Matt and Friends Drink the Universe
Welcome to Matt and Friends Drink the Universe, the podcast where comedy and great drinks collide! Join host Matt and a rotating crew of friends as they sample unique beers, wines, cocktails, and spirits, diving into the stories, history, and science behind each sip.
Packed with laughs, hilarious anecdotes, fun trivia, and drinking games, our show offers a laid-back yet enlightening experience for anyone who enjoys a good drink with great company. Tune in for “Stellar Sips” and “Cosmic Chugs” as we explore new flavors and share memorable stories along the way.
Whether you're a casual drinker or a cocktail connoisseur, sit back, relax, and let’s drink our way through the universe—where anything is possible! Cheers!
Matt and Friends Drink the Universe
Think or Drink? - "Red, White, and Booze"
Sip your way though American history with us while celebrating the 4th of July! Andy, Jen, Josh, and The Fish go head-to-head in a spirited game of Think or Drink. Expect laughs, unexpected twists, and a lot of friendly banter as we test our knowledge on everything from Founding Father's smuggling booze to the last state to repeal it's prohibition laws.
Ever wondered how many cases of beer Americans crack open during the Independence Day weekend? Get ready to be amazed as we uncover jaw-dropping statistics about beer sales and reveal the nation's favorite brews.
Don't miss Josh's special lemonade and vodka cocktail recipe, featuring a unique liqueur blend, Perfect for your 4th of July celebrations.
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10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
The Fish:We have liftoff.
Matt:Welcome to Matt and Friends. Drink the Universe. Drink the Universe. Welcome back everyone to Matt and Friends. Drink the Universe. Welcome back everyone to Matt and Friends. Drink the Universe. Today's theme is red, white and booze.
Matt:This is our 4th of July special. We're going to do some think or drink trivia. And here's me with the rules. Think or drink is our classic trivia game, where players start with 6 points. The last person with points remaining wins Correct answers.
Matt:Let you choose someone to lose a point and drink, while incorrect answers will cause you to lose a point and drink. For difficult questions, you have two options. First, you can make it a double to get help from someone else. If your collective answer is correct, you can choose individually to gain a point or to make somebody else drink and lose a point. If you're wrong, both of you lose a point and drink. Or you can put it on their tab by selecting someone to answer for you. If they're right, you lose a point and drink. If they're wrong, you gain a point. Make sure to balance potential risk and reward when you put it on their tab. Little stars and stripes forever there Love it. So this is our 4th of July episode and all of the trivia questions revolve around American history, but more importantly, american drinking history. So what makes us an exceptionally boozy country? It's true.
Andy:We're really the country that's taken all the drinking traditions around the world and said y'all, come on to the table, yep, and make it a double.
Matt:And we do it very well, very well. Some states better than others. We're going to go around the table here and introduce ourselves. I'm Andy, I'm Josh, I'm Jen.
The Fish:And I'm the fish.
Matt:And together we are Captain Planet.
The Fish:Oh, you should have said Captain Cape man.
Matt:So I had this like great idea I was going to do like a whole tasting thing to see who got many right, and then we were going to pick somebody to go first that way. But then I realized that fish is virtual and Jen doesn't drink, so here we are and you're bad at keeping score.
Josh:I would have been totally down for that. I just want to throw that out there.
Jen:I would next time that's another episode, but you said matt's bad at keeping score. Well, you know what. It's josh and jen's first time, so rock paper scissors to see who's going first. All right, I'm going rock, wait, wait, wait. Okay. Rock paper scissors shoot.
Andy:Oh, I was wondering if that was a bluff.
Matt:I told her it doesn't really matter it wasn't a bluff, all right, I don't know if I wanted to go first, you guys are gonna win anyway, it's fine's fine.
Jen:Somebody's going to win, not me. We're going to see.
Matt:So before we get going here, I do have a nice cross section of beers that I thought would show up at a 4th of July picnic here. So we got some Sam Summer, some Leinenkugels, I threw some Twisted Tea in there and we got some Corona as well. And you can't forget, because we're here in Pennsylvania, we got the Yingling as well. Can't go wrong with the Yingling and Josh, you want to talk about what you brought.
Josh:Oh, yeah, sure, I brought a lemonade and vodka, which is pretty American, I think, and there's also a little bit of a secret ingredient in there which I made them guess earlier, which they couldn't.
Jen:No, not at all.
Josh:Nor should they. It's a liqueur that you can't really find around here. It's a shiru liqueur. It's got aloe, a muskmelon and mint in it. So it's this nice, light, refreshing summery cocktail, which is nice because we're in this tiny room that's about 1,000 degrees already.
The Fish:Well, at least you are.
Josh:Yes, that's true, just us. Yeah, I got a nice fan going on.
The Fish:Yeah, you chose wisely there Fish.
Matt:Yeah, you're doing so wisely there Fish?
Jen:Yeah, absolutely, we're not allowed to have fans here.
Josh:I also realized that I didn't really listen to the rules, so I'm just going to try and answer the questions correctly there you go. You can update me later, even though I said I was the rules lawyer, but then I forgot to listen to the rules because my wife texted me.
Jen:That's a good answer though.
The Fish:Good answer yes.
Matt:So Josh is going to go first for some think or drink. Lucky you First time. Which of the famous signers of the Declaration of Independence was also an accused and absolutely guilty and also very proud smuggler of alcohol? Was it Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, Thomas Jefferson or Sam Adams? I mean, it's got to be Sam Adams. It is actually not Sam Adams, so you're gonna be drinking there, okay rough.
Jen:Can someone else answer it?
Matt:no, oh, it's not the way. It is not my forte, can I?
Jen:guess, and then you let us know typically drags the game out.
Josh:But sure, oh I thought yeah, well no she's not gonna to get a point.
