Matt and Friends Drink the Universe
Welcome to Matt and Friends Drink the Universe, the podcast where comedy and great drinks collide! Join host Matt and a rotating crew of friends as they sample unique beers, wines, cocktails, and spirits, diving into the stories, history, and science behind each sip.
Packed with laughs, hilarious anecdotes, fun trivia, and drinking games, our show offers a laid-back yet enlightening experience for anyone who enjoys a good drink with great company. Tune in for “Stellar Sips” and “Cosmic Chugs” as we explore new flavors and share memorable stories along the way.
Whether you're a casual drinker or a cocktail connoisseur, sit back, relax, and let’s drink our way through the universe—where anything is possible! Cheers!
Matt and Friends Drink the Universe
Think or Drink? - "Exploding Mutants" (Superhero Trivia)
Andy, Chris, Rob, and The Fish join Matt for an exciting round of our signature "Think or Drink" trivia. After we crack open our Oskar Blues Brewery Mutant IPAs, Rob unveils his superhero alter ego. As the game begins, we serve up a strong cocktail of superhero knowledge. We tackle questions about various characters, their superpowers, and the storylines they've been part of.
As the game progresses, we dive deeper into the multiverse of comic book knowledge. The laughter never stops as harder questions come into play about the masterminds behind iconic comic book films, their gripping plotlines, and the unforgettable cinematic moments they gifted us.
Which of the contestants will be heroically victorious? Who’s thinking and who’s drinking?
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Cheers, and thanks for listening!
Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.
Rob:We have liftoff. Welcome to Matt and Friends Drink the Universe.
Matt:Alright, everybody, welcome back to Matt and Friends Drink the Universe Today Andy: we're we interrupt this broadcast.
Rob:Someone our lovely host, we're not saying who Definitely shook all of our beers before we got in here. So instead of starting this off with his normal intro, I have the first trivia question for everyone.
Andy:Oh, who is responsible for the sticky floor? Is it A Rob B Welser? I'll just stop there. It's Welser.
Matt:Today we are going to do.
Rob:Think, think or drink.
Matt:Are you?
Andy:thinking or you drinking. Way too much effort went into that.
Rob:Well, you know that's the MO of Season 2. Let's make a thousand drops and hit them buttons as much as we can.
Matt:We're just going to see what happens. We're going to see what happens. Alright, today is Think or Drink the Matt, and Friends Drink the Universe Trivia. Today's trivia theme is superheroes.
Rob:I would just like to say real quick I do not have any peripheral vision in this. Makeshift beer can mask that I've made.
Chris:Sadly, my request from Season 1 of starting to videotape all of this did not happen. Otherwise listeners, you would be seeing Rob's fantastic superhero beer case mask that he made.
Andy:But fear not, fair listeners. We took pictures.
Matt:Oh, it will be on social media. It's Tough Man's Arch enemy douche face.
Rob:That's douche-fache to you, sir.
Matt:Okay, as always with Think or Drink, if you answer a question correctly, you do not lose any points and you get to pick somebody else to take a drink and they lose a point. If you answer your question incorrectly, you lose a point and you have to take a sip of your drink For those difficult questions. At any time, you can choose to make it a double. If you choose to make it a double, you select somebody else to help you answer the question. If you answer the question correctly, you can choose individually whether or not you would like to recoup a point or if you would like to make somebody else around the table drink and then pick a sip. If you answer the question incorrectly, you both lose a point and you both have to drink. We do have one fresh aspect of the game to introduce today. This is something that is new and we're calling it Put it On their Tap. Chris is going to explain how it works.
Chris:So in this game, we are going to give people the option to not have to answer a question and instead elect someone else to answer that question. The twist here is when that person answers the question. If they answer it correctly, they then get to give a drink to the person who punted it, but if they get it wrong, they are going to earn a point for that person who punted the question to them. So it's a little bit of a risk. Do you want to punt the question? Because if you definitely don't know it, you're punting the question. But it's a risk. Who do you choose to answer this question? Because if they get it right you're drinking, but if they get it wrong you get the point.
Matt:I like it, let's hope we all remember once we're sipping. Now that we're like five minutes in, let's go ahead and introduce who's at the table.
The Fish:Wait a minute once we're sipping. I'm already half through here, man.
Chris:Alright, that's okay.
Rob:Why don't you start with that guy?
Matt:Yeah, we're going to start with the guy that's joining us again from Connecticut. That guy, what's your name?
The Fish:He just called me the fish we just call him the fish.
Matt:Once again Swimming through the Universe. Also with me today here at the table. I'm Andy.
Rob:I'm Chris and I am Douche Fasse. No, it's Rob. Hi, yeah, this mask is going to go. I can't see or hear. Yeah, and I'm sweating.
Matt:Now. Traditionally, we go around the table, starting with Rob. Should we go the other way this time? Why don't we start?
Rob:with Captain Fish, alright, and then we'll go this way around the table, okay.
The Fish:Here we go, captain Fish, I like that.
Chris:An upgrade. You got an upgrade.
Matt:Captain Fish. What is Captain America's shield? Made out of Vibranium adamantium, titanium or plastic?
The Fish:Vibranium.
