Yeah, you can, why not I?
Matt:slid that one into three, it's our podcast.
Andy:Do it on the one.
Matt:So as we go into the last one, I'm going to try to translate. This ought to be fun. So I have the other half broccoli out front. I got the beer tree, citra Grove. In second, I have the Lost Tavern. In third Fourth place is the Dogfish Head 90 Minute Damn it, this is confusing. In fifth place is number four, the Deathnet. Damn it, this is confusing. In fifth place is number four, the Deathnet. And then we got the Celebration and the Sherman Street Hop, next bringing up the rear.
Siobhan:Nice, we have to all go around and do this.
Matt:I feel like I was unlocking the division after tasting beer. Thank you, I'll attempt what Matt just attempted. I will tell you.
Chris:This is Oliver Brewing first class.
Andy:Ooh Oliver, oliver, this is Oliver Brewing, first Class Oliver, oliver, that was a good one.
Siobhan:Please, sir, can I have some more? Somebody named him Oliver.
Siobhan:Oh yeah.
Chris:Love that show. This smells a little bit sour to me.
Siobhan:Oh yeah.
Chris:That's the citrus.
Andy:Oh sheesh, that's like I like it, though. Also. Why is this so much?
Siobhan:colder, a little bit sour to me. Oh yeah, that's the citrus. Ooh, sheesh.
Andy:That's like I like it, though. Also, why is this so much colder than the others, when it's been sitting on the table for literally?
Siobhan:the exact same amount of time. Oh, I do not like this. What is this?
Chris:No, is this what you brought? Mm-hmm Meaning as in you. I meant Matt. Yes, interesting, it's very sharp. I do not like this.
Chris:Interesting. I mean I don't hate it, but I don't like it.
Siobhan:It's got like it's got great hops in it, which I was really. I actually put this last because I'm the one that made the list, kind of Very not scientifically, but it has great cryo hops in it and stuff too, and I was like oh yeah, but it's like it's like flavor is not good.
Siobhan:Yeah, not my fave you guys it's that sour grapes feel oh yeah, but I don't even hate a sour, but it's like that musty boots situation that I always refer to with crummy sours right, I didn't think it was gonna happen, but this is going on the bottom.
Matt:Yeah, oh yeah guys I'm still putting the the sherman street underneath it. Like I would drink this. Like if this was an option, I would drink it chris and siobhan aren't even finishing the pour there we're clearly here for the broth I mean I'm gonna, I'm gonna
Siobhan:finish like it has to drink yeah, sticks around I'm also so confused right now by matt's organization that I'm sitting next to you, because it's completely backwards from what so is andy's, to be fair no, it's not best to worst, left to right yeah, see, correct what mine's.
Chris:Worst on the left, best on the right yeah, are you guys nuts? Number one would be on the left side, okay so so you and I are correct. Andy, oh my.
Matt:Best of both, and this side of the table I understand both sides.
Chris:How do you feel being?
Siobhan:connected to the 2Z thing of it all.
Matt:I will not. This is how I feel. We just sampled eight IPAs in under an hour. That is how I feel we just sampled eight IPAs in under an hour.
Siobhan:That is how I feel that's a legit feeling Okay.
Matt:So where does everybody have Sierra Nevada the celebration Celebrate? My brain is like there's a DJ playing all the time. It's not ADHD, I just have a guy that won't stop spinning records Mine's in sixth place.
Chris:Same Fifth place.
Andy:Sixth as well.
Siobhan:So we're all around the same-ish area.
Matt:Where's the Sherman Street hop next?
Andy:Getting last bro, second to last, seventh place Last.
Siobhan:Last yep, yep, yep.
Matt:Wasn't feeling it Okay. The beer trees, the Citra Grove. Second, place.
Siobhan:Oh, first place. Third place, still first for me.
Matt:okay, the second for me second still first yep, the android theory from, or deathnet, I'm sorry from android theory first place.
Siobhan:That was my favorite. Third, third, third. I have that in fifth wow okay, I love that you like that, andy, you can have the rest of it yeah I mean not that you have to dogfish 90 minute.