Jen:It is Hancock, I got it right, see, why can't we count that?
Andy:one Come on. So Josh got it wrong, so he loses one point, all right.
Matt:So British Customs seized his ship, the Liberty, accusing him of smuggling 100,000 gallons of wine, madeira fortified wine and rum. However, in true Bostonian fashion, angry colonists literally dragged the custom ship out of the harbor to Boston Common, where they proceeded to burn it in a giant bonfire. The British retaliated by suing Hancock for unpaid taxes in what would be $7 million in modern-day dollars. So any wonder he had an ax to grind.
Andy:But he also had the money to pay it.
Matt:Very true, very true. It was also a lot less than that much money. I think it was like $15,000 back then, but that's still a lot of money, a lot of money, that's a lot, yep. So, because I'm going to support my wife and my wife, I will drink on her behalf, sure, so that's love right there. This is a rarity, so September 14th 1787.
Jen:Is this my question? Yeah, this is your question. Oh, okay, the delegates Go back, go back.
Jen:We gotta concentrate. Hold on, I'm sorry.
Josh:Can I ask a question?
Andy:Was it a Tuesday when you?
Matt:said this is a rarity. Did you mean it's a rarity that he supports his wife? Oh, I bet you that doesn't make it in the episode.
Jen:Hell. Look, the fish is having connection problems.
Matt:September 14th 1787, the delegates of the Constitutional Convention finished the document that would become the Constitution that, of course, we're still using today. After everybody signed, what did they do? Did they go home to share it with their constituents? Did they wheel a barrel of beer into the convention hall and get schnookered? That's what I would do. Did they drink several bottles of Washington's whiskey? Or did they have a party at a local pub?
Jen:I'm going to go with B.
Matt:You're going with B, I'm drinking on your behalf.
Andy:What? Was b was that b was the barrel, the barrel okay okay, I was either gonna go with b or c.
Matt:So what they actually did was have a party at a local pub, uh place called the city tavern, and they drank 454 bottles of madeira, 60 bottles of claret, 22 bottles of porter, 12 bottles of drank, 54 bottles of Madeira, 60 bottles of Claret, 22 bottles of Porter, 12 bottles of beer, 8 bottles of hard cider, 8 bottles of old stock whiskey and 7 large bowls of Spike Punch, large enough that one observer said ducks could swim in them. The bar tab was approximately $15,400 in today's money.
Josh:Yeah, in today's money. In today's money.
Matt:Wow, Back then it was probably $1.50.
The Fish:So who's keeping score of these points? I got it.
Jen:I lost it.
Andy:Yeah, I got it All right. So far it's not going great Wait.
Jen:So far, me and you both lost a point. Yeah, okay, all right.
Matt:So, coming around the table, here we're going to go, andy, then fish. So, andy, yes. 1799, at its peak production capacity under Washington. How much whiskey was distilled at Mount Vernon? So Washington's home? 4,000 gallons, 7,500 gallons, 9,000 gallons, or 11,000 gallons of whiskey.
Andy:Now I should know this because, callback to season one, I represented Washington's Brewery, you did so I should know this, you should, but I don't. My gut's telling me 11,000.
Matt:11,000 is the correct answer? Yeah, so what?
Andy:do you get for getting a point right? You have to drink. I think no. You have what? Seven points?
Jen:Okay, yeah, for point right, you make somebody else getting a point, right, you have to drink. I think Now you have what Seven points Okay.
Matt:Yeah for point right. You make somebody else lose a point.
Andy:Oh, you make somebody else lose a point, I'm going to make Jen lose a point.
Matt:so make her also drink. Wow, wow. She's down two points. That's brutal. That's true. His distillery was open 12 months a year. Uh, he did die in 1799 as well. But that volume of whiskey back then was valued at 7500 120 000 today, and it was consumed as unaged whiskey, which I thought was interesting. He didn't age it at all, they just barreled it and then drove it down to the pub, you know horse and buggy style and said, go, it had to be bad no, thank you on that, no, thank you.
Jen:Ew, sounds like it'd burn your pancreas.
Josh:I mean it wouldn't be. I think it would be a different organ bus, yeah.
Jen:It would burn your pancreas out. Ugh, I don't know.
Josh:I don't like it. You know, not good for the liver, all right. Next trivia game is an anatomy trivia game.
Jen:Where do you feel the boy?
Matt:esophagus and pancreas. Jen, this is for your pancreas well, really yours, because you're drinking well, I am all right, fish, yeah. Which of the following did benjamin franklin not do? Did so he did not do one of the following Said beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Brewed beer, distilled liquor, wrote a drinker's dictionary, or he did all of these things and all of the above.
Jen:He's thinking.
The Fish:Yeah, I'm going with all of the above. It sounds like something he would do. I definitely know he said the first one.
Matt:That is correct. All right, he did do all of the above. So who would you like to drink?
Andy:Rephrase that who would you like to make drink? Who would you like? Who would you like to drink? Be strategic.
Jen:Who do you want to take points away from?
Matt:Who are you going to make drink?
Jen:What are the points now?
Andy:The current points are myself and Fish at six points, josh at five points and the Welsers are at four points.
Matt:Boo Team us Way.
The Fish:Go Josh Dang, hey the fish flops. You enjoy your alcohol. I've seen pictures of your basement.
Andy:It's really cool. So at the end of the first round, the Welsers and Josh have four points, myself and the fish have six points and we all have all of our special attacks.
Josh:And we're all sweating to death. It seems like there's a little collusion going on between the two returning guests. I think I'm just saying could be.