Matt:That would be a vibranium. That is correct.
Andy:Yes, it is Ding ding, ding Ding.
Rob:Who's drinking fish?
Andy:Fish. Do you remember who's here?
The Fish:You see, I've been already been drinking.
Matt:He's been drinking already.
The Fish:You know things are a little fuzzy, but I'm going to go with Chris.
Chris:Alright, alright. What are you drinking there? Chris, matt got this. It's the Mutant X beer all over your table beer.
Rob:Yes, I heard it's very explosive in both flavor.
Andy:Where is this from? I've never heard of it. Is this Oscar Blues Not familiar?
Matt:Yeah, I've never had this one before either.
Chris:Great beer.
Matt:I actually really like it.
Chris:Yeah, it's very good, yeah, yeah.
Matt:Andy yeah, here present In the Marvel Cinematic Universe. What were the Sokovia accords designed to do? Establish a system of accountability and control over the activity of enhanced individuals. Provide financial aid to countries affected by superhero-related incidents. Create a global alliance of superheroes to maintain world peace. Ban the use of superpowers and technology in warfare.
Andy:I remember correctly and the Civil War comics are much better than the movies.
Matt:That would be A it is A Establish a system of accountability and control over the activities of enhanced individuals. Ding ding, Boom.
Chris:Who is drinking?
Andy:We're going to give it to Fish over there. The comics are very good. The comics are so good. I was so disappointed.
Rob:Fish, you were giving a drink there buddy, take a sip.
The Fish:Oh, most definitely, Thank you. He was feeling thirsty.
Andy:I'm not sure he's going to make it to the end of the episode.
Matt:Chris, what is the name of the Fantastic Four's arch enemy? Is it A Dr Doom, b Magneto, c Redskull or D Thanos?
Chris:I feel like I'm getting tricked by this.
Andy:Oh no.
Chris:But I'm going to go with Dr Doom, you are correct, it is Dr Doom.
Andy:Are all the answers going to be A?
Rob:We're on trend so far.
Andy:This is going to be the easiest episode.
Rob:I swear to God if he reaches in the bag and pulls out some ridiculous question for me.
Matt:Harrison Ford somehow.
Rob:You guys are getting soft balls.
Matt:You're getting question four on the list, Pa.
Chris:And Chris who's drinking. Oh, I'm going to make.
Matt:He looks straight at me and then realized it couldn't be me.
Chris:Well, yeah, if I could make, I'm going to make you drink, rob, I'm just keeping it even. Let's see what you're doing.
Andy:Here's the next rule. Someone calls sociable, and if we all know the answer, it's correct Matt has to finish his beer we did talk about sociability.
Matt:Remember this thing.
Chris:All right, Rob.
Matt:Rob. Yes, emil Blonsky is the real name of which Hulk abomination. Thank you. Is the correct answer? The abomination yes.
Rob:Yes, andy, you can drink, I'll take it. And at the end of one round we've all gotten question right and we're all at four points.
Matt:Solid, very even here we go, the ship goes down Fish. What is the name of the fictional African nation ruled by T'Challa in Black Panther? Wakanda, maripur, latveria or Zamunda? No-transcript.
The Fish:Magipore was kind of interesting, but it's Wakanda.
Rob:That is correct Forever, wakanda, forever, okay.
Andy:Oh, I think if we hit the sociable rule, matt's gonna be drunk yeah right, we're crushes.
Chris:So far, all right. Fish, who you making drink?
The Fish:Unfortunately, Rob, you got a drink, oh Jesus.
Rob:It's the only way I'm going down. It's okay.
Matt:Andy, what is the name of the villain who killed Bruce Wayne's parents? The Joker, the Penguin, rosal Ghoul or Joe Chill?
Andy:That would be D Joe Chill.
Matt:That is correct. You guys are a lot better at this than I thought you were going to be, so we're gonna. I thought it was the bats.
Chris:What a bunch of nerds. It was bats that died. Wow, dude, wow Bats carrying guns. Okay, let's.
Andy:Oh, let's double down on Rob. Oh God, yes, on the attack.
Rob:Oh, I feel targeted.
Matt:Chris. What is the real name of the Black Widow? Jessica Jones, natasha Romanoff, wanda Maximoff or Carol Danvers?
Chris:Natasha. There you go, Sorry you said he's bad at names.
The Fish:That's fine, I got it.
Chris:All right, rob. Your question is name every single.
Rob:Marvel character in the entire universe. How long do we have?
Matt:Rob, which actor played the Red Skull in Captain America, the first Avenger, and in Infinity War, Hugo Weaving Ross.
Rob:That's wrong. That can announce that Tony Jones or Robert Redford In Captain America it was Hugo Weaving, but in Infinity War and also Was he in I know it was a different game. Or was he only in Infinity War?
Chris:I think it was only in Infinity War. But in Infinity War was a different actor, really Okay.
Rob:I believe Hugo Weaving is the correct answer if you're including the first one. I'm going to go Andy Drink and, with the conclusion of this round, Chris in the lead with four points, Andy in fish with three and I'm down to two.
Chris:Gonna have to start using those superpowers. I believe Ross.