Andy:Five fourth place, fourth place fifth for me second place, fourth place, really yeah andy hot, I really enjoy the the 90 minute. You know, like I said, that's just when I drink an ipa.
Siobhan:That's what I kind of expect sure that's fair, that's it is a good flagship.
Chris:I like that, as you're standing for. What a traditional IPA.
Matt:I had that one in fourth also. I feel like that is the beer and we talked about it already, but if you were to line up a bunch of different styles and make that the IPA, you'd be able to pick that out.
Siobhan:I think it's a solid middle ground for me.
Matt:Yeah, Then we have the other half Broccoli.
Siobhan:Number two.
Chris:Four my bias number one.
Matt:I also have it in first place. Wow, it remained in first place.
Siobhan:Broccoli in first place for Matt. Let it be known.
Matt:Yeah, Lost Tavern. Life's a Trip, volume 10. I had this in fifth, right in the middle, pretty much Sixth for me. I pat it in. Third, if it was the volume seven, it would have blazed in first place. I wouldn't have had a problem with that.
Siobhan:I had it in fourth.
Chris:It was the middle of the pack.
Andy:I drink it again. Yeah.
Matt:And then the Oliver first class was the one that we had there.
Siobhan:Yeah, that's seventh.
Matt:That's eighth for me.
Siobhan:I really did not like that.
Chris:Coast from Sherman. It was grating.
Matt:You know it was like, ooh yeah, no, it's not good.
Siobhan:That's funny. I literally read the label and thought it was going to be so good.
Andy:I would say that was the only one that I was like. I would not drink this again.
Siobhan:Yeah, correct, I would not drink that west coast from sherman again.
Andy:I would, yeah and I will, because I have three others at home and I love sherman street don't get me wrong.
Siobhan:It's just not my style, that's it yeah, I've.
Andy:I've had a couple others from sherman street I had. They have a smoky lager which is really interesting. I really enjoyed that nice um and they had a scotch ale love that of course, love the dark ales yeah word um. So uh, yeah'd drink it again, but number eight's the only one that I'm like hard pass.
Matt:Don't want to drink it. I will say also everything on the table today. There's not anything here that I wouldn't drink again, like if I was at an event or something and that was what was being served. There's none that I would say.
Andy:I'm switching to liquor or I'm going to drink water. There's none that hit that. That last one was the only one that I would. I would rather drink something.
Chris:That's what I said before we started recording I said I bet there's one in here yeah, I don't think there's gonna be more than one, but I think there's gonna be one in here. I don't know what it is that I'm like. No, I'm not gonna do that ever again on the other.
Andy:there was definitely stuff in that that I could see people with different yeah, oh, of course, yeah, yeah, it's just not for me, right Same, he sees beer people everywhere.
Matt:So we've talked a lot today about different places that we've been Scotland to Rehoboth, delaware. If you're looking to visit any of these places or just take the vacation of a lifetime anywhere you want to go, give papa's travel a call. They will make sure that they get you there. Shout out to them for their sponsorship.
Andy:We love you guys very much so we are currently like thinking like this is 10 year anniversary for us. Congratulations thank you, thank you and we're currently thinking maybe a trip up to the finger lakes ah, ah, nice. So maybe we'll have to reach out and see what they recommend. Yeah.
Matt:I'm sure they have recommendations to make.
Siobhan:And that will about round us.
Matt:We did. We made it to the end. Congratulations to all of us.
Siobhan:Thanks for the good IPAs friends.
Chris:Yeah, this was good stuff. Good stuff, stellar set. This podcast is a production of Unfiltered Studios. If you would like to know more about joining Unfiltered Studios, please visit our website at unfpodcom for more information.
Matt:The boozy quote for today's episode comes from President Dwight D Eisenhower, who said some people wanted champagne and caviar when they should have had beer and hot dogs. On social media, please like, follow and push all the buttons for us. That's Matt and Friends DTU. At Facebook, instagram Threads and TikTok For more information about the podcast, as well as links to our merch store, social media and all the places you can listen to us. Visit our website mattandfriendsdtucom. That's mattandfriendsdtucom. Thank you again for listening to Matt and Friends Drink the Universe.