Matt:Just in case you're wondering, some of the wonderful terms in the drinker's dictionary by franklin pissed in the brook, bowsed, dagged, and he's been too free with sir john strawberry. I'm adopting that last one. So okay, back around to josh. The whiskey rebellion took place in 1794 in western pennsylvania. What was the primary protest about? What was the whiskey rebellion about? Prohibition of alcohol, attacks on whiskey, the ban of distilling, the importation of foreign spirits.
Josh:What year did you say it was?
Matt:That would be 1794. Okay, it wasn't prohibition.
Josh:I would say it had to be taxing of whiskey.
Matt:It was. That was the first armed conflict after the Revolution. Washington himself led troops to suppress it, and it turns out when you try to tax American whiskey we get a little pissy about it. So that's two questions there so far. Yeah, all right, josh.
Josh:Who are you making drink? I will have to go with our scorekeeper here.
Andy:All right, all right, I will happily take a drink. You're down to five points Choices. I got two drinks. Which do I go for?
The Fish:Yes, oh, be double-fisted.
Josh:Yeah, see.
Matt:We're on the same page here, okay, jen.
Jen:In 1778, george Washington celebrated— Wait, read slower, please. Okay, I got to concentrate. All right, read slower, wiesler, she's the only one not drinking In 1778.
Matt:For real, no stop, come on In 1778, george Washington celebrated Independence Day by giving what to his soldiers? Rum, new uniforms, whiskey or new weapons.
Josh:Whiskey Rum Very close.
Jen:It is rum. It was rum. Hamels went with rum. It is rum. He gave them with rum.
Matt:It is rum. He gave them double their normal allowance that day, which I'm curious how much that is, because I feel like they kind of handed out booze rather freely at that point. I think I'm already at zero points.
Andy:No, you're down to three, they had to be careful with it. If you didn't give them enough allowance of their rum and this was the same on ships that allowance of rum, if my history is correct, canceled out some of the bad shit that was in the waters.
Josh:Yes, so if you didn't give them the proper amount, they were probably going to get sick, but you can't double it, and we actually used to produce more rum back then than we did whiskey, because sugar was easy to grow.
Matt:It's a quicker process, right.
Josh:Yes, and you don't have to age it. Well, obviously.
Matt:That wasn't a concern for Washington. They weren't all aging whiskey anyway.
Josh:But yeah, we started out as a rum-making country before really whiskey became most popular after Prohibition. Then we were like, oh, now we're going to make whiskey Yep, Huh, all right. After prohibition then we were like, oh, now we're gonna make whiskey yep, huh, all right why I've learned something new oh, matt, you have to drink, I do have to drink, you have to drink it all right, I never win anything on this podcast.
Matt:I was hoping that you would bail us out then you shouldn't have picked me to be on this podcast you brought.
Josh:The person who doesn't drink, the person doesn't drink, doesn't drink anymore and when it comes to history.
Jen:I was probably sleeping in glass.
Matt:Let me tell you all something. We used to go out when we were dating and she would order Jager bombs like they were going out of style.
Jen:I used to be able to hold my liquor really well.
Josh:She drank when she was the age of drinking Jager bombs not of sipping and enjoying whiskey and knowing this kind of stuff, that's also true.
Jen:No, I had that shot, remember, of Irish whiskey before a wedding and it did it burned my pancreas. I could feel it.
Josh:That was the start of the whole thing.
Jen:That was the start. I'm like I can't drink it you burn her pancreas out with one shot of.
Matt:Congratulations, you ruined everything. First of all, it was Tillmordue. Oh, all right, and she was not a whiskey drinker.
Andy:Well, that could not have possibly harmed you. That's a very peaty, yeah.
Matt:Yeah, there's a lot.
Jen:Yeah, it was awful.
Matt:All right, andy. Yes, how many cases of beer are sold on the 4th of July or for the 4th of July weekend each year? 70 million Time out.
Andy:What Are we talking? The United States, or are we talking worldwide?
Matt:We are talking about numbers, he doesn't even know.
The Fish:Matt E equals MC Hammer we talking about numbers.
Andy:There it is.
Josh:I don't think there's a spike around the world in beer sales on the 4th of July, but there are other beer sales happening on the 4th of July.
Andy:Call back to when I did the St Patrick's Day trivia. There is a massive spike worldwide for St patrick's day, of guinness specifically. Well, so so again, are we talking united states or worldwide?
Matt:so we're talking united states doesn't help me okay, I knew it didn't make a difference so yeah, 40 million, 50 million, 70 million, $70 million or $90 million or all of the above.
Andy:Add it all together. Yes, I think I'm going to put this on the fish's tab.
Matt:You're going to put it on the fish's tab See them, put it on their tab.
The Fish:Nice move, andy.
Matt:All right. So, just a little reminder, since we've been screwing this up for the last couple episodes. Fish if you get the question right, andy loses a point. If you get the question wrong, andy gets a point back.
Andy:So you get no benefit for this.
The Fish:Yeah, all right, so now roll through those answers again.
Matt:It's Andy's question. Oh no, I put it on his tab. Yes, yes.
Josh:Matt's been drinking a lot. Oh boy, it's the aloe Wow.
Matt:It's the aloe.
The Fish:That helps with that burn. That's the least of it.
Matt:I should just get the answer correct now, all right 30 million, 40 million, 70 million or 90 million cases of beer sold 4th of July weekend each year.
The Fish:I'm going to have to go with 70 million 70 million is the correct answer.
Andy:What a backfire. Why do I get?
Jen:everyone else's questions right.
Andy:You never doubt the fish. I doubt the fish, I doubted myself. So what does?
Jen:that mean he gets the point you lose a point.
Andy:You got it right.
Jen:You lose a point you got it right you lose a point.
Matt:All right, I swear I know the rules to my own game.
The Fish:And doesn't someone get to drink now, oh?