Rob:Oh, what's his last name? The actor who played him in Infinity War was Ross something. Okay, Somebody looking that up because it's going to bug me.
Matt:Ross McCann. Nope, Chris has got his phone out. Chris has got his phone out.
Chris:Oh, all right, Ross McCard, mccard, mccwand, mark Kwan, mark Kwan.
Rob:Ross Mark Kwan.
The Fish:Mark.
Rob:Kwan. Okay, there we go, anyway, fish on Fish on Fish on Fish on.
Matt:Fish which supervillain is the leader of the Sinister Six? Is it Craven, the Hunter, dr Octopus Sandman or the Green Goblin?
The Fish:That would be Dr Octopus.
Matt:That is correct.
Chris:Okay, I wasn't confident about that, so it shifted at some points.
Andy:I thought, it was Green Goblin I don't know if Green Goblin never let it.
Matt:Just like I did with the last review we did. I had chat, gpt prompted questions and I verified and Dr Octopus did come back as an answer on Google when I chose like three different ways. So I believe it.
The Fish:Yes, okay, so we're going with Andy, all right, cheers.
Matt:Andy. Yeah, here are the names of Superman's adopted parents Martha and Henry Kent. Martha. Martha and Steve Kent. Martha and Jonathan Kent why did you say that name? Or Martha and Thomas Kent.
The Fish:Well, you got Martha yeah.
Andy:Martha's the easy one.
Matt:That's why she appears four times in this question, I think it's.
Andy:Do you want to double up?
Rob:here, buddy, I think it's.
Andy:Jonathan, I'm going to double.
Rob:Yeah, you want to double.
Andy:I'm making a double with my man across the table here, Rob.
Rob:It is Martha and Jonathan.
Andy:Kent, that is correct. That's what I was thinking From Smallville, Kansas. Ladies and gentlemen, Yep, all right, and we're taking them points back. Give me a point back.
Rob:We're taking them points back. Andy, you and I were at two, and now we're climbing back out that ladder. Here we go.
Andy:All right, I did enjoy Smallville.
Rob:Thank you.
Andy:I might have like this first two seasons on DVD. It's a good show.
The Fish:Yeah, no, that was a good show.
Chris:For those of you children just listening, a DVD preceded a blue ray and was of shittier quality which preceded Netflix, because I don't even think kids know what blue rays are.
Andy:Oh, I preceded the Netflix streaming.
Matt:My daughter is flat out, at seven years old, enraged by regular commercials on the TV, like it's the cutest little kid rage ever.
Andy:That's fair.
Matt:We were on vacation recently and she was in the hotel and one came on and she was like how do I get my show back? What's wrong with the television? How do I like?
Andy:How do I get to the next episode? I recently tried to skip the commercials while watching a Philly's game and then felt really dumb.
Rob:Well it happens, Happens to the best of us.
Matt:Chris, how many Marvel movies has John Favreau produced, directed or acted in?
Andy:Well, there you have it, boys. We got to the hard ones, okay.
Rob:That's a challenge. I mean it's a lot. That's a challenge Three five, eight or 10.
Matt:I'm going to go eight, a conservative eight. You're going to go eight. You do have other options on the table. You can put it on somebody else's tab if you'd like you can make it a double.
Chris:Oh, I'm going to put it on Andy's tab. Oh, you're putting it on.
Matt:Andy's tab. All right, all right, you got three, you got five, you got eight or 10. And that's movies that John Favreau Johnny Favreau's produced, directed or acted in.
Andy:It can't be three. He's acted in more than three.
The Fish:Yeah.
Andy:I don't want to help. I'm with you on the eight. I'm going with eight. It's actually 10.
Rob:It is 10. So, John Favreau, you got the three.
Matt:Iron Man's Yep. So he is the director and producer and director of Iron man and Iron man 2. He's the co-executive producer of the Avengers and Iron man 3. And then he's in all three Spider-Man, all three, yeah. And then he's in Infinity War and Endgame Correct and he was also in Daredevil, the 2003 version of Daredevil.
Rob:Oh, the Ben Affleck. Yes, he was Foggy Nelson in the original Daredevil. Correct no.
Matt:He was Foggy Nelson in the original. I've never seen that, so.
Chris:I don't feel bad about knowing that.
The Fish:Oh, don't worry about that. That was a terrible movie yeah.
Rob:Terrible movie. That was terrible that bad, so Andy got it wrong.
Chris:Compared to the TV show? Yes, oh, compared to the TV show, he loses the point.
Rob:So he loses the point. All right, a good punt or no? Do you regain a point?
Chris:I thought yes, I regain a point, so he doesn't lose anything.
Rob:You just regain a point, correct.
The Fish:I finished my class, moving on to Number two, dude.
Chris:What's the next one?
The Fish:Wait, wait, wait. We need to figure out what the next one is Ransacking the universe.
Rob:Yes, let's ransack the universe. Now ask me a question, here we go.
Matt:Asking you a question yes, marvel Comics. What is the real name of the character known as the Moon Knight? John Paul Duchamp, jack Monroe, mark Spector or Eric Brooks?