Andy:yeah, yeah, I'll drink.
Matt:And he drinks.
Jen:All right, all right, oh, so you only get one of those.
Josh:Yes, okay people for buying their alcohol on the 4th of July. Why?
Andy:are they not planning ahead? You should have been stocked up. Yeah, seriously, you're a responsible adult. How much do you think they sell the week?
Josh:leading up to the 4th of July. It's got to be way more. I would hope we're back to the fish.
The Fish:Oh.
Matt:I got another question Fish. What is the best-selling beer in the United States? We got Budweiser, modelo, miller, lite or Bud Light.
The Fish:Well.
Matt:I'm sure it is a craft beer, but not the right answer.
Josh:Oof, this is a tricky one.
Matt:It is. You have two lifelines, or fishing line, if you will. Ooh.
The Fish:And I can't call a fish either. So no, you can't.
Matt:Wrong game. You can't phone the fish for this one. What's the?
Josh:other one. One is to pass it to somebody else, the other is make it a double.
Matt:Make it a double so somebody else helps you and then you get a collective point back or you can choose what to do. So you get it wrong. You both lose.
The Fish:Since Andy was so nice to share, right back at you, buddy.
Andy:All right.
Josh:So you're Put it on there, Tab Calling it. It is not. Oh, it might have been before that whole fiasco.
Matt:Yep, it is Modelo.
Josh:I knew he put that in there for a reason.
Andy:No, who the hell? Goddamn commies I never even heard of commies?
Josh:I don't think it's the commies. It's a delightful.
Andy:Now it's going to change again.
Jen:What does the label look like? I don't even know what that looks like.
Andy:It's a mexican beer mexico and california I mean texas and california, and so, since I got that wrong, fish gains a point.
Josh:Yes, correct allegedly yes so now at the end of the second round.
Andy:Fish is firmly in the lead with seven points, josh and I are tied with four points, and the Welsers are pulling up the rear with three points.
Jen:All right, we're going to get down to three.
Andy:This is getting out of hand, one point at a time.
Matt:So we're going to do a round of actual American history questions here. I hate this, all right.
The Fish:I hate you. I thought all of it was american history.
Matt:I love this. All right, josh. Why is john hancock's signature on the declaration giant sized? He wanted to be the first to sign and just did it, I know he was the president of the continental congress. He wanted king george to be able to read it without his glasses. He was the only one with a quill pen.
Josh:Oh man, I think I know this, but there are also two people that said they think they know this and one doesn't need a point, so I'm going to call Jen in for my make it a double. All right, Jen, I'm trusting you on this.
Jen:I know, make it a double.
Josh:So that means you two are going to decide together.
Jen:Hold on. Can you read it again, oh?
Josh:no, I just want to be sure she was so confident I am. I want to be sure because I feel like I heard this, but I didn't want to give him the opportunity at another point.
Andy:He's so far ahead.
Jen:yeah, wait we have to agree together on what it is. Okay, you two together are going to choose the answer. Say it again.
Matt:We're going to figure out. If Josh, why is John Hancock's signature on the Declaration so large? He was the first to sign, or he wanted to be the first to sign. He was president of the Continental Congress. He wanted King George III to be able to read it without his glasses, or he had a quill pen.
Josh:Oh, she doesn't know. I think it's C.
Jen:You've chosen poorly. No, I thought it was D. We'll'll talk it through because he had a quill pen.
Josh:I don't know, that's the only kind of pens they had back then.
Jen:No, no, no, the first, oh, I'm sorry, the first to sign it, because if you're the first to sign it, how are you gonna know how like it's cold yet I don't know.
Matt:It's an interesting theory. You know how? How?
Jen:will they like? I mean, you're gonna sign it like you like. If everybody wrote small, you're gonna be like oh, I better write like them right, so you're going with like oh, it's like when it's somebody's birthday at work right and they pass around a card.
Andy:Yeah if you're the first one, you don't know how many people that's going to, so you're just gonna sign whatever you feel like and then it's like the last person's, like I've got like this little corner.
Josh:I want to know what you were thinking before he read that, because you said I know this.
Jen:Because I feel like me and him actually had a conversation about this.
Josh:This sounds like collusion. I'm going to go with C.
Jen:Final answer, Matt. What was C?
Andy:C was the King George's glasses, that is correct.
Josh:Thank you, you're welcome you. He can read it. So he can read it without his glasses, that is correct. Thank you, oh, you're welcome Okay.
Andy:So you two get to choose.
Jen:He can have it, it's fine. No, no, no, you two both get to choose individually if you want to regain a point.
Matt:Or if you want to make somebody else drink.
Josh:Or if you want to make somebody else here. So if we gave them both to fish, he'd be down to five. It would be five to four to four to three, correct, or we give our own points to ourselves, you are not, thank you.
Andy:We talking about numbers.
Jen:I didn't even help you. I think I confused you more.
Josh:We both have four. Is that correct? Correct?
Andy:No, you and I have four, walsers have three and fish has seven yeah, so five to four to four to four.
Josh:If we did that, oh, four to four to three, like I said, right, or we could give ourselves points and it would be seven to five to four to four I think I'm gonna, I'm taking the point for myself you're gonna, you're gonna gain whatever you want, your point okay, what do you want to do? You want your point or you want to take?
Matt:a point away from fish, can we?
Josh:still make fish, drink Fish will happily drink.
Jen:He's drinking alone in a basement.
Matt:Alright Jen, which president is known for getting stuck in the White House bathtub.
Jen:Stuck in the White House bathtub. What is?
Matt:it Theodore Roosevelt William.
Jen:Howard Taft, calvin Coolidge or Herbert Hoover.
Andy:The vacuum guy.
Josh:He was a big damn deal. Unknown fact, he invented the vacuum.
Matt:There you go. No, the president, good Home Alone. Quote I know what you're doing. I know what you're doing. I know what you're doing.
Jen:Okay, yes, it was definitely Home Alone. Anyway, can you repeat the names again?
Matt:Sure Theodore Roosevelt.
Matt:William Howard Taft, calvin Coolidge or Herbert Hoover I don't even know who Calvin Coolidge is.
Jen:He was the president is he was the president, well, apparently I wasn't alive, so I guess it didn't matter um, I don't know you do have both your lifelines still which one sounds like a guy that would be stuck in a bathtub I would, I would say d you're going with herbert hoover. Yeah, it was actually was it a taft.
Matt:it was taft. He was a large man, 6 feet 330 pounds, and after that happened there was a new, much larger bathtub installed in the White House, which I believe remains Still there.
The Fish:Yeah, I think it's still there.
Jen:I was going with the vacuum guy.
The Fish:Well, that answer sucks, yeah, exactly.
Andy:I'm still pretty full.
Matt:So for Kevin and Jason over at the KJNA podcast, I just cracked open a Twisted Tea for you. Gentlemen working on that Twisted Tea sponsorship See how that works out for you.
Andy:I'm scared, I'm going to smack them in the face with it.
Matt:It's an enormous video, yeah.
Andy:All right I believe it's my turn. That's what.
The Fish:I'm drinking now.
Matt:Nice. Yell it out for the people that can't see you which is everybody.
The Fish:It's a crunchy roll by Alvarium.
Matt:Oh, all righty, andy. Yeah, what unusual pet did President John Quincy Adams keep in the White House? Was it an alligator, a lion, a kangaroo or an elephant? I know.
The Fish:Uh, what Sorry, Sorry.
Andy:I think, what happened?
Josh:I'm not sure, I wish for I know I took a full'm not sure I whispered. I know I took a full swig of drink and she goes, I know.
Matt:Do you really know the answer to this? But?
Josh:that's what happened last time, but she said it and then looked directly at it.
Andy:I'm not giving a double over there. I'm not feeling it All right, so I think it is an alligator, that's what I was thinking I seem to remember the story that he went to harvard and they specifically told him he could not bring a dog or a cat, but nowhere did it say he couldn't bring an alligator.
Matt:So if I, if, if I remember this stupid story, that may very well be true, but a gift from the Marquise de Lafayette. It was indeed an Elliot All right, kept in one of the east rooms of the White House. See, we get all the questions.
Andy:I know Fish, we're bringing you down close to our level. Take a drink there.
Jen:Oh my gosh, that made me cry laugh.
Josh:Have some of that crunchy roll, all right.
The Fish:There you go All.
Matt:Some of that crunchy roll, all right there you go?
The Fish:All right, fish you ready for this one? I'm on my second beer, so yeah, go ahead, all right.
Matt:Which US state once declared war on Canada in 1838? Was it Michigan, maine, vermont or New York had had enough of the Canucks and decided to declare war. Screw you and your bacon eh.
The Fish:Well, basically, any one of them. What year was this, by the way? 1838. Well, the reason I ask is because the date determines whether or not Michigan was actual state.
Matt:You're doing some thinking drinking over there.
The Fish:Thinking and drinking. Well, it is think or drink, so Normally you alternate you can't do both.
Matt:Yeah, normally you alternate you know what?
The Fish:I'm just gonna go with vermont vermont?
Matt:it was not vermont and their maple syrup, known as the aroustic war, involved no actual combat and was resolved through negotiations.
Andy:it was maine as that had had enough of Canada's BS for some reason, if I remember correctly, maine and Canada had a dispute over where the border was Ah, and I think that dispute still carries today.
Matt:Interesting. Apparently the treating was the Webster-Ashburton Treaty. All right, I'm sincerely hoping that was signed over like Canadian breakfast with maple syrup, and you know was this like.
Josh:Cold War, part one no real conflict.
Matt:I get it like the worst types of wars. I want to know if Canada apologized, like afterwards they apologized?
Andy:during they're still apologizing about it, I'm sure so that brings us to the end of round two. Josh and Fish are tied up with five points. I have four points. The Welsers have three points. Welsers still have both of their lifelines left. Josh has his, put it on somebody else's tab. Fish and I both have our, make it a double.
Matt:Next round, josh, which US state is known for having the highest beer consumption per capita? Zed.
The Fish:There you go.
Matt:Wisconsin, montana, north Dakota or South Dakota.
Josh:All the states with nothing else to do, Boy oh boy, I'm going to put this on Jen's tab.
The Fish:I think this is just a toss-up.
Matt:There is no logical way to figure this out. I'm going to go with North.
Matt:North Dakota is the correct answer.
Jen:God dang it.
Matt:Yep, so Josh is going to lose the point.
Josh:He loses a point for that.
Matt:I thought it was just a guess. Nope, the per capita consumption in North Dakota 45.8 gallons per person, new Hampshire 43.9. Montana 41. South Dakota 38. Gallons per person, new hampshire 43.9. Montana 41, south dakota 38 and wisconsin in number five with 36.2 and apparently most of that's modelo apparently my backup four points no, no, no, josh lost the point.
Josh:You just made josh drink the first one you got right. Yeah, unbelievable. I told you you didn't get a point for it. I completely picked her because she didn't get one right yet. I should have played the odds. Oh man, ay yi yi.
Matt:All right, jen. Which state is famous for its craft beer scene and hosts the annual Great American Beer Festival? That California, oregon, colorado or Washington?
Andy:Either way, we got to step it up Pennsylvania.
Matt:Yeah, say them again. California, Oregon, Colorado or Washington, so this state has an amazing craft beer scene.