Rob:So this is a multi-level question. The answer is Mark Spector. However, he has more than one personality. He also goes by three or four other names, but Mark Spector is the answer you're looking for Mark Spector.
Matt:yes, is the correct answer.
Rob:Thank you.
Andy:Underrated show. Chris, I'm going to make you drink, of course.
Rob:Okay, so at the end of this round he only has three different names. Yes, in the TV show, but in the comics he has like seven or eight personalities, yes, so comics, it's much more. At the end of this round. Chris in the lead with four points. The rest of us are all at three.
Chris:Would have never guessed it in my wildest dreams.
Rob:Well, you know, people are just coming after me and not coming after you. Here we go.
Matt:You ready fish?
The Fish:Yeah, yeah, go ahead. I got full beer now.
Matt:Which Marvel superhero made his first appearance in the comic book Tales of Suspense number 39 in 1963. Spider-man, iron man, captain America or Thor. Tales of Suspense 39, 1963. Options being Spider-Man, iron man, captain America or Thor.
Chris:You can punt to your question. Make it on some level or make it a double. Or make it a double. Bring someone down with you.
The Fish:Yeah, well, how many points do I have there, rob?
Rob:You have three, three points Three.
The Fish:Alright. Well, it was Iron man, thor, spider-man, iron man.
Rob:What were the four choices? Again, spider-man, iron man, captain America or Thor yes, captain America.
Matt:For excessive thinking. I'm drinking, but at the same time.
The Fish:I'm making a double with Chris there.
Chris:Poor choice. I'm not the one that we're going down together. My guess would be Thor, your guess would be Thor, but I mean fish. Do you want to go with Thor? Yes, sure, alright we're going with Thor. It's Iron man.
Andy:Oh, wow.
Rob:I would have thought Thor. I would have thought Thor because I thought that Thor was the only character on that whole list that was introduced outside of his own comic run.
Matt:So Iron Man's Marvel Comics premiere in Tales of Suspense, number 39, cover dated 63, was a collaboration among editor and story plotter Stanley, scripted Larry Lieber and artist Dan Heck. And the cover artist character designer by Jack Kirby in 1963 Lee. Heck had been toying with the idea of a businessman superhero.
Chris:Alright, fishy and I are drinking.
Rob:That's right, alright. Cheers On to a question for Mr Andy what you got.
Matt:Alright, andy, which superhero is? The master assassin known as the Merc with the mouth, cable, punisher, taskmaster or Deadpool?
Andy:That would be Deadpool yeah it is Deadpool, they vary.
Chris:We went from insanely difficult.
Andy:Yeah, just a nice off pitch.
Chris:Yes it's fine.
Andy:Let's give that one to Fish.
Chris:Fish on the brink now.
Rob:Down to one and Fish does not have a make. It make it a double to recoup any points.
Chris:No, just the no. I do not the punt which can get him a point back.
Matt:Yes, In the movie Chris Avengers Infinity War, which two characters are the first two to encounter Thanos, iron man and Spider-Man, thor and Loki, doctor Strange and Wong, or Hulk and Black Widow, thor and Loki. That is correct.
Chris:Is that accurate in the comics as well? I don't know, it's very different from the comics.
Rob:Even the motivation of Thanos is not even close to that. There's no lady death.
Andy:As much as I like to rail on, civil War is so much better with the comics. The Thanos saga is so much better in the movies.
Chris:In the movies it makes him so much cooler. I love the motivation. Obviously terrible, but yeah, what are the scores? Alright, we'll give it to Andy. Okay, we were all at three, except for Fish.
Matt:Okay bud. Rob? What planet does the soul stone reside on in the MCU Vormir Thank? You I hate you so much.
Rob:Yes, it is Chris. You can have a drink, damn it.
Chris:I would have at least had to hear the answers on that one, I would not have, and in a million years I would not have gotten that one Dude even with options.
Matt:I know you're nuts. I'm here to flex it's okay. You're doing really nicely. Douche Fosse for the win.
The Fish:Are you still wearing the mask? No, no, that came off early.
Rob:Okay, at the end of this round I have crawled into the lead with three points Chris and Andy at two and Fish with one. Here we go Right, it's the money round, fish.
Matt:Fish? Which character portrayed by Jeff Globlum rules the planet Sikar and Thor Ragnarok? Is it the Grand Master, the Collector, Korg or Hella?
The Fish:Well, it's not the Collector, it's not Hella.
Matt:So, grand Master, it is the Grand Master.
Matt:Such a good character.
Chris:Bring me the stick. All right, fish, who you make a drink?
The Fish:All right, so Rob's in the lead.
Chris:Yes, he is.
The Fish:Not any longer.
Andy:Okay, hold him down. Fine, get down to our level.
Matt:Andy, who directed Black Panther? Was it? And I always butcher the guys. No, tyka Watiti. James Gunn, you said that correct. John Favreau, I wrote down a key. And or Ryan Coogler.
Andy:That would be Tyka.
Matt:No, it's not Ryan Coogler.
Andy:No, it's Tyka the second one.
Rob:No, Tyka directs the Thor movies, not Black Panther.
The Fish:Yeah, he did Ragnarok, I believe.
Rob:Yep and Love and Thunder. He did two Thor movies.