Jen:I'm going to go with somewhere random like Oregon.
Matt:It is not Oregon Okay, I'm sorry, it is Colorado. And typically features features 4 000 beers from over 800 breweries holy crap which that is my definition of heaven.
Josh:So yes, they ski while they're drunk she picks mine out of thin air and then gets hers and she's like I'll go with the most obscure state please.
The Fish:Thank you.
Matt:Oh boy, all right, what is the state? Who's this?
Josh:going to Andy sorry.
Matt:What is the state with the highest overall alcohol consumption per capita? So we were talking beer before. This is highest overall Nevada, wisconsin, delaware or Alaska, oh, alaska, god, I knew it, I'm feeling it Vegas, baby.
Andy:Ooh, oh, that makes sense by reputation as a party destination.
Matt:Most people start drinking before they get off the airplane.
Josh:I was thinking Alaska when you asked me my question.
The Fish:Yeah, and there's like nothing to do up there.
Andy:I don't want to offend the alaskans there was a show on like I don't know discovery channel or whatever, but it was about like when there's the um, you know 24 hours of sunlight, they just don't know when to stop yeah, I guess so I would be very confused if I got done drinking at the end of the day, stumbled outside of the bar and it was still light out.
Josh:You'd almost have to go back in.
Matt:All right, we're on to fish One to fish All right, he has to get this wrong.
The Fish:I don't need to get it wrong Wait, do you cap out?
Josh:When you get zero points. When you get to zero.
Jen:No, no, there's no max points, so if you get to zero, you don't play anymore. Yeah, they're going to be here and be quiet. You don't have to that is not a rule.
Matt:It was not stated at the beginning. Nobody has ever been out of this game and been quiet. All right Fish, no one's ever been quiet in this game Truth. Which state Fish hosts the largest Oktoberfest celebration in the US Wisconsin, ohio, pennsylvania or Michigan?
The Fish:I know that a lot of Amish have settled in both Pennsylvania and Ohio, so I'm kicking the other two states out.
Josh:Okay, all right, he's logicking. I don't think the Amish drink Rumspringa there you go.
Matt:So you got Ohio or Pennsylvania fish. Where would you swim in lederhosen?
The Fish:The bad part is I've actually worn lederhosen and I'm preparing my beer because I have a feeling I'll get this wrong. But I'm going to go with Pennsylvania.
Matt:Oktoberfest Cincinnati held in Cincinnati, ohio, draws inspiration from Munich's Oktoberfest each year.
The Fish:So it was only 50% wrong.
Josh:Does it say how many Amish go to that? It does?
Matt:not All the ones on. Rumspringa it does say they arrive by horse and carriage.
Josh:You can't get a DUI on the way back from that. I don't think.
Matt:Yeah, you can. I think you can get a DUI in anything with wheels.
Andy:Well, it has legs.
Jen:There was a story told.
Matt:Yeah, there was a story on this podcast told about someone who got a DUI in a power wheel.
Andy:Yeah, so so that brings us to the end of round three. There you go. Josh and Fish are in the lead with four points. I'm at three points. The Welsers are at two points.
Jen:Welsers, however, still have both. Why do I keep losing points? I just had three.
Andy:But then you got a question wrong, so you lost a point.
Jen:Yeah, but I had no, I had four because we got.
Andy:You did have four, no, the one you got right, you lost points.
Josh:I lost a point. Oh, yeah, yeah.
Jen:Math E equals MC Hammer.
Matt:We talking about numbers. I'm going to sleep on the couch for that one Gotcha Anyhow.
Andy:So the Welsers still have both their lifelines.
Matt:All right, I'm going to have to start using my life.
Andy:Fish and I both have our, make it a double yep, all right.
The Fish:All right, josh is out. I'm out of.
Josh:I didn't want to, oh I didn't want to have any unspent at the end. That's right.
Matt:You know I was getting anxious about that well, josh, which amendment to the us constitution established prohibition, stop lying, banning the sale, production and transportation of alcohol and generally making america a less pleasant place to be. That the 16th amendment, 18th, 19th or 21st?
Josh:oh boy, I'm gonna go with the 19th amendment, you are one amendment when you're one off.
Matt:It's the 18th, can I?
Jen:I just gotta applaud you if you each know what each number represents. Because are you just pulling? That if of your butt like 19th Amendment, or do you actually know what?
Andy:it is.
Andy:I remember correctly the 21st repealed Prohibition.
Matt:That would be my favorite amendment to the Constitution.
Jen:I'd just be picking a number.
Josh:I knew it was the 21st that was repealing, but I did not know if it was 18 or 19.
Jen:He's just too smart. I can't. This is the wrong game for me.
Matt:Alright, Jen, this is an easy one.
The Fish:Does Matt drink?
Matt:Which state remained dry banning alcohol the longest after Prohibition ended in 1933? So Prohibition ended in 1933. Was it Kansas, mississippi, utah or Tennessee? Yeah, both your lifelines.
Matt:Josh is airing out his underarms.
Jen:He knows it.
Andy:He's feeling confident Okay.
Jen:Are you All right? What's the lifeline that I can use?
Matt:That would be this one Oi.
Jen:Barking, make it a double Okay.
Andy:Make it a double. So that means you two are going to decide together.
Josh:That has to be Utah.
Josh:Mormon state. They still have the most ridiculous liquor laws in the country.
Jen:Okay, that's fine.
Matt:That's not what I was thinking but I'm going to trust you because I've been wrong ever since we began. Josh, you're drinking with me, get out of here.
Andy:He was so confident. Did anyone else know?
Matt:M-I-S-S-i-s-s-i-p-p-i mississippi did not repeal their statewide prohibition laws until 1966 so now what do we lose?
Jen:a point, or what do we, do we both?
Andy:We both lose a point, boo I think we're out no, you're at one and I'm at two, you're at two I don't like that, I like this game.
Matt:It's a great game.
Andy:Come on, utah, you had one job, yeah.
The Fish:Matt, does that mean that they were completely dry until 1966?
Matt:Yep, it was dry state until 66. On the book.
Josh:Utah still has ridiculous liquor.
Andy:My college was also technically a dry campus. Josh isn't letting.
The Fish:Utah go. No yeah, technically and actually are two different things.
Matt:Yeah, IUP was too, I mean.
Andy:IUP's technically a dry campus, but it's also the number one party school in the country. Yeah, if they do it well, that depends who you ask.
Matt:They do it well. My turn what you got, andy. Approximately how many gallons of beer are consumed annually in the United States? 3 billion, 6 billion, 9 billion or6 billion, $9 billion or $12 billion?
Andy:Oh, we're going to make it a double. Josh, I'm coming to you. No, you've got to redeem yourself here.
Josh:No, I don't like that.
Matt:Oh gosh, oi Falky, I already said I was going to be a guy that's $3 billion, $6 billion, $9 billion or $12 billion. Two points on the line.
Josh:Oh geez, I would say $9 or $12. Go big. How many people are there in the US?
Matt:A lot 300 and some million, I think.
Josh:Wait 300 and some million.
Andy:I know it's gone down since more and more places have legalized pot.
Josh:Well, I mean, if there were 300 million people in this country, it can't be 12 billion gallons of beer.
Andy:Think about how much that would have to be per person yeah, but a lot of it's but light, so it's only like yeah.
Josh:First off, I don't know uh, I mean, even if it was 300 million people and it was the lowest number of billion, I think the 300 million has to be off. I would go with one of the two higher numbers.
Matt:That's all I can tell you. Three, six, nine or 12. Let's go with nine. Yeah, going with nine. Gentlemen, you're drinking. It is six billion gallons annually. It is the most popular alcoholic beverage in the United States. So now, what Did they lose a point? Yeah, we both lose a point.
Andy:So where are?
Jen:we at with points.
Andy:Josh and Jen are at one, I'm at two and Fish is at four, but it is Fish's turn. What the hell happened.
Jen:You had seven no.
The Fish:I had seven. You never had seven, I think you did.
Andy:Fish was up to seven oh.
Josh:How many billion?
Andy:gallons. This is why I'm keeping track Six billion.
Josh:So there's six billion gallons and there are 333 million people in this country as of 2022, says my special machine right here in my hand.
Matt:Average consumption 28.2 gallons per person per year.
Josh:Per person. That covers all the under 21s too, so that's an absurd number.
The Fish:Man, we have a problem. Yeah, we're just drunks as night. We're a lot of fun. We have a solution.
Matt:We do have a solution Fish. How many craft breweries are there operating in the United States?
The Fish:Holy fuck.
Matt:I have this one of the answers 2,500, 4,500, 6,500, or 9,500?.
The Fish:I'm going to go with 6,500.
Matt:You're drinking buddy? 9,500. It's actually 9,552 as of 2002. Includes 2,035 microbreweries, 3,418 brewpubs, 3,838 taprooms and 261 regional craft breweries All right Round.
Andy:Four complete Jen and Josh at one point, I'm at two point and Fish squeaking in the lead at three points all right, josh, which state has the highest number of craft breweries as of 2021?
Matt:most recent data? We could get california, colorado, oregon or washington, and it's worth noting that jen is not drinking, she's whispering in the background.
Josh:if it goes off of the questions previously, like two rounds ago, I'm gonna have to go with Colorado. So Colorado I hate you is the largest festival. California has more than a thousand categories. I knew it, I knew it, I was going to guess California on that other question. And then you, I'm out, you're out. That was your last point. Deuces.
Jen:I told you, I knew it.
Josh:I don't believe it. How many points do you?
Andy:have Jen has one point.
Matt:Jen has one point. Let's see what we can do about it.
Andy:This has been a terrible show. She still has her put it on somebody else's tab.
Jen:I gotta concentrate. I gotta straighten my glasses.
Andy:It helps to hear better when the glasses are straight. Can people use me as their?
Josh:lifelines or no, because I'm out, oh, that's a good question. How does that work? Yeah, you can still be a lifeline. I wouldn't though, because I'm bad at this obviously.
Andy:Well, Matt's just drinking in advance.
Jen:All right, I'm ready for my question. I'm going to get it wrong.
Matt:Jennifer, what is the most consumed spirit in the United States? I'd be happy to answer that for you Vodka, whiskey, rum or tequila.
The Fish:Oh God.
Andy:Do I have to put it on somebody else's tab I?
Josh:have a tab open.
Jen:Oh Well, I know what I was going to say, but I think it's wrong.
Matt:Do you want to put it on Josh's?
Jen:tab. No, go away, say them again.
Matt:All right Vodka, whiskey, rum or tequila.
Jen:I know what I want to say Rum, rum.
Josh:I know this for sure.
Jen:I said whiskey. I said everyone, you do.
Matt:Jack Sparrow would appreciate your answer. However, that is not the correct answer. What was it? Vodka.
Josh:I'm out.
Matt:It goes in everything. Yeah, it's the base spirit in every cocktail, ever, mostly All right Down to two. How many points do we have, gentlemen, as we're rolling on home now?
Andy:I have two points and no lifelines Fish has three points and I'm making a double.
Jen:This is like.
Matt:Let's Be a Millionaire. Fish is swimming shockingly well tonight. He's swimming upstream Fish if you get me back into this game. I'll let you try the really good stuff when you come here to visit All right.
Jen:Oh, you can get back in the game no, no, no no.