Chris:That's another one that I'm glad I didn't get.
Andy:He did one.
Rob:And he's the voice of Coog, love and Thunder. I didn't think it was that bad. I thought that they cut out way too much of the Christian Bale parts, which were very good. Christian Bale was great. He was fantastic.
Andy:But there's one scene in it where they obviously lost their budget. Do you know the scene I'm talking about? It looks like it's just shower curtains hung up in a warehouse. Like the rest of the movie, like absolutely gorgeous. And then you go in this one scene you're like what's with the shower curtains? Why did they stop?
Rob:at Walnut Weird. It's a little weird. It's okay, though, moving right along, Chris.
Matt:which Infinity Stone does Doctor Strange possess in the eye of Agamotto? The space stone, the time stone, the mind stone or the reality stone, the?
The Fish:I'm not giving you a point.
Chris:It's the time, stone it is the time stone. All right, all right, just for that you can drink.
Andy:Come on man, Come on Brett, you did raise your hand.
Rob:I was letting you know I was here for you.
Matt:Condescending. You don't know this. Call on me, Hanraes. It's fine, I was just trying to be helpful, Rob. What is the name of the intergalactic pirate group led by Yondu Untonda in the Guardians of?
Rob:the Galaxy films. Thank you, correct.
Chris:Chris drink.
Rob:I'm gonna drink too. I always feel good when.
Chris:I know ones that Rob like immediately knows. I knew that one too.
Rob:So I was like oh, good Okay, Gents we're all at one here.
Chris:Oh my lord.
Rob:The game is afoot. You're all at one, I will say we're all at one. Chris and I both still have a. Make it a double. Yes, just throwing that out there. Wow, which we could have done on the last one.
Chris:Fish also has his punt.
Rob:Oh, yes, I have a punt.
Chris:I think am I the only one that did that. Okay, so everybody has the put it on their tab, besides myself.
Matt:All right.
Chris:Here we go Fish.
Matt:Fish. Which character was the first to be introduced in Marvel's phase three? Black Panther, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange or Ant-Man?
The Fish:Phase three.
Chris:Phase three. You can put it on someone else's tab.
The Fish:Do that. I'm gonna put it on someone else's tab.
Chris:Who would that be?
The Fish:I would go with Chris All right, I'm gonna guess Ant-Man.
Chris:Is it Doctor Strange?
The Fish:Is Doctor Strange. It's Doctor Strange.
Rob:Shoot Is Doctor Strange yeah.
Rob:And that earns him a point.
Matt:No, it earns him a point.
Chris:Yeah, fish has been now back up to two.
Rob:Yeah, there's no penalty to Chris.
Chris:Correct, okay, but Fish now up to two Go ahead.
Matt:All right Off to Andy, andy. Yeah, in Avengers Endgame, when the blipped heroes return to the final battle with Thanos, what does Falcon Sam Wilson say to Captain America? Assemble on your right, on your left, or we got your back. Oh my god. I know what are my favorite scenes in that movie Just magical. I'm gonna put it on Rob's tab, you're gonna put it on Rob's tab On your left it is.
Andy:That's what I thought, but I wasn't confident about it.
Matt:I wasn't confident it is a call back to when Captain America laps him like 19 times.
Rob:Yeah, so on, your left me answering it means I lose the point Now he's okay, andy's out. No he's not. I don't gain anything, you do not All right.
Matt:Andy's not out, everybody gets one.
The Fish:Okay. There we go. That's it. Tell him Peter.
Rob:The points are made up.
Chris:Exactly, everybody gets one, the points are made up. That's how we do it. Tell him, peter, that's how this works. You're welcome.
Rob:All right hey.
Chris:Peter, you like that, peter.
Matt:Chris, at the same cinematic moment, which heroes emerge from their portal? First Black Panther, mccoy, shuri and Falcon, doctor Strange, drax, mantis and Star-Lord, spider-man or Ant-Man and the Hawk.
Chris:I'm gonna make it a double with Rob. What?
Rob:do you think it is Black Panther, is it? Okay, that's what I was going. They come out first Okay. We're going.
Chris:Black Panther Absolutely Okay good.
Matt:Yes, absolutely.
Rob:Yep Yibambe.
Matt:Yeah, yibambe, that was the feels moment. So Rob and I saw that movie together. We did. Yes, there were some man emotions at that point. Man motions. There were like a hand me a napkin oh crap, that's got popcorn butter on it. Now there's kernels in my eye. I don't think that sentence made sense, but it doesn't matter.
Chris:Don't overthink it All right here we go, rob, you're up next.
Rob:Yeah, ask me the question. I'm just gonna grab another mutant. You're gonna grab another mutant there you go.
Matt:I'm very concerned about cracking that one.
Rob:Do we have other beers in here that won't explode? No, okay. Well you know what?
Andy:I've got some.
Rob:Chris, I trust you to open me one and hope that it doesn't explode.
Chris:They've been sitting for a bit.
Rob:They've been, here we go, we're ready for fastball bird.
Matt:Yes, all right. In Captain America, civil War, who is revealed to be revealed to what? In Captain America, Civil War.
Rob:Yeah, I heard that.
Matt:Who is revealed to be responsible for the bombing at the United Nations? Bucky Barnes, baron Zemo, helmut Zemo or Alexander Pierce?
Rob:It's Baron Zemo. He's behind the whole plot because he's controlling Bucky Barnes. So if you tell me Bucky Barnes is the answer, the answer is Baron Zemo.
Matt:It is. His proper name is Helmut Zemo, but yes, I'll take both of them.
Rob:Okay, they're the same person.
Matt:Yes, I'll take both.
Rob:You're damn right.
Andy:You're damn right. You'll say both Three technically correct answers.
Rob:Fish drink, damn it Harsh, what the hell, I told you not to answer.
Chris:After that round, Rob, what do our scores look like? All right.
Rob:You and I in the lead with three points, Fish with two, Andy with one Fish. Who?
Matt:directed the DC film man of Steel, which serves as the reboot of the Superman film franchise. Was it Christopher Nolan, zack Snyder, patty Jenkins or David Ayer?
The Fish:Well, it wasn't Patty Jenkins. I'm going with A Zack Snyder.
Rob:That is correct, my friend.
Matt:That is correct.
Rob:Christopher Nolan directed all three of the Christian Bale Batman trilogy, patty Jenkins directed Wonder Woman and Wonder Woman 1984, and David Ayer directed the first Suicide Squad movie.
The Fish:That's what I was thinking.
Rob:That's why I discounted Patty Jenkins and Zack Snyder did man of Steel, Batman V Superman, and then the non-terrible version of Justice. League the four yes, the four hour version, it's less terrible.
The Fish:Oh, the four hour version.
Matt:Zack Snyder is just amazing.
Andy:It's absolutely amazing. It's a good movie.
Matt:I liked the original also, but the design.
Andy:It was too campy. Yeah, it was. I mean I feel like you like it, but yeah, anyway, ray Fisher, go on, all right.
The Fish:So someone needs to drink.
Matt:All right, Andy. Yes, In the DC film Suicide Squad, which character is portrayed by Will Smith and is known for his expert marksmanship Marshmanship. Is it Captain Boomerang dead shot. Rick Flag or Killer Croc? That would be dead shot. That is dead shot. Shoo-dee McShoo-Dee, Didn't see it. Yep.
The Fish:That is very correct. Good movie, really good.
Andy:Yeah, both of them are really good. I saw the second one, yeah.
Chris:Second one was all right. Yep, Hit me Matt.
Matt:All right In the Superman movie who's drinking?
The Fish:Oh, let's give it to fish. I'm almost through this in my second beer, so we're good.
Matt:Chris. In this movie Superman returns. Who played the role of Clark Kent or Superman? Tom Welling, brandon Ruth, henry Cavill or Christopher Reeve? Dave Henry Cavill, brandon Ruth it is Brandon Ruth. Yeah, so he also played a role on another TV show that you and I really like. He was Agent Shaw on Chuck On Chuck, yeah.
Rob:Yeah, yeah, and he also plays the atom on the CW Arrowverse yes.
Chris:He's Ray Palmer. I mixed all of the Superman movies up. Here we go, rob, I'm ready.
Matt:Rob, which DC comic book storyline features an alternate universe where Superman is raised in the Soviet Union and becomes Red. Sun.
The Fish:Damn Dude, you gotta let him finish the question. No, it's okay, I don't.
Rob:No Fish, buddy, I'm sorry you're out Last drink. I'm not even through my second beer.
The Fish:That doesn't mean you have to stop. I'm not finished bud.
Chris:Yeah, it doesn't mean you have to stop drinking and just-.
Matt:I can help with that.
Chris:Oh, oh.
Rob:I'm just gonna chug, and then you asked for it and now you must chug. You did. All right, rob, give us the round wrap up here, see ya, buddy. Well, at the end of that round I have three Chris and Andy with one, and Fish is now out. Swim with Fish.
The Fish:Sorry, fish, I hate being out.
Matt:What is the name of the superhero, andy, known as the Green Arrow, his real name? Is it Roy Harper, oliver Queen, dina, lance or Ted Korg?
Andy:I don't like the character, so I'm not sure, but I think it's Oliver.
Matt:It is.
Rob:Oliver Green, oliver Queen my dog is named after Oliver Queen. Roy Harper is Red Arrow.
Andy:Dina Lance or Dina Lance is.
Rob:Blackenary. And who is the other name you had there, Ted Korg. Ted Korg, the original blue beetle.
The Fish:Yeah, that is correct. What's the blue beetle from?
Andy:Actually got a movie coming out soon, so from the same time he, that's Jaime Reyes.
Rob:He has, like the beetle that bonds with him on the back, the scarab Ted Korg just wore. He was kind of like a Batman. He was just a dude that had a lot of money and made stuff. It's not the tick.
Andy:No but kind of exactly like it.
Chris:Oh, the tick is so good Sweet.
Andy:Oh, let's pass that drink across the table to Rob. I'll take it.