Josh:No Watch out you're out oh no, If he makes it a double, I could get a point right.
Andy:Oh, dear God, but you're already out.
Josh:Oh, I don't know about that.
The Fish:The rules didn't specifically state that I couldn.
Matt:Andy, yes. What is the estimated economic impact of the US beer industry? $200 billion, $300 billion, $400 billion or $500 billion?
Andy:$600 billion. $2, $3, $4, or $6? Do you want?
Josh:me to put it up on a dartboard and you can throw a dart at one $2, $3, $4, $5.
Matt:We're educating the people right now. We're going with $. People right, we're going with three. You're going with three. You're 100 billion off, it's 400 billion. I was close. So what do you?
Jen:got one point now. How could you not know that I mean come on.
Matt:That's like that was a straight up guess economics 101, I think supporting an estimated 2.4 million jobs hey, there you go we are now into the straight up american history questions. Wait that that round wasn't over, I know, but we just blew through the end of the purely alcohol related questions.
Josh:Because we did so good on all of them, we got more right than you thought. Correct, okay.
Jen:I wasn't even the first one out.
Jen:That normally happens.
Josh:I know I'm embarrassed.
Matt:Don't be embarrassed. Jimmy Carter once claimed to have seen this in 1969. Bigfoot, a UFO, a Loch Ness monster or a ghost?
Matt:Come on you can win it right here.
Josh:I don't like this.
Matt:You can win it right here off Jimmy Carter.
The Fish:Jimmy Carter damn.
Matt:Bigfoot UFO, loch Ness Monster or a ghost?
Josh:Only one of them is country specific.
Matt:Yeah, he spent a lot of time in Scotland.
The Fish:That was a.
Andy:Loch Ness Monster in Lake Michigan for some reason yeah.
The Fish:That's true.
Josh:That's why it was so weird that he saw it.
Matt:Swing away after Maine declared war on Canada. That's why it? Was so weird that he saw it Swing away after Maine declared war on Canada.
The Fish:We're going with Bigfoot. We're going with Bigfoot, oh it had to be a ghost Going with Bigfoot. The answer is a UFO, oh damn.
Andy:All right, I'm at one point, fish is at two points. Fish still has his, make it a double.
Jen:How could he possibly use that to his?
Josh:advantage. Well, I mean, I guess he could ask somebody for help, right, but he wouldn't want to use it with you.
Andy:I guess he could ask one of you for help.
Andy:Just wouldn't benefit you Anyhow.
Jen:what's my question Won't really benefit him. We're out, you know.
Matt:Yeah, which president's pet parrot was known for swearing even during the president's funeral? Lyndon B Johnson? Ugh, actually, not one of the answers.
Andy:I think he's out. That would be something Lyndon B Johnson would do.
Matt:Yeah, it sounded good Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, james Buchanan or Franklin Pierce.
Andy:I don't know, pierce.
Matt:Jefferson, jackson, buchanan or Pierce.
Jen:That would be something I would say.
Andy:I mean Jefferson and Jackson, seemed too early to be importing parrots Right.
The Fish:I guess pirates had parrots right, polly won a cracker.
Josh:I don't know that pirates really brought parrots.
Andy:It's like a classic trope, though. Right, that is true.
Josh:And they're all true.
Andy:I'm going to go with Pierce. You're going with Pierce.
Jen:But did the parrot have an eye patch?
Matt:Andrew Jackson's parrot Polly had to be removed from his funeral because it would not stop swearing. Known racist parrot.
Matt:Reverend Nornment, who presided over it, said the parrot was excited by the multitude and let loose perfect gusts of cuss. Words Wait a minute.
Jen:When was Pierce a president? I don't remember him at Disney, in that hall of presidents.
Andy:I need to know. I don't know either, but he was kind of forgettable.
Jen:I'm looking next time we're in Disney. Can I call him forgettable if?
Josh:I never knew that he was a president.
Jen:I'm going to stand up and be like Franklin Pierce was the 14th president.
Andy:Died in 1869.
Josh:That's when nothing exciting was happening around.
Matt:I guess not so with my collection of red, white and booze trivia complete. We must declare the fish the winner. Hold on Stellar set.
Josh:Do we go or do we cheer?
Matt:Is this your first victory, Fish?
The Fish:It is Congratulations.
Matt:All right, we're going to bring Jen back at some point for some redemption. No, yeah.
Andy:You're going to need to do a redemption trivia at one point.
Josh:Not a trivia.
Jen:I'll let you know.
The Fish:We're going to go to some breweries.
Jen:I'm going to tell you if the food's good or not. That's what Jen's good at. What do they call?
Josh:that Dumb, dumb Trivia. Hey, listeners, hey, you were out before me. No, he said all the people who were out first. I said what is that going to be? Dumb, dumb Trivia.
Andy:Yes, dear listeners please listen to all of our trivia episodes and write in which ones you and you want to hear it go Interesting.
The Fish:I want a bris.
Matt:That was a classic one. I feel like my name would be on there about 90 times. Thank you all very much for listening. We appreciate you and we will be back soon. Congratulations, Fash.
Andy:Bye everybody.
The Fish:Thank you.
Josh:This podcast is a production of Unfiltered Studios. If you would like to know more about joining Unfiltered Studios, please visit our website at unfpodcom for more information.
Matt:The boozy quote for this episode comes from Benjamin Franklin, who said wine makes daily living easier less hurried, with fewer tensions and more tolerance. On social media, please like, follow and push all the buttons for us. That's Matt and friends dtu at facebook, instagram threads and tiktok for more information about the podcast, as well as links to our merch store, social media and all the places you can listen to us. Visit our website matt and friends dtucom. That's matt and friends dtucom. Thank you again for listening to matt and friends drink the universe.