Matt:I know my stepsister's husband, colt, listens to this Occasionally. His son, oliver, is also named after the Green Arrow. Ollie. Yeah, okay, chris, you ready? Sure, who created the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic book series? Oh, Stanley, kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, todd McFarlane or Jim Lear, jim Lee, I'm sorry, jim Lee. Oh, buddy, I wish you had a double right here. I did Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
Chris:Give me the options again.
Matt:Stanley, Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird, Todd McFarlane or Jim Lee, I'm going to go with B.
Chris:It is Eastman and Laird. Yes, that is correct.
Matt:It is, yes. My understanding is that they were joking around one night and decided, oh, we should write a comic book about some turtles and they tried to sell it and it got picked up and got hugely popular and their general consensus on was like why?
Chris:I knew it was a. It was like a meme before the last time yeah, before memes were a thing, but that was what that comic was about in the beginning.
Rob:Who are you giving the drink to bud?
Chris:What are you at? Are you at? One, yet I have two, all right, so you're going down to one. Okay, it's all ones.
The Fish:Well, I'm starting my superheroes one, the superhero sidekick.
Andy:There you go, you'll be a superhero.
Matt:Rob, how many points do you have?
Rob:I have one.
Matt:You have one point, everybody has one.
The Fish:Now Okay, you just told me I no, you're out, You're out.
Rob:Well, yeah, yeah, you're out. Everybody who's in has one.
The Fish:Oh well, didn't it's not everybody has one.
Rob:That was math. Math E equals MC Hammer. We talked about numbers.
Chris:I just like everybody to know that those are aggressively loud in our ears. I hope it's not as bad for you listening at home, but for us no. Matt, thank you.
Matt:I'm not going to be surprised by what these two are talking about.
Andy:I'm going to be surprised by what these two are talking about. We don't know what they're talking about.
Chris:We're talking about numbers.
Matt:I love that one Push the button that has to wear the good microphone a little bit. Oh mighty. All right, rob, you're up.
The Fish:Here we go, rob. Yes, why did you ask?
Matt:how many points I had. What were you about?
Rob:to do to me.
Matt:I was going to drop a crushing question on you.
Rob:Go ahead Well, please.
Matt:It's not multiple choice Go ahead space, time, reality, soul.
Rob:Oh my god, can I write them down real quick? You may write them down, I'll allow it power don't forget, captain planet space right power. Space soul time reality you asked for this.
Matt:I know, I know, let that out there. Hang on, hang on, hang on I just gotta go backwards in my head.
Rob:Dr Strange had the time zone soul stone on Vormir. The space zone, the reality stone with the collector power stone, not quite.
Matt:Fifth oh my god dear listeners, I just had a beer explode all over me is unpleasant.
Rob:The microphone small it's on the mind. I'm missing. I'm missing a stone here a song missing a stone here. What's?
Matt:the one got the stones for this question.
Chris:I don't know why. I'm trying to help you, but at the same time, power stone is the one from guardians.
Rob:Yeah right, it's the one that Peter quill, like, touches at the end and then they find out he's part god, essentially the space stone is the one he started with throw me in.
Matt:I can help you you have anything left, you make it a double left. You have a, put it on somebody's tab left.
Rob:I have a make it a double, but I'm, I am stubbornly, I want to get this. Like, what am I missing?
Andy:I'm missing something, and it's gotta be obvious but fish, you're out bud.
Rob:I don't think I'm allowed to ask you to help me no, you can't get advice from a dead man power space, soul time reality play yes, you're missing.
Matt:Play like Lance Armstrong, your stone short, come on, hey, hey, I wish I had the sonic. The hedgehog drowning underwater to get to get to get to get to get, to get, to get, to get, to get to get to get to get.
Rob:Okay, okay, okay, all right. Power, space, soul, time, reality. Can you give me a like? A starts with hell. No, oh.
Matt:I'll hell no.
The Fish:Second says more than jeopardy.
Rob:All right. Well then, I guess I forfeit knowing five out of the six.
Matt:I'm going to ask you a question. Yes, what stone did vision have?
Rob:The mind stone. God damn it. It's the mind stone. Okay, the mind stone it was.
Matt:I'm not letting you die like that. Yes, hold on the mind stone. I gotta find the question that I was originally going to give you which was also challenging. Oh, give me a second.
Rob:Well, I'm gonna have to answer another question, okay, yeah.
Andy:That was just an intermission question.
Rob:It figures like I'm melting my own mind and I can't remember the mind stone yeah.
Matt:Rob, here's your real question. Okay, what is the name of pepper pots alter ego when she dawns the suit of armor in the comic recovery? Is it iron, maiden, warbird, crimson dynamo or rescue, rescue, sorry it is rescue, yeah, yeah, rescue.
Chris:He was close enough. He was close enough as soon as he said recovery, I thought it was that too. But yeah, rescue, rescue.
Rob:Sorry. Well, whatever I'm, I'm, I got it right. You did get it right.
Chris:Uh are you taking out?
The Fish:I'll take it oh hey, andy, I'll drink with you, okay.
Rob:Okay, and now it's down to two the head to head. The head to head both with one. I have one, but I have both of my punt. I have my punt and my make it a double.
Matt:You realize, if he gets this right, he can destroy you right now. That's okay. He can snap and you disappear he could. All you are is dust in the wind. It's.
Rob:I don't want to go out like that. Very proud of me to go out on this, but go ahead.
Matt:Chris, what year did Superman make his first appearance in the comic books? 1938, 1941, 1954 or 1960?
Chris:41 38, is it?
Matt:38, it is 38. It's pre-war, it's pre-war, yeah.
Chris:Mm-hmm. Yeah, I was gonna go with like. War spawned the idea of like, but that would be awesome.
Rob:It's pre-war.
Chris:Captain America.
Andy:However did you during?
Rob:and then they did propaganda of him, like punching Hitler and stuff like that in the Comic yeah, I was like 43.
Matt:Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm gonna rain fire on Rob here for a minute. We're gonna see how good he really is.
Andy:Okay rapid fire showdown, I mean.
Chris:I think at first, before we do that, we should also acknowledge that Rob Rain is supreme.
Rob:Thank you laid down a whooping gentlemen. I'm just gonna go ahead and snap my fingers and All of you are gone. Oh man, that was satisfying. Hit me, hit me with your worst man.
Matt:So here's the question you inspired after a phone conversation we had yesterday. Okay, jack Kirby, one of the most influential comic book creators, uh-huh, had a significant contributions to both Marvel and DC C. Uh-huh, which iconic superhero team did he co-create for each publisher? Avengers and the Justice League, x-men and Teen Titans, fantastic Four and the Justice Society of America? Were Spider-Man and the Suicide Squad C?
Chris:Yeah, it's fantastic, thank you.
Matt:That is correct.
Andy:I know was fantastic for the first team.
Rob:Yes, fantastic four is Marvel's first family.
Chris:Yes or yeah. Yeah, yeah, if you want to. Yeah, it's technically how they view them, because Justice League comes first.
Matt:The other pressure cooker question I had what is Hellboy's real name? Oh, do you have a?
Rob:do you have multiple choice?
Andy:Because I don't know how to with multiple choice, I might get I get it with multiple choice, but all right.
Matt:Rama and Ong. Yes song and Rama Ong and Rama or Trevor Rama, rama Ong. I think so. It's not, it's Ong and Rama. Oh it's C.
Andy:Oh, okay, okay, okay, that's comics are so good, dark Horse Anything. Anything I've read by Dark Horse has been really good.
Rob:I Think technically. Dark Horse owns the rights to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as well and Robocop.
Andy:I think you might be right. I know they have constant, which Constantine is also.
Chris:Getting good and getting another movie or on the rebounds DC.
Andy:Yes, but I think it wasn't originally Talked.
Matt:Maybe it was someone Google that what it's Constantine under? I didn't think it was under DC.
Andy:Now, let's just say that it might be you say, constantine is getting another movie is a part of the DC.
Matt:Yeah, they're getting a second one with Keanu, with.
Chris:Keanu Yep. Oh, I love that Apparently, like already the first one under production.
Rob:But it's gonna be one of the Elseworld stories apparently, because it's not part of the creator DCU.
Chris:Complete. It's gonna be in its own that Jimmy G is doing. Yeah, james. Gunn really but I I'm here for it. The first one, it seemed like it was a dud, but if you go back and watch it now, it's actually a really good move.
Andy:Vertigo, vertigo which is on a. Dc interesting oh okay, and it's help.
Rob:You gonna throw any more big ones at me, or we just calling it?
Matt:I had. I had one more that was like way out of left field. Yeah, okay, teenage mutant, ninja turtles. Yes, what was the Warthog's name?
Andy:Bebop, bebop or rock, steady bebop, rock, rock studies is the.
Chris:Well, hey, we, we did better than.
The Fish:I commend.
Rob:I did better than I thought. Well, I didn't run away. I didn't run away with you didn't, because y'all, y'all kept attacking me, but I also feel good that I didn't answer many questions wrong, yeah, truth I will make a plug for a YouTube channel if you look up comic story in oh, I love comic story. I'm a story and good stuff fantastic job of like giving you not a size, yeah, bite size.
Andy:Tellings of great storylines, so plug the comic story in.
Matt:Also plug. One of my favorite places to go here in Lehigh Valley is Jaff comics down on 191. They have a phenomenal selection, lots of comic book memorabilia and you can get any action figure you want.
Rob:So yeah, can you hit that button to like show everybody to make it a double thing that we didn't use it all during this episode? Oh my god, yeah.
Matt:I know, I know it's okay. All right, let's end it on that.
Rob:I'm gonna, ladies and gentlemen, a drop that we for once didn't use Boy bulky, make it a double. You're welcome, you're welcome.
Matt:Save that one for season three. Oh, thanks for listening everybody.
Rob:Bye friends, cheers.
Matt:This episode's boozy quote comes from the comic book character Deadpool, who says you know what goes great with beer, more beer and maybe some chimichangas. On social media, please like, follow and push all the buttons for us. That's Matt and friends DTU at Facebook, instagram threads and TikTok For more information about the podcast, as well as links to our merch store, social media and all the places you can listen to us. Visit our website, matt and friends DTU dot com. That's matt and friends DTU dot com. Thank you again for listening to Matt and Friends drink the universe.